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*TheLightSpirit Blog

First Poll Results...

Ok so here are the results of my first poll...

Favorite Avatar Good Guys:





Zuko(Season 3)::):):)



King Bumi:



Kyoshi Warriors:

The Resistance(Season 2: Chapter 3 : Return To Omashu):



Freedom Fighters(not including Jet):




Master Pakku:

And the winner is...


Well that's it for my first poll!

Pictures from photobucket :P

New Blog Tradition

Ok so I decided that I would make a poll either monthly, bi-monthly or semi-annually(hope not). It can be about anything, and I mean absolutely anything!! I just thought of it last night and I hope all of you would participate! So here are the mechanics:


1) Voting is allowed 3 times per voter(can be the same vote or different vote)

2) Polls only last for one week, exactly 7 days, and when I say it's over then it's over!! Meaning no one can vote anymore.

3) No bashing on other voters(cursing, swearing and insulting is not allowed). If someone does so, I have no choice but to disqualify them from the poll. But only the poll that they participated in not exactly all the polls I am going to do.

4) If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

5) I will tabulate votes on the last day and have the results out in 1-3 days(kinda busy). It will be posted on the following blog.

6) Have fun!!!


:D - 10

:P - 5

:) - 1

So, here's my first poll:


Favorite Avatar Good Guys:





Zuko(Season 3):



King Bumi:



Kyoshi Warriors:

The Resistance(Season 2: Chapter 3 : Return To Omashu):



Freedom Fighters(not including Jet):




Master Pakku:


So yeah...Enjoy the poll!!! :D:D:D

I Don't Know What To Do Anymore...

This is kinda like a part two of my last blog "Don't Know Why I Even Wrote This". Uhm yeah...This is gonna be a short blog but I'm just sooooooooooo bored in the summer and yeah I got nothing to do and I'm too lazy to do anything about it...As one of my friends say "It's hard to fight laziness because it's so lazy to do it"...Note I translated that from Tagalog(Philippine language). The original version of it is "Mahirap kalabanin ang katamaran dahil nakakatamad"...Yeah well I got nothing else to say...Uhm so...How's life?? Anything interesting or unusual happen?? Uhm yeah...I'm just gonna...Uhm...Be...Lazy...Ok well bye :D:D:D

Don't Know Why I Even Wrote This...

Ok so today and every other day in summer has just so neutral for me...I mean COME ON!! IT'S SUMMER!!! And all I'm doing at home is web-surfing, playing Brawl or Tekken DR, excercise and watch TV!!! Man!! My summer's so wasted!! Ugh! It's a good thing I'm going somewhere this Thursday, I'm going to Shanghai, China...But still I've been there before!!! And let me tell you it's not exactly my paradise...It's nice and all but it just gets boring after three days. As I said in my last blog I CAN not wait till May!!! Man!! Oh wwell anyway, how's life???:D:D:D Sorry for the anger, couldn't help it :D:D:D. So yeah...Uhm...Keep in touch!! :D:D:D

P.S. Yeah...This is the new format of my blog posts from now on...:D:D:D

Can't Wait Till May

Wondering why May?? Well that's cause that's the only month in summer(yes in the Philippines summer is from March to May and then school starts at June) where I'll go overseas. But this year I'm finally gonna see Florida!!:D:D I'm only gonna be there for a few days cause my dad has a Burger King convention to go to(he's one of the franchisees of Burger King in the Philippines) but it doesn't matter as long as I see Disneyworld!!:D:D And next I think we're going on a cruise or something...Oh well, what I know is that it's somewhere along North and South America and it's a week long so yeah...Ah well so what are you guys gonna do for your upcoming summer?? Nothing really just curious and I was super bored when I made this blog...

Oh and if any of you are starting any friend cleanout, please don't take me out I have my reasons for not being so active and I'll make sure to explain it to you guys...

So how was Holy Week?? Anything interesting happened??...Ah screw it I'm just bored :P

Anyway if you still wanna share your thoughts just post comments:P

Oh and if anyone here plays Tekken DR please teach me any good moves/combos of Xiao Yu, thanks! :D

Wow this was an interesting blog, oh well of to watch Detective Conan, see ya! :D

P.S. Please don't hate me for being offline so much, I'm doing a lot of things in summer and my mom's FORCING me to workout cause she says I'm too fat to be seen in public...and I'm only 14...Oh well that's my life, anyway have fun with yours!! :D

I'm back!!!

Yup I'm back! Sorry if I was gone forever my bro's computer got like 5 viruses over the last few months and his computer's the only one in the house so yeah...Well I hope you guys will forgive me and uhm I'm gonna have to do so much comments so yeah....Uhm...Yeah...Well...Okay uhm HI!!! :D

Guys, I Need Emotional Advice...

I just hope that some of the people reading this know that I have an account on youtube...

Ok so I met this really, really sweet guy on youtube and I kinda crushed(almost like liked at some point) on himfor a while and so Imessaged him right awayand he said that he liked me but not as much as I like him.After that my crush went away and I'm accepting the fact that we're just friends.I know you guysare thinking that I solved my problem but that wasn't it. You see now, that feeling I had towards him before is now crawling back and I don't know why. I mean the last time we messaged each other was on January 14 and I was still thinking of the fact that we're just friends. But now when I think about Valentine's Day and how close it is, that feeling just keeps crawling back the closer it comes...And what's even worse is I don't want it to come back...I mean I just don't want to like him! Cause I have that feeling that we'll just end up hurting each other. Heck when I told him my feelings before I said that we should've just stopped messaging cause I was so afraid that my crush could become even bigger! Now, now I'm just confused. I just need someone or some people to tell me what to do. I don't know what I'm feeling right now! My mind and heart are fighting! I can't even understand it! I'm just...I don't know...I'm just...confused...

Someone please help me! I don't know what to do!!

School Ish Hard!!

Ok I know that you're all thinking that I spelled "is" wrong but I did that on purpose :P lol!

Well anyway this is just another pointless blog post full of useless stuff but I just want to post it anyway...

As said in title SCHOOL ISH HARD!!!! :cry::cry::cry:

We have so many major projects and we have to finish them in less than two months or even less than a week!!! In the Philippines summer ends in March but starts at June...

But in our batch'scase...since we're thegraduating batch(Grade 7, yes we don't have 8th grade)we finish it at the 3rd week of February!!!

So here are our projects that are so f***ing annoying...

1) Math - We have to make something out of stupid geometric figures! And it's due this Tuesday! Our teacher didn't even give us a general idea! Just that it has to be related to geometric figures or something! :evil:

2) Science - Investigatory project...divided into two parts, The display which is so unnecessary and the final paper which is just a big waste of paper! :cry: Poor trees! :cry:

3) Home Economics/Art - Yes art and home economics are the same in our country...We need to make our own "mini restaurant", so we're divided into six committees, I don't want to say all of them so I'll just say I'm part of the ambiance committee...Our committee needs to design the place, create invitations and pick the right music! :cry:

4) Filipino - This is like English but in our language and culture...We need to film a famous play called "Ibong Adarna" in English means Adarna Bird and we have to finish it at the first week of February! And guess what we haven't even STARTED yet!!! :cry:

5) Our exams - UGH!!! The absolutely WORST part of school!!!! UGH!!! :evil:

So yeah that's about it...

Night Out!!


I absolutely loved it!!!

We had games, activities a bonfire, some spiritual stuff and hell of a lot of food!!!

Man sleeping over at school rocks!! Especially if you have 83 batchmates with you!!

Ok so only some are my friends, but still!!

Night out is fun!! :D:D:D


Sorry random thing....

Well yeah that's our night out! :D:D:D

One More Day!

Well this is just a blog post about how effing excited I am for tomorrow...

Ok so tomorrow's our night out in school(it's like a sleepover except it's with your whole class...) and I'[m just friggin excited 'cause it's meh first time to ever sleep in school!! With the exception of sleeping in classes of course...JOKE!!! I never sleep in class, the teachers always see you. I know it's scary but it's true...well anyway the night out is gonna be fun 'cause the rule of no gadgets to school doesn't apply!! And you can have fun all night long at school!!!

Ok I know this post is boring but what the heck I'm just friggin excited!!!!

So yeah another post wasted...


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