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I love Lists!

I really love lists. I mean really, its a problem. I have multiple to do lists and then list which ones need to be done first. I also love rating things which is one of the reasons I love this site but that is really beside the point. Okay, so since I love lists I decided to make top 10 lists of all my favorite thing that correspond with the category button on this blog thingy. I'm starting with TV since this is a tv site, but I imagine this is going to get more and more off topic. That should be fun! Most likely no one will find this particularly enjoyable but me. However, I'm okay with that. These will not be in any particular order.

Top 10 Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Type Series

10. Space Above and Beyond

9. Star Trek the Next Generation

8. SeaQuest: DSV

7. Firefly

6. Pushing Daisies

5. Dead Like Me

4. Lost In Space

3. Max Headroom

2. Eureka

1. Heroes

Top 10 TV Dramas

10. House

9. Hillstreet Blues

8. Burn Notice

7. The Closer

6. Saving Grace

5. Criminal Minds

4. Homicide

3. 21 Jump Street

2. ER

1. Hustle

Top 10 Comedy Shows

10. Shameless

9. Keen Eddie

8. Psych

7. Fruits Basket

6. Fresh Prince

5. Cosby Show

4. The Nanny

3. Welcome Back Kotter

2. My Two Dads

1. Father Ted

Thinking about great shows . . . Some of my Favorites

So, my last blog made me think about the shows that I like and why I like them. If you look at my favorites I have kind of weird amorphous group. I have determined I need three key factors, which probably everyone things they need. 1) good characters 2) interesting idea/premise 3) good dialogue (this is facilitated by good writing). If a show has those things it doesn't really matter the genre I'll love it. That being said I definitely don't like things that get too dark or that always end dark. Dark should be part of the progression to the light, at least in my opinion. Quirky is always good, as is funny if your not a sitcom, I like my dramas funny because people are funny. Without further adieu and in no particular order my favorite shows!

  • Firefly (Sci fi western, awesome!)
  • Star Trek: Next Generation (Its my favorite shiny clean future)
  • House (I have a thing for arrogant cranky men)
  • Burn Notice (the best spy show ever!)
  • The Closure (Brenda is one of the few female character I can kind of relate to, despite the age gap)
  • Fruits Basket (an incredibly cute anime)
  • Psych (One of the few sitcom like shows I really love)
  • Rosanne (true and funny)
  • Keen Eddie (funny cops)
  • West Wing (funny brillant political type people)
  • Life (more funny cops)
  • Fringe (funny serious homeland security monster hunters)
  • Titus (puts the fun in dysfunctional)
  • Space: Above and Beyond (its like Vietnam in space)
  • Pushing Daisies (quirky love)
  • Dead Like Me (Amazing concept, go reapers!)
  • Criminal Minds (quirky FBI procedural show)
  • Project Runway (okay so it doesn't have good writing just fabulous people)
  • Iron Chef (cooking battles? Best Idea ever)
  • Wonderfalls (quirky lost people finding themselves, but its funny)
  • Heroes (some people think it is past its prime I still love it)
  • Eureka (quirky geniuses plus some detective stuff)
  • Hilstreet Blues (the best cop show ever. I heart Animal)
  • Homicide (a cop show original, also pretty funny)
  • Northern Exposure (weird people in Alaska)
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (so well written and never takes itself too seriously)
  • The Cosby Show (good family fun)
Thats what I can think of for now, I'm sure I'm missing some!

Why must I love shows destined to get canceled?

So, I have come to the conclusion that I am destined to love shows that are canceled. Does this mean I have bad taste? No, I believe this means I have good taste. Apparently people (other than myself some fellow tv.com tv viewers and a hand full of very creative show creator types) do not like shows with imagination and heart. Why would this be? Firefly, canceled. Wonderfalls, canceled. Pushing Daisies Canceled. It just blows my mind that apparently the audience does not support these shows to the point that they will be loved and cared for by the networks. I'm starting to think I can only watch high concept shows on cable, where they have a chance of survival. I can't even hate one network anymore, I must hate all of them for there strict adherence to the bottom line. Reruns appear to be a better use of tv airtime then beautifully creative shows. I don't think I'm mad, just very sad. Sad that most people don't want to engage with out of the box material or quirky and would rather watch reruns or reality junk that never seems to get canceled. So, this is me sad. Good by Pushing Daisies you were beautiful and quirky. I hope you get a movie and then I can say my two favorite dead shows became movies.
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