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The Hills - Girls Night Out

Wow.. Audrina lied to Lauren? That was actually surprising. She promised Lauren (last episode) that she would never hang out with Heidi, but then she goes and has lunhc with her and goes out with her on a girls night out? What is that all about? I agree that Audrina should be able to be friends with Heidi since Heidi has never done anything wrong towards her, but Audrina should NOT lie to her bestfriend about it. If you want to hang out with Heidi, then say so!

Spencer is just boring.. "Oh, I'm single. I'm on relationship vacation". I'm sick of his whining. If he wanted to make Heidi jealous, he actually made things worse. He should just respect that Heidi needs space for a while, if he really loves her. He wanted to marry the girl. Can't he just wait a month for her?

LOL, did Spencer really buy an arcade for the apartment? :P I'm looking forward to see that ;P

I loved Kelly Cutrone in this episode :P She is a cool boos! I felt a little bad for Jessica though. Lauren got a job offer :D I love how she works together with Whitney. They are like co-workers made in heaven xD

The Hills - 2 new episodes

Wow, a lot of drama has been going on on with the characters on The Hills lately.

First of all, how can Spencer treat his sister like that when she has been kind enough to offer him a place to stay after he screwed things up with his girlfriend? He should be grateful and not treat her as dirt. So he has a plan to win Heidi back? Great, let me hear it? Is he going to find some playmates this time? No wait, he already did that. Of course, I have seen the pictures of them together, and I know that he made that stupid music video of Heidi, butI still hope that they would just break up already.

Heidi wanting to be friends again with Audrina.. so predictable. I guess I can understand her. The only two friends she really has are Kimberly and Stephanie. I just hope that she doesn't do the same thing to Audrina as she did to Lauren when they were friends. I am starting to like Heidi again because now she's not influenced by Spencer, but she needs to realize that she did something really shady and that she has to face the consequences.

Stephanie needs to stand up for herself. She does not need Spencer's bs any longer.

Whitney's new boss is hilarious :P The way she answered Whitney when Whitney told her that they could just find celebrities that had worked with Robin Antin.. priceless :P

The Hills + new quiz (I am 51% emo)

The Hills:

The Hills is one of my favourite shows. I have loved Lauren since I saw her for the first time on Laguna Beach. She is so down to earth and honest with everyone around her, and I admire that. Episode 20 and 21 aired last night, but of course I had to wait until today to watch them because I live in Norway.

First of all, Brody is an a$$hole and he treated Lauren so badly at the club.He basically stormed out because he didn't get a hug from her. Is that so weird? He basically cheated on her. I don't know how the dating system works in America, but in Norway, you stick to one person, and one person only. You don't date multiple people, and you don't get another girlfriend when your previous one goes to Paris for a week. That's just wrong, Brody!

Stephanie Pratt is actually pretty funny :P Who knew? "Loser-Spencer" :lol: That was hilarious! I loved how she apologized to Lauren for yelling at her, and how she told Heidi that she didn't want anything to do with her drama.

Whitney getting a new job.. I kind of expected it. She was never really satisfied at Teen Vogue, but I don't know what to think about her new boss, though.

New Quiz:

[ ] I like skinny jeans
[x] Music is life.
[x] I write poetry/song lyrics.
[x] My hair covers part of my face
[ ] I wear band shirts
[ ] I know who Jeffree Star is.
[x] I wear/wore converse.
[ ] I wear/wore vans.
[x] I wear/wore eyeliner
[ ] I have/had my lip pierced
[ ] I listen to Saves The Day, Emanual, and Saliva.

total= 5

[ ] I'm in a band.
[ ] My screen name has an x in it
[x] I like My Chemical Romance
[x] I also like Green Day
[ ] I know what mosh means.
[ ] I sit in corners often.
[ ] I hate MTV.
[x] I take pictures of myself a lot.
[ ] Especially ones where you can't see my whole face.

total = 8

[x] I am lost without a cd player/my iPod/mp3
[ ] I have/had thick rimmed glasses.
[x] I have no issues with bi/gay people
[x] I hate the president.
[ ] I have/had a mohawk.
[ ] I've worn black nail polish.
[ ] I like slipknot..
[ ] I hate where I live.
[x] Black is a great color

total= 12

[ ] Right now I am listening to music
[ ] I know what hxc and sxc means.
[ ] Myspace = love
[x] Hot Topic doesn't scare me.
[x] I wear/wore studded belts.
[x] I've cried while listening to Hawthorne Heights.
[x] For girls: I have kissed another (Cheek)
[ ] For Guys: I have worn girls jeans.
[ ] I have dyed my hair black.
[x]I cry a lot
[ ] I write on myself.
[ ]I've been called emo before

total= 17 x 3 = 51% .. Yeah, sure :P

multiply your result by 3
repost as % emo

Are you spoiled?

35+ and you're spoiled (got this from Xlovedust's blog)

[ ] own car
[x] cell phone
[ ] own phone line
[x] bf/gf
[x] own bathroom
[x] own room
[ ] 2 or more story house
[ ] built-in pool
[ ]guest house
[ ] game room
[x] tv in your room
[ ] Double Bed
[ ] more than 20 pairs of shoes
[ ] 10+ things from a designer store
[x] good grades
[ ] Dior sunglasses
[ ] louis vuitton purse
[x] iPod
[ ] XBOX
[ ] PS2
[ ] mp3 player
[ ] Mercedes Benz
[ ]BMW
[ ] basketball hoop
[ ] air hockey table
[ ] pool table
[ ] ping pong table
[ ] trampoline
[ ] live ON a lake or pond
[ ] own a pair of skiis
[ ] own a snowboard
[x] has a boat
[ ] has a jet ski
[ ] has a beach house/ cabin

[ ] only child
[ ] stereo system in bedroom
[ ] DVD player in bedroom
[ ] 100+ dvd's
[x]gets $50+ for allowance each month
[x] goes shopping every month...or every week
[ ] shops at abercrombie
[ ] goes snowboarding/ skiing every weekend
[x] makeup
[x] cologne/perfume
[ ] AIM
[x] MSN
[ ]Yahoo
[ ]5+ trophies
[x]own digital camera
[ ]walk-in closet
[ ] electric scooter
[ ] dirt bike
[ ] 4X4 truck
[ ] guitar/drums
[ ] hammock
[x] been on a cruise
[x] traveled out of the country
[ ] weight set/ workout set in house
[ ] personal fit trainer
[ ] expensive jewerly
[x] met a celeb
[x] straightener/ curling iron
[ ] gets hair done/nails/spas
[ ] on/was on a Varsity team for the school
[ ] own batting cage
[x] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now
[ ] own savings account
[x]1+ BEST friends
[ ] been to the carribean
[x] been to europe.
[ ] been to hawaii
[ ] been to NY
[ ] shopped in seattle
[ ] eaten at the space needle in seattle
[ ] been on the eiffel tower in paris (no, but in a month I will :P)
[ ] been on the statue of liberty in NY
[ ] been on the honor roll for 2+ years (we don't have that in Norway)
[ ] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday
[ ] lives on a private property
[ ] license
[ ] moved 3+ times
[ ]sports car
[ ] hot tub
[ ] pet(s)
[ ] ranch
[ ] verizon
[ ] cingular
[ ]Sprint
[ ] virgin mobile / other
[ ] been to 5+ states in the US.
[x] dont have a job.
[ ] 100+ buddies on messenger
[ ] alarm clock
[x] home-cooked meal almost everyday
[ ] eat-out almost everyday
[ ] been in a limo
[ ] own camcorder
[x] own laptop
[ ] own desktop

TOTAL: 24 (I'm not spoiled :))

Emotion Test

Copy, Paste, Don't look at the bottom before you do the thing or it won't work!
This is scary but pretty accurate.

1. Which color is better red, black, green, blue, or yellow? Blue ;)

2. What's your first initial? E

3. What month is your birthday? October

4. Which color do you like more, black or white? Black, because it suits me better :P

5. Name one of your friends. Munteha

6. Your favorite number? 7 or 14.

7. Do you like flying or driving more? Flying, because it usually leads to tropical places ;D

8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more? Ocean :)

9. Think of a wish, but don't write it


1. If you chose:
Red: You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black: You are conservative and aggressive.
Green: Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue: You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love and give good advice to those who are down.
Yellow - you are a very happy person..

2. If you're initial is:
A-K: You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z: You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.

3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will last forever.
July-Sept: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great, and eventually you will find your soul mate.

4. If you chose:
Black: Your life will take you on a different direction, it will seem hard at times but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.

5. This person is your best friend: Munteha

6. If it is:
1-50 you are a very lovable person and you have a great life
more then 50 is nothing

7. If you chose:
Flying - You like adventure.
Driving - You are a laid back person.

8. If you chose:
Lake - You are loyal to your friends, your lover, and yourself. You are very reserved and not emotional.
Ocean - You are spontaneous and like to please people sometimes.

9. This wish will come true only if you repost this with the title: Emotion Test, don't dare cheat! Hehe, my loss.

Fill it in - game ;)

write something between the "[ ]" to complete the sentence.

right now the time is [07.06 am].

my name is [Elena].

i live in the country of [Norway].

[Munteha] is my best friend and we met [8th grade].

my first pet was a [nothing] named [nothing].

my hair is [long] and [blonde]

i was born in the [1900s (1990)].

i am taller than [I have never measured my height, but probably 172 cm]

my eyes are [green] and i [love] them.

i wear [clothes] everyday.

[Pirates of the Caribbean] is one of my favorite movies.

i listen to [emo, punkrock and pop] music.

my birthday is in [7 months] months.

i am [nice and polite] around people.

my best friend would say i am [an honest person].

i [was really tired] when i first woke up.

right now i'm wearing a [pink top] and [jeans].

i [listen to music and sing] in the shower.

i graduate in the year [2009 from high school].

there is [food] in my refridgerator right now.

my shoes are size [39].

i own [some] hooded sweatshirts.

i wake up at [6:45 A.M.] to go to school or work.

i [love] dancing.

i am good at [languages].

i used to play with [barbies and dolls] as a kid.

my favorite bands are [My Chemical Romance], [All American Rejects] and [Fall Out Boy].

i went to [tv.com] yesterday.

i'm feeling [tired] right now.

right now the time is [10.25 am].

60 questions game :)

[60 Questions] (from: Othforeverlove)

01. Do you own a box full of receipts?: No, I don't :P

02. Is Dory your hero? Who is Dory?
03. Did you own a ponch, during the craze? A poncho? Yes, I did, and I still have it. Actually, I have three of them :P
04. Stripes or polka dots? Stripes, I think..
05. Do you like taking pictures of yourself? Yes. My bestfriend and I have picture-nights together where we take a lot of pictures of ourselves :P
06. Are Irish or Australian accents better? Australian! So hot!

07. Would you prefer to be eaten alive by Lions or Vultures? None of them, but if I had to choose, I would pick lions.
08. Muse or My Chemical Romance? My Chemical Romance! They're my favourite band! I love all their songs!
09. Do you own any beads? Yes, I think I do.
10. Hot pink or lime green? Hot pink! Pink is my favourite colour.
11. Do you own your own mini library? Mini-library? I have a bookshelf if that counts? But I love to read, so I have read a lot of books.
12. Are spin-tops cool? When I was a kid, yes.
13. Do you have a Seal called Pickles? No, should I?
14. Do you prefer Dragons or Unicorns? Unicorns are so pretty! But I love that dragon in that Barbie-movie..
15. What the name of the little elephant in the Jungle Book? Is there an elephant in the Jungle Book? I didn't think there was..
16. Do you have Green eyes? Yes, I do :P
17. Do you have your lip pierced? No, I don't =P
18. Are snakes cool? No.. Not in the jungle, not on the ground and not on a plane. Never.
19. Do you know where Cyrenaica is? Is that like a city?
20. Who plays the Emporer in the film Gladiator? I haven't seen the movie.
21. What's your favourite Diseny film? Sleeping Beauty or The Little Mermaid. I love Disney princesses :D
22. Tigger or Eeyore? Tigger ;D He's so funny and energetic :P
23. Converse All Star or Vans? Converse :P I own a pair in pink ;) Shocker :P
24. Did Amanda Burton star in Silent Witness or Waking The Dead? I don't know who that actress is, and I have not even heard of those movies.
25. Which Harry Potter actor/actresses do you prefer, Daniel Radcliffe or Rupert Grint or Tom Felton or Emma Watson? Emma Watson is a really good actress, but Daniel Radcliffe is so hot. So I don't really know :P
26. Are you a "Chav"? What's a Chay?
27. Do you agree that Clacton is "Chav" central? What on Earth is Chay??
28. Have you ever watched Complete Savages on Nickelodeon? No.
29. Have you ever read The Old Kingdom series, by Garth Nix? No, sorry.

30. Do you like the name Mohamed? Not my favourite name, but it's my bestfriend's father's name, so I don't hate it :P
31. Do you sleep with a comfort blanket/toy? No, but I have a little stuffed-animal dog :P
32. Do you think Dumbledore is actually dead? Yes, I do. I have read the seventh book. I didn't think he was, until I read that book.
33. Sid the Sloth rocks, yes or no? Oh yeah!! I love him :P
34. The Snorks or the Smurfs? What aret he Snorks? I like the Smurfs, so I guess I pick them.
35. Do you know anyone called Penelope? Nope.
36. Dick Darstardly or Mutley? Who are they?
37. Have you heard the theme tune to CSI: New York? Yes, I loved that show for a while, until they killed off my favourite character.
38. Do you often remember your dreams? No, I don't..
39. Do you like Anime? I never really watched any.. I have watched Winx, Witch and Pokemon if any of those are anime? But I have never watched like Final Fantasy or stuff like that.
40. Do you like Pokemon? Yes, but that's a long time ago.
41. Horror, Thriller, Romance or Comedy films? Romance and Comedy films :) I can never watch horror films to the end.. I have to turn them off :P
42. Have you ever been labeled a "Nerd"? Oh yes. I have very good grades :P But it's mostly my friends who call me that, and they are just the same :P
43. Have you ever called someone a word that they don't wanna hear? Haha, yes! I have to! When people are mean to me, I get mean towards them. Karma's a B!tch.
44. Are you a Myspace addict? I don't have a Myspace account. But I'm a facebook/tv.com addict :P
45. Minnie or Mickey mouse? Minnie ;) She's so adorable :P
46. Do you agree with Abortion? In some cases.
47. Do you have a favorite swear words, if so what? I don't swear a lot.
48. What's your favorite thing about yourself? My long hair.. That's shallow, right?
49. Money or Love? LOVE!!
50. Are you Bisexual? No, I'm not.
51. Favorite make-up product? I have to have my mascara and my eyeliner :P
52. Most recent, embarrassing moment? I don't know actually..
53. OMFG! Murphy got shot! do you care? Who is Murphy?
54. Do you surport a football team? No, I don't like football. I only like it when Christiano Ronaldo takes off his shirt ;P But that's soccer isn't it?
55. Do you know how to play Chess? No..
56. Do you like the film " Miss Congeniality 2"? I have only seen the first one.
57. Do you like the "Whiskers, Oh So Fishy" Advert? Huh?
58. Do you reckon you have no friends? No, I have friends :) Luckily!
59. You like Smirn Off Ice? Yes, I do. But it's spelled Smirnoff Ice :P
60. Do you like the song "Everytime we touch" by Cascada? Yes, I was hooked on it when I first heard it :P

A little picture game ;)

I got this from Justlikeheaven_'s blog and I thought it looked so fun that I had to do it myself :) The rules in this game are simple. You can only answer in pictures. Go to photobucket and type in your answer to the question. You can only use a picture from the first page.

1. What's your name?

Letter Eletter Lletter eLetter NLetter

2. Favourite food type


3. Relationship status?

in a relationship

4. Celebrity Crush?

Jack Sparrow

5. Fave Show?

One Tree Hill

6. A band you like?

my chemical romance

7. What did you have for breakfast?


8. One thing you're wearing?

pink singlet

9. Fave color?


10. One word to describe you?


11. Your thoughts on the last person you were with?


12. Electronic you personally love?


13. Fun thing you did in the past three months?


14. Song you currently have stuck in your head?


Get to know me better (Summer Skin by Death Cab for Cutie)

This is the fourth part of the "getting to know me"-process. I love things like these :P

MUSIC QUIZ:: put your ipod/mp3 on shuffle and answer! =)

What will next year hold in store for me? Unholy Confessions by Avenged Sevenfold

Wow, that doesn't sound very good..

What does my love life look like? Supersonic by Sophie Ellis Bextor

Is that good?

What do I say when life gets hard? Make Me Believe by Amerie

That's a pretty good answer =)

What song will I dance to at my wedding? Elektro by Outwork

Haha, not my favourite choice :P I won't have a rave-wedding xD

What do I want as my career? Big in Japan by Guano Apes

I don't understand that one.. =P

My favorite saying? Truckers Atlas by Modest Mouse

LOL, huh?

What do I think of my parents? Tell Me Why by Supermode


Where would I go on a first date? Addicted by Ne-Yo

Do I get addicted on a first date? I have only been on one first date, and it resulted in a long-term relationship that still lasts today.

Drug of choice? Smiley Faces by Gnarls Barkley

Haha :D That one was funny!

Describe myself? When You Look At Me by Christina Milian

I guess you'll find out when you look at me :P

What is the thing I like doing the most? Someday by Yellowcard

Not the best answer, but I'll take it.

The song that best describes the president? Let Me by Rihanna

Perhaps I want him to resign now, and not wait until the next one comes along? Let Me make him resign :P

How will I die? Independent Woman by Destiny's Child

I will die independently?

The song that'll be played at my funeral? Map Of The Problematique – Muse

Haha, am I such a troublemaker?

The song you'll put as the subject? Summer Skin – Death Cab for Cutie

What do you mean?

Get to know me no. 3

This is the third part of you guys getting to know me a little better. It's one thing to know how I feel about an episode or a show, but it's another thing to actually know the person that I am :)

1. Have you ever made out with someone you weren't dating?
Yes, I have.

2. Is there a difference between the terms 'best friend' and 'friend'?
Yes, there is a distinct difference!

3. Has anybody on your top ever admitted to liking you?
My top where?

4. Do you miss someone?
Yes, I miss my boyfriend. He's at work today.

5. Can you recall the last time you liked someone?
Hahah, I have been together with my boyfriend for one and a half year, so I have liked him that long. I love him :)

6. When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
Yesterday when I said goodbye to my boyfriend when he dropped me off?

7. Who is your celebrity crush?
Oh.. well. Let's see.. Johnny Depp & Jared Leto! They are just too hot!

8. Can you touch your toes?


9. Do you know anybody who was abused?

No, I don't.

10. Is silence really golden?

Uhm, it depends on what you are going to say :P

11. Do you have any interesting tattoos or piercings?

I have my navel pierced.

12. Are you afraid to grow up?

No, I actually can't wait to grow up :P

13. Who were you with last night?
My boyfriend :)

14. Can you count past 100?
LOL, yeah :P

15. What language are you talking?
Norwegian. But I can speak English and some French as well.

16. Any upcoming vacations?

Yeah! My trip to Paris in May, and my trip to Edinburgh in May :)

17. If you had to marry someone on your top, who would it be?

What is it with this TOP?

18. Do you care what people think of you?
Yeah, I do.. Too much actually.

19. Would you call yourself smart?
Yes. I am one of the smartest people in my ****actually, but nobody thinks I am because I have blonde hair.

20. Do you like to read?

Yes, but it depends on the material.

22. Have you ever touched an elephant?
Yes, I have been on top of one with my mom when we were in Thailand.

23. Plans for tomorrow?
No, I haven't.

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