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*Rogue2Wolf Blog

And Now A Poem

And now a favorite poem of mine, I just wanted to put it up. I remeber hearing it from the movie V for Vendetta.

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...

Lyrics refer to Guy Fawkes  - origins in 17th century English history
On the 5th November 1605 Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellars of the English Houses of Parliament with several dozen barrels of gunpowder, Guy Fawkes was subsequently tried as a traitor for plotting against the government and then
executed. The form of the execution was one of the most horrendous ever practised (hung ,drawn and quartered) reflecting the serious nature of the crime. This nursery rhyme served to ensure that this form of treason would never be forgotten hence the words " Remember , remember the 5th of November" sometimes referred to as 'Please to remember the fifth of November'. It serves as a warning to each new generation that treason would never be forgiven or forgotten. In England the 5th of November is commemorated each year with fireworks and bonfires culminating with the burning of effigies of Guy Fawkes (the guy) by children on the top of the bonfire. The 'guys' are made by the children by stuffing old clothes with newspapers to look like a man - it is traditional for British children to display their 'guys' to passers by asking for " A penny for the guy". The money received to be spent on fireworks for Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawke's night) celebrations on 5th November!

The Short Person! Story From Life.

Quote of The Day: "I know size can be duanting but...I Love You!"

Alrighty then, now I'm a short girl which is actually fine with me. I'm exactly 4'11" and a quarter. People always laugh or give me a strange look when I say the quarter part but that is my exact height, thank you very much.*crosses arms over chest* Now in the past I used to let a lot of people take advantage of me mainly because I'm just a nice person they'd ask for something I'd give it that was just me. The day I realized people were getting over was when I was in 8th grade and was voted as the nicest person in that room. Well, I had about just enough so by high school I became a little tougher not exactly mean but lets just say no ones going to be taking any advantages over me again. Ever.



I'm Back In Action or...Well Bloging

Yes, I know, shame on me. It toke me forever to actually come back here. But I'm a busy beaver, working on college crap, altough they were on strike for a while so I had a prolonged spring break. Big question by the way, when the heck does Avatar start up again? Please, I need to know. That's all for now. Not much going on but Hi to everyone!

New Years! Wait...I Don't Feel Different!

Another year coming. Yes, I do plan on staying up to only watch mtv as they do their count down and see the performances. I'd love to go there on year to see it all live. Although I don't really like large crowds like that so maybe not. Oh, New Years resolution (or is it revolution?). To get a job and maybe to be a little more socialable with people, I can't help I'm a shy person. Except when I'm with my friends I just can't but act stupid with them. If anyone has a revolution or solution go ahead and tell all.

Love Chicken and Cheesecake! I Heart You All!

Get Better BB!

Hey, Back Again!

I know I've been gone for a long time again but I'm back again! I keep going to youtube and then a new site called crunchyroll but unfortunately that site wants you to pay now. Not that I don't mind helping to support it, it's just that I still don't have a job yet. Anyway, I've missed you all your so darn amusing I had to come back. Shout out to Yo2Boy!

Oh, and I still love chicken!:lol:

Hey I'm Back! I Still Love Chicken!

I'm back! Sorry, I'm completely addicted to youtube now that someone told me about it. I thought you had to sign in to see anything, I was wrong. Anyways my sisters and I were on it watching some of the best dances from So You Think You Can Dance? (long title). We were talking about how every time we something like that we want to be dancers or if it's American Idol all of the sudden we want to be singers, knowing darn well that we can't sing but it would be nice.:roll: But I can dance, so ha!:P Of course not like the people on the show, lets just say I have rhythm.:) Then we were just acting stupid the rest of the time. Oh  yeah, I've done all my final test for school. I only have two classes English and Intermediate Algebra. The math I think I did good but the English I'm not sure. I'll see! I HEART YOU ALL!:lol:

Heores Last Night!

G was right it's O Holy Night!

AHHHH, Did you see Heroes last night holy crap. That was so good I absolutely loved it. But that suggestion chick was the one that died that was fine with me. She wasn't really my favorite. From what I heard she wanted more money and was kicked off the show. Peter better be okay. I Heart Peter! But it seems wierd that, I don't know if anyone pointed it out before and I'm slow for just saying it but he seems to have his own personal power after all. Some kind of psychic power. I don't know. I can't wait for Jan. now!:)

Guess the Christmas Song!

Long lay the world
In sin and error pining
'Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope
The weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks
A new and glorious morn
Fall on your knees

Correct answer on next blog! :P

Hey, I'm Bored!

I'm completely and totally bored, I went out today to school but of course that freaking teacher is so boring but hey it is a lecture class. Whatever. Anyways I don't really have anything to right only that I love chicken and cheesecake and I heart you all. Oh, and the episode of Avatar last night kinda pissed me off but I'll get over it. Oh, I also heard that some of the Heroes cast will be on Ellen on Monday.

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