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*WhoWantsA3Sum Blog

Just Wierd

this week has been the wierdest week for me... Saturday: so me and ryan went on that date i talked about and lets just say it was really wierd. we went to the theater to buy tickets two hours before the show started and we were deciding on which movie... there was a choice between rent, pride and prejudice, yours mine and ours, syriana, harry potter, just friends, and in the mix. i was almost positive that he was goin to choose syriana or just friends and he asked me what i wanted to watch and i sed pride and prejudice... and guess wat we ended up watchin.. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE!!! i mean its sweet that he sat through a chick flick with me but wen we came out of the movies he actually sed that was a pretty good movie. personally i think pride and prejudice is an amazin movie!!! but ryan sayin it is a good movie is just wierd, but i thought it was sweet that he watched it with me. so after that we went to dinner at the view. we sat and talked about the movie at first.. and then we started talkin bout marriage (a thousand questiion marks)... i mean marriage... we r 17!!! i was so bloody confused but then he told me that his dad is gettin remarried to this bloody B*TCH... and i was like whew.. i mean he scared me SH*TLESS!!! good thing we didnt start talkin bout kids before he told me bout his dad cuz i woulda got up and left... so anyway i dont think i would go out with ryan agen... like ever... cuz he agen is not my cup of tea... jus too wierd for me... but then on sunday guess who called... matt... he called to ask me how my date with ryan was and i was wonderin the whole time how he found out that i even went on a date with ryan, but i was glad he called. we talked for at least 45 mins. then later that day when i was doin my research paper which everyone in my school is probably doing because it is due on monday... steve called and asked me if i wanted to have dinner with him. and i said YES... something jus overtook me and i dont kno what happend but yes just suddenly came out... we had a very nice dinner and he walked me home. there was a juge sexual tension but i guess that was always there with steve when we dont go out. still i cant choose between steve and matt.

Flirty Flirty...

the wierdest and stressful and complicated things happen to me today: 1. MATT asked me out. MATT!!! NIKKI"S MATT. and i like MATT. i liked him since last year but i guess i just never liked him that much cuz he was nikkis boyfriend since like 7th or 8th grade. and its so hard to resist him right now. he is so cute and he is being very flirty. 2. i went to ask nikki if matt and her is still going out and she sed that matt and her broke up yesterday!!! and it was matt that broke up with her. 3. i have this huge test on BC calculus tomorrow and this test is really important because my math average is A- and i want an A+!!! lol i set high standards for myself. 4. i hav no idea what im majoring in college. i hav been lookin at colleges out of the USA cuz i really dont wanna go to college here. ive been lookin at colleges in australia and england. i dont kno what i wanna major in though. i want to major in law or medical or business (my dad's business). 5. i do not like aaron (the guy i made out with yesterday). im gonna say it the sophisticated way: hes just not my cup of tea. 6. im also goin to the movies wit RYAN (another guy i like) this saturday. i dont kno but ryan seems so cool but i dont kno if i really like him more than matt or gonna be sorry to say it but steve. (sarcasm) wat a splendid year huh

Moving On

me and steve were very flirty today. and i jus want to grab him and make out wit him but i was the on that wanted to break up so unfourtunatley i cant... and im not regrettin breakin up wit him, but u kno its hard not to hav him there as MY guy and it kinda bothers me tha my friend jacky is hangin all over him. (mmm denyin jelousy).. so i had a bball game today agen and we played the worse team ever which made us look soo good. i scored half the points for the team and taylor scored the other half. and talkin about movin on i think i like RYAN... he is this total skater guy that is sooo bloooody hott... he is really really nice and gorgeous. i dont think im gonna go out wit him rite after i broke up wit steve. so anyway i hav this research paper to do for literature but im gettin sidetracked by typin this blog. anyway nikki is not goin to break up wit matt... she jus cant do it and although that has nothin to do wit me i jus wanted to post that up because they both look so cute together. PS ... a lil guilty confession: i made out with AARON today... he's this guy that is cute and lives in SoHo and has blonde hair and that really cool guy thing goin for him. it jus happened but i dont kno y i did it but i think we were both hangin out after school in serendipity and then i we walked outside and next thing i kno im makin out wit him.


i broke up wit steven today... i think ive been wantin to do that for the longest time but i think that me and steve has jus been the best friends... everytime i wanted to break up wit him i jus couldnt cuz its steve!!! but i did it today... ill miss him but we'll prolly get back together or become friends wit benefits. my friend nikki is gonna do the same thing for her and matt... but its harder for her cuz shes been goin out wit matt since 8th grade. lol and then that jus brought back memories to wen i use to go out wit matt. back to my break up... we were both really nice about it... i sed wat i wanted to say and then we both kissed, and then hugged. it wasnt emotional or ugly and i think thats wat i love about steve most... he is jus the nicest and cutest guy. ill miss him (but people come and people go and im movin on from this phase of my life which ive been wantin to do)!!!

Thank You!!!

WE GOT SNOW!!! we got snow and it got up to like 4 inches and i didnt hav school today!!! i was so exited and happy... i was thinkin today that i would love wat loreali gilmore from the gilmore girls can do... which is she can smell snow coming... so today i spent the mornin at the gym wit my friend nikki and mimi. we worked out.. and i do m usual workout which was run for a mile. we also took a yoga class which i wasnt very good at cuz i cant balance really well. after that we went over to my place.. took showers and then grabbed lunch wit STEVE, MATT AND JON. then mimi and jon decided to split from us and spend some alone time so once again it was me steve matt and nikki like on the road trip. we walked around SoHo but it didnt last very long cuz the snow was jus nasty cuz it turned all brownish... then nikki and matt split and steve walked me back to my place. that was basically my day cuz i went home and i had to finish this research thing.

Come On Snow!!!

so i started the day wit a field trip to this hospital to learn about somethin but i wasnt payin much attention. then i had bball practice which was so hard cuz the coach made us run so much.. the team screwed up. then i came home and the weather reports sed we were suppose to get 6 inches of snow... i hope we do so bloody bad so i dont hav to go to school tomorrow. please snow come down now!!!!

Mini Road Trip

on friday night, me and my friends set out to take a mini road trip. me & steve and nikki & matt went to pennsylvania. i didnt kno wat we were doin there but it was fun. we spent most of saturday in philly. we looked at a lot of art but i really didnt get most of it. we went on the city pass. me and steve split from nikki and matt for like 3 hours to do out own thing. then we met at this restraunt but me and steve were a lil late cuz it was a lil hard to find. we came back to nyc on sunday mornin. it had snow and it was so pretty. nikki and matt went home but me and steve stayed out for a while longer... grabbed lunch together and then we split.


so on friday i went to basketball practice and my coach had a thing ( i hav no idea wats it called but u use it to tie like a spranged ankle or somethin) to tie my left arm behind my back. she sed that it was because i double dribbled twice (i had my hand too close to the ball). it was so hard. i felt so armless and wen she made us run suicides i couldnt keep up cuz the other arm was makin me fall (which i didnt) but sadly even with my arm tied i still finished b4 the some of the juniors.

First Game

today was the day of my first basketball game of the season and we lost. we had 3 juniors startin with us and they had no idea wat they were doin. me adn my friends taylor had to point out where they go durin the game. i hate people that dont get the plays and mess them up. we lost by 2 points!!! (28-26) which sucked cuz i scored 19 points out of the 28.


yesterday on thanksgiving i woke up at 11 and we went out shoppin for our food. everythin was closed so we went to chinatown and we got some lobster. so instead of havin turkey we had lobster on thanksgiving with a lot of cheese. i think i gained at least 5 pounds from the cheese
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