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*MancubusKnight Blog

The Gates of Hell are open >:D

ok well the sites not 100% done, but the majority is. It's a little project we've been working on (by we i mean me and a few others you may know like Kiki, Pablo etc.) ;3

if your curious, join Teh Oasis now ;D

its a haven for any...and when i say any i mean any user. Hell part of the staff are trolls :D

Unlike the refuge you dont need tobe vaildated, just login and thats that. :)

here it is :twisted: ;):|

got in a fight...again

Yes, i seem to be getting into a lot of confrontations, mostly w/ drunk guys :

was at a party and this dude recognized me as someone who used to date his sister.When we broke up, she was pretty upset. It was probably my be honest i dont remember that night very well :|

Anyway he was wasted as hell and started talking sh!t here and there....I wasnt drinking cause apparently im not supposed to for some time. (Dr recomendation) :(

Aaand i kinda ignored him, started flirting with barely concious drunk girls, made out w/ 1. Got 3 numbers :D Then this dude found me, said how i made his sister sad (it happened a while ago and im cool friends with her now, but the guy didnt have sense at the time)...Then he tackled me to a wall. I pushed back and he picked up the trash bin, swung it at my face. I fell and grabbed his legs, brought him down. He kicked my chest and our fight was interupted by....cops who broke the party up cause we were 'loud' :|

So i came and left the party pretty quickly. With a headache :|

but at least i didnt leave empty handed ;) :twisted:

My first real blog

Okay so.....where to begin? my life? what im fapping to? Screw it, i'll write whatever cums first. (and i mean literally screw it).

So as some of you know the war with my mouse seems to have come to a stalemate or a truce. I thank the weather, its been getting warmer here, so it probably left my room. Also as some of you know ivve been dating my right hand for a while. We've been kicking it off, having a good time, then se wasnt enough unfortuanlely....we didnt break up. I met this other girl, whom im seeing and luckily for me my right hand and Sarah (the girl) are willing to have a three-way relationship.

Although i dont like her as much as she likes trying to figure out a way to just be friends with her before she gets too close to me. I dont wanna break someones heart :cry: But i do wanna break her virginity :twisted: .....lolwut :|

Also Teh Oasis is almost open to the public, if you dont know its a super secret site under construction. I suggest you check it, when it opens. ;D

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pic of blog:


^Also if you havent read it, read the manga Gantz, its amazing @__@

Returning to old Habits

I'm getting more and more drunk everyday and doing more experimenting with drugs.. @____@

My mind this week = *pop*

My Art and cIasswork lately: o_o

My relationships: T_T

My friends: :D

Online: Meh, half the time I'm online im already on a little something. Sometimes more than others.

So in total thats a mix between good, wut, crazy and ending badly.

I wish i could control myself more :

you kinda lost what this blog was bout now that i think of it. Err.. lolwut. o_o

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