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*MancubusKnight Blog

Me vs Mouse II: Resurrection

...So if anyone was following my epic war against a mouse that ame into my room, well i'll continue and keep you updtaed with whats going on. So it turns out there was more than one. T_T

The plus side, I know where it's picked a large wooden box my roommate brought in to hide in. I know it's in there, I hear it scratching the wood and sqeels coming from that direction. I've surrounded the corner where it resides with rat glu traps and just in case i sattered poisoned food around the area in little trays....Now it's living on my terms >:3

Survey. lolwut

How many inches are you packing?

.... lets just say somewhere near a foot... ;)

How many sexual positions do you know?

Lets name i know..Doggie styIe, missionary, cowboy, leapfrog, 69, 71, pirate eye, arabian goggles, spooning, standing positions, and the rest i dont know the name of but i do make weird body experiments :|

How many sex partners have you had?

*takes a deep breath*

Some nights i dont know...i cant honestly say for sur. Maybe 30 or more? :|

Where is the wildest place you had sex?

Wildest? Maybe the park or when i went camping :P

Have you ever had sex with another man?

No :|

Have you ever thought about having sex with another man?

It's crossed my mind when I was younger, now no.

Has your a$$ ever been fingered by a girl?

:shock: .....*wont answer this* >_>

Has your a$$ ever been eaten out by a girl?


Have you ever had anal sex with a girl?

Hehe...Halloween was interesting ;)

Ever read or watch the Karma Sutra?

No but i know what it is

Are you getting horney right now?

Damn right i am.

Do you have porn saved on your computer?

40 GB :P

When is the last time you had sex?

Hmm...Early January..With someone young...too young for my tastes. >__>

What form of protection do you use?

Condoms. Specifically Durex ultra thin or flavored ones :D

Do you have any kids?

Nope. :|

Ever gotten a boner in public?

Dozens of times. :P

Are you horniest in the morning or at night?

Both. 24/7 8)

Would you sleep with anyone on your top friends list?

Yes. :D

When is the last time you had a wet dream?

Few days ago. :P

Ever use toys in the bedroom? If so, what kind?

With another girl, just diIdos :(

What is the tallest girl you have been with?

I think she was 6'7 :|

What is the weight of the biggest girl you have ever been with?

Hmm..Probably 180ish

Have you ever eaten out a girl?


If you had your choice who would be the next person you slept with?

My roommate. :(

Do you or have you given or received a golden shower?

One time it came close and i managed to dodge it. Crazy girl. :|

Have you ever been laughed at in the bed?

Yes. :(

What is the most romantic thing you have done for a woman?

One time i bought a bunch of roses and laid them out scattered across the room. Dimmed the lights and then i fed her a banana dipped in chocolate. Next came passionate lovemaking :shock: :P

Are you married, Divorced, Separated or in a relationship?

single. :|

Have you ever had an STD?

Thank god i havent. :|

Would you admit it if you were asked if you had an STD in a relationship?

I would have to, its only fair.

Did any of these questions make you blush?

No, but they made me giggle and horny. :P hurts :\

So i was walking w/ 2 of my girl friends when 6 guys across the street start calling us out. We just ignored them even though they kept talking sh*t. I think the fact that we ignored them got them mad, so they followed us and caught up pretty fast. I was hoping they were joking and i really wasnt in the mood to deal w/ anymore stuff, especially people like them. :x

But one of my friends coudln't go very fast and she was lagging behind, I didn't abandon her so me and my other friend w/ me went back to her. Thats when they kinda surrounded us and asked for our money, then they started threatening that they'd take my friends and do 'whatever they wanted with them'. i was already stressed out from school, growing tensions between me and exbest friend, and learning my grandparents are dying of cancer (they were kinda like my second parents). So i was literally being pushed to the point of snapping wildly.... >:

Then i told my friends to stand behind me and i prepared to take on all 6 at once....i know a dumb hero move, lol. But anyway, they tried to just shove me aside and hold me back while they would take my friends. Then i tripped the first one that tried to get passed me. The second and third ones quickly rushed to try and grab me, then i managed to move to the side and pushed both of them against a fence. At the same time the fourth, fifth and sixth ones were going after my friends. They had dropped them and were grabbing to rip their sweaters and jacket off. The one i tripped got back up, but before he could do anything i just punched him in the face quickly, and kneed him hard in the chest. The other two i pushed aside managed to get a hold of me and started punching at my face and ribs. I slipped off by crossing my leg over with one of the guys and elbowed him in his temple. :)

i gave the other a headbutt to his chest and slammed his head over and over agaisnt a car door till his head bled. I tried to rush over to my friends, who had been struggling with the 3 guys, one of them had heel boots and managed to get one of them in the crotch. I tackled the other guy from behind and wrestled him on the cement. I got a few hits and he gave me more bruises, but even though i was bleeding i tried to ignore the pain. I was consumed with rage and thats when the bastard pulled out a knife. I got a clean cut on my upper arm, but managed to wrestle with him for the knife. I ended up winning but got a cut near my eye. I used the knife to slash the last guy in his legs. I took off w/ my friends, who luckily had not gotten hurt, or stripped too much. Although one of them had no shirt on, while we ran away i stopped and started coughing. Then blood started coming out and they took me to a hospital. My ribs are f***ed, i got tons of bruises, 2 cuts, and a little internal bleeding. I rested there a bit and left. My bodies sore though :|

The bad news is it turns out they were newbies who just joined a gang, so now i got a gang after me :

The good news is im leaving this area soon and going to college somewhere else....far away..

And now for Courage Wolf with some inspiring words courtesy of /b/...

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Stolen survey.. ;D

Honestly, are you in love right now?
a little

Honestly, what color is your underwear?

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?

what im gonna do in about an hour from now...

Honestly, what are you doing right now?

Honestly, what did you do today?

returned from a party last night (its morning)

Honestly, do you think you are attractive?

ive been told i was, yea sure :D

Honestly, have you done something bad today?

Early this morning/last night i ditched my friend as the cops were breaking up a party :|

Honestly, do you watch Disney channel?


Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?


Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?


Honestly, do you bite your nails?

thats gross, no.

Honestly, what is your mood right now?


Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?

my ex

Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?

a lot. One is that im a male.

Honestly, do you hate someone right now?


Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now?

maybe my friend since her niece is dead, and i dont want her to cry anymore :|

Honestly, do your wrists hurt?
from the shackles of a kinky night with a feisty woman...yes ;)

Honestly, are you in denial?

Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?

Honestly, is it easier to talk on Myspace than in person?

no, who says "lol" IRL?

Honestly, does anyone like you?
a 14 yr old girl

Honestly, is it going anywhere with them?
it did and shes still trying :shock:

Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly?
no sh*t

Has someone ever told you they would​ be with you forever?​
yea :|

Do you sleep with your closet doors​open or closed?​

Do you know any mechanical​ stuff​ about​ cars?​


Do you think​ you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?

Have you ever cried​ while​ in the shower?​

when i was a little lad....the soap...yea :|

Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
most likely :P

If you were given​ $100,​ would​ you spend​it or save it?
Spend it

Could​ things possibly get any better?​
They better get better

Looking forward to the next couple months?​
a little

Does your head hurt?​
a bit

What was the first​ thing​ you did this morning?​

at midnight i was at a party

Are you Irish​ in any way?

Where​ did you sleep​ last night​?​

havent slept today

Are you happy​ right​ now?

Hows your heart​ lately?​

Would​ you rather get up early​ or sleep​ in?
Sleep in

What's your favor​ite season?​

What's your favorite color​ to wear?​
black or blue

Who was the last person at your house​?​

i dunno

Did you ever want to change your name when you were younger?​


Do you wish you were famous?​

sure :D

Whats​ something you do a lot?
walk around with people doing random stuff

Are you in a good mood?​
atm not really

Does it annoy​ you when someone says they'll call,​ but never​ do?

Who did you last share​ a bed with?

a 14 yr old :|

Is good grammar attractive​?​


What did you do for your last birthday?​
i was so out of it i dont really remember

What's your hair look like today?
black, straight, medium-long length, silky soft and wild ;)

Have you ever hated​ someone but then ending up liking them?​

What is the best thing​ about​ your current job?
no job atm

What could you not tolerate?
your ugly face :D

Would​ you ever parachute off of a plane​?​
while fapping...sure ;)

What are you saving your money​ up for right​ now?
clothes....traveling..alcohol...usual :|

Can you read other people's expressions?​
yes ;)

When was the last time something really bothered you?
The wind was blowing a, a hot girl in a skirt was going uphill....i was on the bottom...and just as the skirt was going up it stopped and never returned :(

Have you ever stayed in a hotel​?​

How did you feel when you woke up today​?​
Sh*itty since i havent yet

How many red lights have you ran?
i run them almost everyday

Is anyone on your bad side right​ now?

What was the last thing​ that made you REALLY REALLY smile​?

seeing my friends epic boobs again :oops:

Are you regretting​ anything you did in the past three months?​
yea :3

Last person you told a secret to?
my sister i think...

Last phone​call received?​
my friend

If you could get back in touch with one person​ you've lost touch with, who would it be?

some friends from high school

What were you doing​ at 8 this morning?​
its not 8 yet :|

Are you wearing make-​up?​

no, but i should be

What time did you go to bed last night​?​

i havent gone to bed

What is the reason behind your MySpace song?
I forgot my myspace

Why are you singl​e?​​

well for one its cheaper...but besides that im just looking around atm

Do you belie​ve your ex think​s about​ you?
we never broke up, so our relationship is still occassionally active...its complicated :|

Tell me about​ the shirt​ you'​​re weari​ng?​​
its got patterns and its green, white and pink

What'​​s curre​ntly bothe​ring you right​ now?
the fact i failed two courses :| >:

What are you curre​ntly heari​ng?​​
moaning...and some transa

What was the first​ thing​ you thoug​ht this morni​ng?​​

Are you afrai​d of the dark?​
the dark is sexy

Are you gonna​ get high later​?​​

Who was the last perso​n you had conve​rsati​on with for more than 2 minut​es?​

i dunno, dont remember...

If myspa​ce made you pay would​ you still​ use it?
i dont use it

Would​ you ever consi​der pierc​ing your lip?
i have, but never did.

Have you ever gotte​n a sunbu​rn so bad it hurt to move?​​
i dont get suburned easily, in fact i rarely ever do. I just get darker :P

Do you toss and turn for hours​ at night​ or fall right​ to sleep​?​​

Has anyon​e ever hung up on you?

Do you laugh​ at all the wrong​ times​?​​
always, usually i laugh when its most inappropriate

Did you speak​ to your fathe​r today​?​​

How did you wake up this morni​ng?​​
i didnt

What were you doing​ at 7am?

Have you ever drive​n witho​ut a licen​se?​​
yea a few times

What are you doing​ tonig​ht?​​

How have you felt today​?​​

Can you handl​e the truth​?​​

Is there​ any emoti​on you'​​re tryin​g to avoid​ right​ now?

Are you a forgi​ving perso​n?​​
kind of

Are you a jealo​us perso​n?​​
not really

Ever crash​ed a car?

What was your child​hood nickn​ame?​​

on the schoolbus in 3rd grade i was known as "back-of-the-wee-wee" dont ask, it has something to do with my p3nis though :|

Where​ were you four hours​ ago?
honestly im forgetting :|

What was the last thing​ that pisse​d you off?

Last Person that made you smile?

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