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*illegalferret Blog

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a fun filled New Year!

I'm currently feeling quite festive thanks to Christmas tunes on the radio and a little bit of snow outside! I'm off home tomorrow, weather permitting, back to the decidely unsnowy Bristol area!! In the time honnour tradition of the end of term, I haven't packed! You'd thought i've had learnt by now, but no!! I can't wait be home with my parents and sister in a warm house! I'm looking forward to putting up the Christmas tree and watching the series final of Merlin! :P

I hope the festive period is fun yet relaxing, and that it's just nice all round, for you and your family/loved ones :)

Take care everyone and enjoy the final episodes of Doctor Who!!

Merry Christmas!!

lots of love

If :) xxxxxxxxx

That's are what Friends are for

To become a fully qualified Newly qualified Primary school teacher in the UK you need to do many, many things but a pretty big one is to past government tests in English, Maths and ICT. I've already passed my Maths and ICT, and to be honnest i found them pretty easy! However, I come unstuck with the English one :( I failed it a 1st time round 2 weeks back by 3 marks, so I took it again yesterday afternoon and failed it again :( tho this time by 1 mark! grrrrrrrrrrrr

Anyway, i stormed home quite angry and upset, all set to just mope around the house being miserable. But when i got into my house 2 of my housemates were sitting on the sofa watching tv. They took some of the tests yesterday, one passed 2, the other failed 1. They asked me how i did and i told. They were as you can imagine sympathetic, and then one of them said "you still up for coming out tonight?" It knock me sideways slightly, as i thought i really wasn't, but told them i'd think about it. I cooked dinner and they kept me company and before we knew it we were all getting ready to head to the 80's night at a local nightclub.

We had a great night out! Properly girlie! We drank a bit, danced a lot and laughed at many of the guys drunked attempted to flirt with my attached housemate! The pair of them made me feel so much happier and allowed me to forget my stupid test! I may moan about the guys i live with from time to time, put when push comes to shove they are my friends and will stop at nothing to cheer me up!

:) x

Awe and Wonder

My sister took me to the cinema yesterday to see the new Disney Pixar film Up. It was my first ever 3D film. I mean i've seen 3d pictures and worn those silly cardboard glasses with green and red lenses, that could only ever look cool on the Doctor! Anyway back to the original point!

I was completely blown away, i felt like a young child again and just sat there in amazement! It was amazing, there were 3D trailors before the film, one of which had snow and I really wanted to reach out and try and grab it! The 3D stuff in the film was done really well some of it did come out at you, but most of the time it just gave the film extra depth. Up is an amazing film and really poignant for a kid's film but brilliant!

I now can't wait to see another 3D film. I loved that feeling of awe and amazement, i feeling i haven't felt in the cinema since i saw my 1st proper blockbuster The Fellowship of the Ring! Maybe 3D is the way forward after all!

...Squirrel! Lol!!!

If :)

About time!

At last my landlord has provided us with a working washing machine!!!! The stupid thing broke at the end of april and they claimed to have fixed it over the summer holidays unaware of the fact they fixed something that broke several years back not the main reason it wasn't working! But today 6 months later, they've given us a new shiny one! So excited we are at the arrival of a working washing machine, one of my housemates is now sitting in the kitchen watching the thing go round! Thats what 6 months without a working machine will do to you!!

On an equally happy and funny note i saw Michael McIntyre live on sunday night and i don't think i've ever laughed so much in my life!! :D It was fantastic to just forget everything and have a laugh, escapism at its best!

Sadly i can't be distracted from my work any longer i have a literature to rewrite :( the first attempt being described as good but needing alot of work! So back to work :(

much love

if :) x

Evil Bert mwah ha ha!!

Apparently that is my new level, who come's up with these names!!! Any way hello! I've finally got something to write about (in my opinion at least!)

It's autumn, (tho the weather is quite sunny here) and i don't like autumn (or winter or spring much either :?). I hate the cold wet weather and the fact it takes ages in the morning to get dressed or go out because of all the scarfs, coats etc needed! Plus i've just started my final year at uni and the magnitude of what this year holds has finally dawned on me. During the course of this year i have to write my dissertation, take my tda tests, do a 10 week teaching placement, find a job, house and car! help!

Anyway on the plus side the tv picks up!! (i've spent the summer watching reruns of law and order cvu, dr who + house! (Cheers hol!!). So i'm looking forward to watching Merlin (tho not tonight thanks to some stupid footy match that my housemate wants to watch :(), strictly come dancing (it looks like it could be a tight year), spooks, without a trace series 7 on more 4, emma (i love a costume drama!), the conclusion of the F1 series (go Button!!!) and of cause Doctor Who. The trailer for that makes it look really scary!!

Right now i need to find something to do between now a 7.30 coz i aint gonna watch the football!!!

Much love,

If :) xxx

Bring on next week!!

I sooo can't wait for next week!!

There are many reasons for this:

1. It's Torchweek!!! So at 9pm monday to friday me and Hol will be watching Torchwood. I'm very excited about it, the trailors make it look amazing!! :)

2. Hol graduates on friday afternoon so me and the rest of the family are off to watch it. I'll be a very proud twin sister! :)

3. It's mine and Hol's 21st birthday next saturday! woo!! :)

It's gonna be a great week! Slight downside the nice weather has colapesed :( it has just started raining!

much love to you all!

if :)


Yep that is what I'm doing procrastinating! It's one of my favourite past times.

I'd never heard of the word until my math teacher shouted at some kid in the room back when i was in yr 10 for procrastinating.. The kid replied "what's that?" to which the teacher replied "time wasting". So yep that's what i'm doing!

I do actually have stuff to do notably, as per usual at the end of term, its packing to go home for the summer! Don't get me wrong i want to go home i just wish all my stuff would magically transport itself there! Other things i should be doing, looking for pictures for my FYP, putting away my stuff that i took to the Isle of Wight Festival (which was amazing by the way, i have the bruises and sunburn to prove it!), do my washing up and generally tidy up this bomb site that is my room. But i really can't be bothered!!

I hope u you are all ok and having fun, enjoy the sunshine :D

Love and hugs

if :) xxx

Fire Up the Photocopier!

As promised a happier blog, so good news only.... right...

Im really excited about the weekend! Its my good friend Charli's 21st birthday party on saturday night in Cardiff :D Its gonna be a lot of fun, based on our previous night out in cardiff when her, me and two others got very drunk, i ended up snogging some guy i'd never seen before or since! Sal apparently chased after some local guy shouting "welsh!" (I say apparently, i was too drunk to remember!) and the following day, hungover, we ran round cardiff bay, and yes we did try to find torchwood HQ!!! :P

Im back at uni and happy that someone is coming today to fix our badly leaking radiator and to fix the boiler so that i dont have to become a boiler repairman each time i want a hot shower!! :P

Im also loving the new series of robin hood and ashes to ashes (see title!), and still liking the current series of heroes and the last series of er! Whatelse... am really looking forward to seeing maximo park later in may :D and the IOW festival with my sisters in june :D. So life is looking good at the mo (ignoring my 4 assignments and fyp propsal! :( )

Big hug and much love to you all!

a happier if! :) x

For my Granny

My granny died on the 1st April not really unexpectedly but more suddenly then we expected and tomorrow is her funeral. She was a wonderful person but was lost ,as such, to azheimer's. she'd had it for many years and when i saw her the sunday before she died she didn't really know who i was which was frankly heartbreaking. She's was always kind and caring and loved her family greatly but now as my mum said she is now at peace.

Like i said at the beginning the funeral is tomorrow in a nice little country church in the village in which she lived her many years. The idea of the funeral is quite scary really for me, i've got to be strong really for my mum who's lost her mother and my grandad who's lost his wife of 65 years but the idea of watching her being burried is upsetting to say the least! at least my parent and both sisters will be there along with a lot of mum's side of the family who i haven't seen in years.

So to Peggy my wonderful granny i love u!

if x

ps. i will return at some point with happier news i promise x

By now you'd think i'd have learnt!

Im going home tomorrow for my easter holidays and guess what? Im not packed, not even a little bit! its the same every time i go home for the holidays, i get to the day before i leave and realise im not packed at all! I've been at uni now for 2 1/2 years and i still dont pack in advance!

Its tough work being in your 3rd year at uni, i've spent the last week and a bit writing my science assignment, trying to create a wooden moving toy for design technology, trying to think of a topic to write my goegraphy assignment on and trying to start my final year project! i thought your final year at uni was meant to be the hardest and im stressed with still a year to go! Theres no break for me over easter either, as im working in a school for the 1st week, at a holiday club for the middle 2 weeks and back in the school for the final week, whilst trying to carry on making the toy, writing my geog essay and carrying on with my fyp! man im gonna be shattered by the end of april!

On the plus side im home with my parents and sister and i get to see my friends and go to the pub! Also saturday marks the return of robin hood! im interested to see what direction it goes in following the death of marion. Im glad its back i need good tv in my life, tho there is no will :( Plus of course there is the doctor who special at some point over easter! yay :)

Right gotta go, get up and do some work, oh joy :(

love u

if :)xxxx

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