I really love lists. I mean really, its a problem. I have multiple to do lists and then list which ones need to be done first. I also love rating things which is one of the reasons I love this site but that is really beside the point. Okay, so since I love lists I decided to make top 10 lists of all my favorite thing that correspond with the category button on this blog thingy. I'm starting with TV since this is a tv site, but I imagine this is going to get more and more off topic. That should be fun! Most likely no one will find this particularly enjoyable but me. However, I'm okay with that. These will not be in any particular order.
Top 10 Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Type Series
10. Space Above and Beyond
9. Star Trek the Next Generation
8. SeaQuest: DSV
7. Firefly
6. Pushing Daisies
5. Dead Like Me
4. Lost In Space
3. Max Headroom
2. Eureka
1. Heroes
Top 10 TV Dramas
10. House
9. Hillstreet Blues
8. Burn Notice
7. The Closer
6. Saving Grace
5. Criminal Minds
4. Homicide
3. 21 Jump Street
2. ER
1. Hustle
Top 10 Comedy Shows
10. Shameless
9. Keen Eddie
8. Psych
7. Fruits Basket
6. Fresh Prince
5. Cosby Show
4. The Nanny
3. Welcome Back Kotter
2. My Two Dads
1. Father Ted
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