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Just a Little Something

Hey everybody :D This will be an unusual post... SYTYCD is over, so I decided to make a Season 4 tribute video with all the best performances...

I've already made a video clip, with lots of shows like Grey's, Lost, Galactica etc. - it's called Memorable moments, and since it was my first video, it's just kind of a test version or whatever...

Here's the link:


It's really nothing special, but that's how my SYTYCD video's gonna look like... A few songs with short clips from the best routines... It's just going to be longer... Waaay longer... 7 and a half minutes :D I'm working on it as we speak, and I still have some 4 minutes of material to find and insert into the clip... :D I can't wait till it's done, I absolutely LOVE SYTYCD and I was thrilled to see Josh win! :D

Also, I just watched The Mist... That is one DISTURBING movie... I'm still recovering :lol: It's like, it's not scary, it's just really, really, disturbing...

And I'd also like to say RIP Bernie Mac and RIP Isaac Hayes... It's really been a sad weekend :(

Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue.

Hey there, it's me again, trying to find at least some inspiration :D I haven't written anything in a few weeks, so every time I click My Profile I see these last couple of posts and I think to myself: Gosh, I seriously have to start writing about SOMETHING else, people are really gonna think I don't have a life :lol:

So, what's new in my life? :lol: Not a lot goin on, gotta admit... My body is at the computer, but my mind is in front of the cinema waiting to see The Dark Knight :lol: My town is mostly the download-the-movie/TVshow-from-the-internet-dont-pay-to-see-it kinda town :lol: , so we only have two cinemas and they're like always empty... But since The Dark Knight is coming, I'll have to be there early if I wanna get good seats (you can't order tickets online or anything, we're the good ol' fashioned kinda town :lol: ). I think I haven't been this excited to see a movie ever since the last Star Wars movie, and trust me, I'm a huge fan of the saga :P So I watched Batman Begins yesterday. Again. :lol:

I'm also going on vacation this Saturday, you know, us Croats are famous for our beautiful coast... :) But I have to say this: I was watching Flashpoint last week and I was so excited cause finally a US TV Show finally got our language right (actually, it's a Canadian show but whateva :lol: ), because I was watching Men in Trees a few months ago and this "Croatian hockey player" came into town and he was like speaking Russian. My face was pretty much like this: -.-' :lol: BUT, then they played this disgusting music, it was as if we were middle-Eastern terrorists or something. :evil: We might be in the Eastern part of Europe, but we're not gypsies or terrorists or whatever... So yeah. :lol:

Back to my vacation :lol: I'll be spending only 7 days on vacation, probably because of my dog... Yes, my DOG :lol: He's never been to the sea before, he's only 13 months old and he's not the calm type of dog... He's not used to being calm when surrounded by people, he never even saw the sea or anything, so we're gonna be extra careful this time around, and it's not really gonna be a vacation :lol: I will, however, have Internet connection over there, so I'll definitely come and say hi :) Can't go without the Internet even for seven days :lol:

So... Back to the old complaining :lol: The TV season starts in 6 weeks, and it sounds sooo close when you say six weeks, it's like yeeeeah... But then you say 42 days and it's like: What???! :lol: But August is always a fast-moving month :lol: Cuz my birthday's in August and my sister's birthday's in August, and all the craziness about the new school year starts... You have to stand in lines in those damn book stores, waiting for your damn school books... It's like, I'm gonna be tortured by these books for 9 months, now I even have to stand in line waiting to get them AND pay for them?! :lol:

But in a weird kinda way, I just can't wait for everything to "restart" - people usually say summer is the time when people come alive, but I don't think so... It's the fall... You come home from vacation, you get back to your old routines fresh and focused, you catch up with the people from school/work that you don't see during summer... It kinda all falls back into place :)

However, when it's summer, I like it hot and warm. :lol: But that's the problem. It's 60 friggin' degrees out here! And like, 7 days ago it was 96 degrees! :lol: I'm freezing! :lol:

But, like the title says: Patience is a virtue. I'm gonna be patient, wait for my (well-deserved :ego-maniac: ) vacation, wait for my tickets to see The Dark Knight, wait in line to get those damn books, wait for the TV season to start and finally, wait for everything to restart and come back to life :)

Also, I'm going to leave you with a few pretty pictures of my hometown Osijek... :) No gypsies and nooo terrorists :lol: Bye bye! :P

Main square

view from the top


Wake me up when September... Starts.

I was reading my last post and I realized I kept talking about how I only watch reality TV during summer. Fact: I DO have a life. :lol: I go out with friends, I sleep, I eat. Trust me. :lol:

Anyway, I think the title says it all... There's nothing to watch... I gave up on sooo many summer shows that started a few weeks ago (no regrets, though) because I wanted to catch up with some much better shows. Then I realized, two weeks later, that I most certainly won't have any interest and time to watch these shows when they return in the fall... Shows like My Name is Earl, Reaper, Numb3rs, Life etc. I am, however, anxiously anticipating lots of new shows. :)


Of course, the #1 show on my to-watch list is Fringe. Duh. :D I admit, I have the pilot, but I don't wanna watch it :lol: I don't wanna watch ANY of these leaked pilots because, first of all, they might re-shoot some scenes, remove bad scenes, cast other people and that would totally confuse me. Secondly, that makes the TV season one more week later, cause by then I will have seen the pilot episodes... Gosh, I'm such a smarta$$ :lol: So, why Fringe? Great cast, AWESOME story, and well, everybody's talking about it. :D FOX is spending millions on advertising campaigns, it has a nice time slot after House, people are talking about it, it's JJ Abrams production, for God's sake :lol: I think it will be this year's big hit :) Since I'm talking about FOX, there's also Do not Disturb...Like the cast, could be a nice show... But the midseason shows look great... Dollhouse, can't wait... And hopefully Ron Moore's Virtuality and the space comedy Boldly Going Nowhere get picked up as well :D


Then there's my weak spot - The CW... Even though I absolutely hate One Tree Hill these days (it was my favorite show 2 years ago), I can't stand Smallville and I fall asleep while watching Reaper, I cannot wait to see how 90210 AND Privileged turn out. :D I'm actually one of the few people (which is a bad sign) who are looking forward to Privileged... The premise is great and the trailer looks nice and funny :D

On CBS, I can't really figure out why everyone's talking about Worst Week... I think it'll be one of those shows that have a hilarious trailer, but in the end it disappoints you because everything funny was shown in the trailer... However, I think Project Gary might be a sleeper hit :D It does have a nice time slot, CBS is already airing promos, a lot of critics are saying nice things about it and I've heard quite a few people are interested in the show... I don't know, I thought the sneak peek was really funny :D

The Mentalist

The Mentalist also looks good, but I think the fact that it's like a serious version of Psych might eventually kill it because people think it's just a bad copy... But to me, it looks really interesting... As far as The Ex List goes, don't even get me started... It's like the show's title could easily be Viva Laughlin 2... I'm not a crazy, angry Moonlight fan who will boycot the show just because it took its timeslot, but seriously? How can ANYONE see this show last for several years? :S And finally, there's Eleventh Hour. Not interested. Why? Because I've read it's ridiculous, dumb and the main character is even more annoying than David Caruso.

ABC only has Life on Mars and Opportunity Knocks - I'll check them both out, but Opportunity Knocks will probably get the axe after one season and Life on Mars... Well, I guess time will tell...

Life on Mars

NBC doesn't even have their pilots SHOT. :roll: I haven't seen the Knight Rider pilot yet, but it's not like I haven't had a chance. Looking forward to My Own Worst Enemy, though. And I'm crossing my fingers Kath and Kim is at least half as good as The Office... We'll have to wait and see...

So that's a wrap, I guess :D The official countdown to the 08/09 television season starts now, and we still have 61 days to go :D It looks like it won't be affected by the problems SAG is having with the AMPTP these days, but I always say: Hope for the best, expect the worst. :D

So You Think You Can Survive a Celebrity Wipeout On The D-List

Summer. What's the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says summer? The beach, the sun, no school, sleeping... And while I'm waiting to go on vacation and jump into the sea, I'm stuck at home, in my small town of ghosts watching reality shows. :lol:


Still, it's not THAT bad. Every time I get bored or sth, I tell myself: School's over. Relax. Who cares if you have nothing to do?! :lol: And when things get boring, I usually watch shows that didn't get a chance to watch during last season, like Eli Stone, My name is Earl, Stargate Atlantis, Mad Men or Greek - and so far, it's been fun... Of course, So You Think You Can Dance is back (yaaaay! :D ) and the perfomance shows have started, and while I still have no favorites, the season is shaping up to be a great one :D

But that's just 3 hours a week. The what? Well, I do watch Hell's Kitchen and America's got talent, for example, but those shows get old quickly... and THEN what? Erm, I actually spent two hours today watching Wipeout and I survived a Japanese game show :lol: It's pathetic, I know, and what kills me the most is the fact that those shows got better ratings (during the summer!) than an average episode of Friday Night Lights, 30 Rock, and even Pushing Daisies... And yet, somehow, I enjoyed those two shows, especially Wipeout. I don't really know what's wrong with me, I'm just a huge sucker for reality shows :lol:


I'm not saying I watch every piece of junk that comes on - Celebrity Circus? Seriously? -.- The Mole - the most boring piece of junk I've seen in a while. But there really are a few geniunely funny reality shows, such as Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D-List. That woman is hilarious. She's absolutely insane and I LOVE her. :lol: She just makes my day, and I really hate that a season of My Life on the D-List only has 8 episodes :( Then there's 30 days, also another too-short-season reality show. I mean, I get it, it takes a month to shoot an episode :lol: But still, it's a very informative, interesting and different, above all, reality show.

However, scripted television hasn't died completely. There are several, returning and new, shows that I'm really enjoying. The Middleman, for example. It's so cheesy, such bad effects, but that's the beauty of it. I love it. Then there's Weeds. Much better than last season, gotta admit. And then in a few weeks more and more summer hits will return - The Closer (yay :D ), Burn Notice, Stargate Atlantis, Mad Men etc. And just when I get used to summer television, the new TV season will kick off :D And it starts sooo early - Fox and The CW are premiering most of their shows in the first week of September! :D That is, of course, if SAG doesn't go on strike.

SAG Logo

Yes, here we are again. It makes me SICK to even think about it. I seriously can't wrap my head around it. Apparently even if they don't authorize a strike, everything will come to a standstill. Which, of course, is insane. I don't wanna go through that again. Yes, I sound pathetic, and I'm not a SAG/AFTRA member whose paycheck is on the line, but c'mon, the execs at SAG really, seriously, need to get a hold of themselves and realize that they're just screwing things up. Ugh.

So, that's about it for now, I know I haven't been commenting on anyone's blogs and stuff, but honestly, I was about to give up writing my own blog. Just didn't have any inspiration - I guess it came back :lol: Now, let's all pray that there isn't a second work stoppage in Hollywood and let's get through these hot summer days with crappy reality shows! :D

Looking Back (It's over!)

Hey there :) It's been a while, huh? :D Well, a lot has happened since my last post, so there's a lot of catching up to do :D Season finales, upfront week, new shows and schedules, summer TV... So let's get started with the season finales...

The last one I watched was Criminal Minds... I rarely watch this show, and whenever I do, I love it. And yet I never watch it regularly :D The finale was incredible, I've gotta say... The random shootings on Manhattan orchestrated by some weird and disturbing terrorist group were jaw-dropping and incredible... The only thing that was kind of a WTF moment was when a cop watching live feeds from all over Manhattan managed to watch the one where the shooting was happening... And Garcia said many times that there were like 4000 of them :lol:


Then there was the second part of the House finale... Incredible writing, incredible performances, especially by Robert Sean Leonard. It was just so heartbreaking, even though whe all knew Cutthroat b1tch was such a.... well, b1tch :lol: Also a very sad finale - CSI... However, I'm kinda okay with Gary Dourdan leaving the show because I never found his character interesting, and he's kinda annoying. ER would've been a jaw-dropper had I not know an explosion was going to occur... I also (accidentally) found out who was in the ambulance... Still, looking forward to season 15 because I KNOW it's gonna be awesome... :)

Let's move to ABC... Brothers and Sisters -HUGE disappointment. :( The kiss between Rebecca and Justin just didn't feel right. In fact, it was GROSS! I also kinda wanted Kitty to get pregnant... On the bright side, Housewives' and Grey's finales were great... Especially Grey's... The kid in cement and the two "guinea pigs" for the medical trial were great storylines... But, the scene at the end with everyone kissing was amazing. IMO, Grey's got back to its old self, and I sincerely hope they keep it up.


Then we have Bones.... WTF?! The episode was incredible, but Zack is Gormogon's apprentice?? Yeeeah, the explanation they gave us was kinda logical, but I just don't buy it. Oh who cares, Bones rules! :D Also a WTF moment, Ted proposing to Stella on Mother... The episode was awesome, with the two accidents, but I think this proposal thing is just a tease to make us think Stella is the actual mother, and she's not. :D The Big Bang theory was soooo sweet, with Leonard and Penny going on a date - such a funny show. And yeah - Gossip Girl? After 2 incredible episodes, the finale sucked BIG TIME. Not even gonna comment.


Moving on to reality - 2/2 - Dancing with the stars and Idol! :lol: Kristi won the trophy on DWTS, (shocker! :lol: ), but even though it was kind of a no-brainer, I was a little bit scared Jason would take it... How could he have ended up in the finals, and not, for example, Mario?! He's SO weird when he's dancing, I just hate watching him.... Anyway, I was really, really pissed off after Tuesday's Idol. As a matter of fact, I didn't even watch it cause I heard Cowell practically told Archuleta he had won and trashed Cook. So I was like - I am NOT watching the finale. I'll read online who won, and then, if it's Cook, I'll watch it.. And he won! :lol: Also, Parvati won the million bucks on Survivor... Kinda sucks, I wanted Amanda to win and she IMO deserved it cause she won the 2 immunities... :( Also, Whitney became ANTM! Good for her :D


Ooookay, upfront week! :D Those 4-5 days were so exhausting, even though I was just reading the articles :lol: There's a lot of new shows I'm looking forward to... Especially Fringe... Did you watch that trailer?! :shock: Also looking forward to CW's shows, 90210 and Surviving the Filthy Rich... STFR looks a lot like The OC, and the cast is really cute :D CBS kinda has lousy new shows - The Ex List is going to die a slow, painful death, I can already tell :lol: Eleventh Hour is apparently worse than CSI: Miami and Caruso's one-liners, The Mentalist is a serious version of Psych, Worst Week is just a big, fat WTF... The only good show on CBS, IMO is Project Gary... A good, ol' traditional sitcom... :)

I've also got to say, this year's upfronts were like the best ever :lol: The only shows I'll miss are Miss/Guided, Las Vegas, Back to you, Notes from the Underbelly and Aliens in America - and it's not like I was their biggest fan... I'm so relieved Mother, The Unit, Old Christine, Eli Stone, Boston Legal and Scrubs got renewed :)


And yes, summer is here... Actually, next week is the first, like, empty week... There's absolutely NOTHING on :( Except for SO YOU THINK YOU DANCE!! :lol: Yes, it's started, and I loved the season premiere :D I really missed Cat, Nigel, Mary and the gang :D However, I'm still anxiously waiting for the performance shows to start :D Also on my radar this summer: Swingtown, Reality bites Back, Big brother, The Closer, The Mole, Weeds, My Life on the D-list and Psych... :D But of course, that's not enough for me :lol: I wrote a "to watch" list, so there's that :lol: I'm going to start watching Mad Men (watched the pilot today, incredible show :D ), The Riches, Big Love, Breaking Bad etc. and catch up with Eli Stone, My name is Earl, The Unit, Reaper, Stargate Atlantis, Greek and Numb3rs :D

SYTYCD panel

I also have four weeks of school left... These next two are going to be especially intense, so I'm using this weekend to study as much as I can, because there's just too much... Just have to push through the next 14 days... And then it's practically over :D

So, I leave you while listening to David Cook's Eleanor Rigby... See ya soon! :)

Top 50 :)

It's here! :) The list of all my favorite shows... Yes, there's 50 of them... But don't worry, it's not like I watch 50 shows a day... I don't watch every single episode of a comedy like Notes from the underbelly, some shows air in the summer and there are shows I don't watch when they air, but then I catch up when I'm bored or something... So, here they are, my 50 favorite shows:

50. Private Practice

49. Prison Break

48. Lipstick Jungle

47. Men in Trees

46. ER

45. One Tree Hill

44. Gossip Girl

43. Rescue Me

42. Entourage

41. Weeds

40. Supernatural

39. Scrubs

38. America's Next Top Model

37. The Closer

36. Californication

35. Notes from the underbelly

34. South Park

33. CSI:

32. Bones

31. Heroes

30. The New Adventures of Old Christine

29. The Amazing Race

28. Big Brother

27. House

26. Brothers and Sisters

25. Samantha Who?

24. How I met your mother

23. The Big Bang Theory

22. Drawn together

21. Dancing with the Stars

20. Saturday Night Live

19. 24

18. Ugly Betty

17. The Biggest Loser

16. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

15. Dexter

14. Grey's Anatomy

13. Survivor

12. Boston Legal

11. American Idol

10. The Office

9. Desperate Housewives

8. Damages

7. 30 Rock

6. Pushing Daisies

5. Chuck

4. Lost

3. Battlestar Galactica

2. Friday Night Lights

1. So you think you can dance

Looking back at my last year's list, there's a LOT of changes :D Heroes, Prison Break & Grey's anatomy - a big drop... Especially Prison Break since that show is just dumb... And Heroes better be good again next fall :D

I knooow, a reality show is no.1, but SYTYCD is... OMG... I just can't even describe how much I L-U-V that show :D Battlestar Galactica and Lost would probably have been numbers 9 and 10 or sth, but I was amazed by those shows when they came back a few weeks/months ago...

I would also like to mention shows that ALMOST made the list, and those shows are: Greek, Here come the newlyweds (I just luved it, dunno why), Everybody hates Chris, Aliens in America, Las Vegas, Nip/Tuck, Psych, SVU, Beauty and the Geek and Miss/Guided....

You can tell from the list that I really watch EVERYTHING :lol: Many people say it, but they think "everything" is American Idol and CSI... Because those shows are sooo different :lol: There's good, but mostly bad reality shows (Big Brother? :lol: ), incredible SciFi shows (BSG), disgusting animated shows (South Park), weepy dramas (Grey's anatomy), hilarious sitcoms (How I met your mother) and the typical crime shows (CSI's)...

So, you think you can d...Erm, you like my list? :lol: Sorry, I'm completely exstatic cause SYTYCD is coming back in..... 24 DAYS!! :D :D But, until then, I have a BUNCH of shows to watch... It's like paradise these days... Everything's back... :)

A Frakkin' Good Show!

It was two weeks ago... Battlestar Galactica finally returned with new episodes and I was blown away... The same thing happened last week, and this week... I dropped my jaw quite a few times :lol: I didn't even realize how much I missed this show, and how brilliant the writing, directing and most of all, acting was up until a couple of weeks ago...

BSG Cally

This week's episode was mind-blowing... Words can't describe how brilliant this show is... At first, it felt like it was going to be just an average episode after 2 incredible ones... But the beginning of the eppie was just the build-up to one frakked up end... The Cylons are divided and at war, Cara's on her own ship trying to find Earth and her crew (with a lot of familiar faces) is pissed... But the most important storyline revolved around a character we rarely got to see - Cally. We all knew her marriage was falling apart, but no one tought Cally would go psycho, bludgeon her husband with some sort of a wrench after finding out he's a machine and then get thrown out the frakkin' airlock by Tori, one of the final five Cylons who has now officially gone over to the dark side... It was just amazing. And it hurts to even think that this is the last season... Like, 17 more episodes? I don't want it to end! :( I usually never rewatch episodes of any show... Especially not full seasons or entire series... But I have a feeling I'll be making an exception for BSG one summer, when there's nothing on and I'm in need of a frakkin' good SciFi fix... :)

Okay, moving to other shows... :D So many exits this week! It's like every time I go to TVGuide.com, there's a new headline: "ANOTHER exit: ___ ___ exits ___ ___ ! Who's next?!" :lol: First Gary Dourdan's exit from CSI was announced (he's Warrick), then it was SVU's Diane Neal (I think that's her name :lol: )... That was followed by Khandi Alexander leaving CSI: Miami, and then another SVU star's exit was announced, I believe his name is Adam Beach... It's craaazy :lol:

30 r

NBC's Thursday comedy block was awesome... It feels so good to have those shows back, The Office and 30 Rock are insanely funny, and Scrubs is still alive and kicking... :)

Kristy Lee Cook is out!! Yay! :lol: She's a sweet girl and everything, but c'mon.... She is NOT better than Michael Johns... I still think those results were fake... FOX was in desperate need of a shocker because the ratings have seriously dropped... But, judging by this week's ratings, it only made people stop watching even more :lol: Who's next? Probably Syesha...

Ozzy, SUR

Speaking of things dropping, my jaw dropped once again during Survivor :lol: What.a.blindside! :lol: Ozzy's ego was probably bigger than the entire island they're on, so I was glad to see him go... However, I don't want those chicks to take over and to go to the final four... I really like James, he's super funny, and Jason, even though his IQ is probably negative, he's a likable dude... Still, Parvati.... O.M.G. :lol: Also a big blindside this week - Big Brother... Natalie's face was PRICELESS :lol: Why did you do this to meeee?!!" Cue sad/sarcastic music. :lol:

The Biggest Loser ended this week... Finally, a female winner! :D I'm so happy for Ali, and judging by some poll results, so is the rest of America... She really seems like a funny, genuine person... :) Big Bang Theory was great, Bones was really funny (I missed that show a lot), and Desperate Houswives came back! :D I just LOVE season four... :)

Also, got some incredible news - you might've heard, but - FOX apparently renewed Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles!!! :D It's not official yet, but Ausiello's sources (the TVGuide dude with a huge ego :lol: ) are saying it's a done deal. :D So, so happy... Now if only Fox would start airing it in the fall... :)

cat deeley, sytycd

Also, my official SYTYCD countodown continues: 33 DAYS! That's it! A frakkin' month and my faaavorite show returns :D Speaking of favorites, next time around, I'll post my favorite shows of the season... I know the season's still not over (we have a few more weeks, which, BTW, will be incredible :D ), but there are no more premieres... It will be a mix of reality shows, SciFi shows, insane comedies and jaw-dropping dramas... Want clues? Read this post again :lol: Actually, if you're that desperate (and you're probably not :lol: ) go through my entire blog for clues :lol: Just kidding :D

I've probably said this a gazillion times, but honestly, THIS upcoming week marks the revival of primetime... Why? Just check the schedules... Not only do we get new episodes of Boston Legal, Bones, Desperate Housewives, 30 Rock, The Office, BSG etc., we welcome back the biggest hits - Brothers and sisters, Grey's anatomy, Lost (!!), Supernatural and Gossip Girl :D I'm lovin' it :D

A Wild, Wild Party

Hey there!! :D I'm back! And I've been back for two weeks now, I just didn't have any inspiration to write a post :lol: So, I was in Prague, it was awesome... :D It was a 4-day trip, or actually 2, because we spent two days in the bus... Still, it was great - we had time to check out the sights (Yay, my favorite part :lol: ), to go out to this huuuge club...


It's called Karlovy Lazne (you can check it out here: http://www.karlovylazne.cz/index2.php ), and you have like 4-5 levels, whatever they're called... We were on this huuuge floor that has like this big dance-floor with the lights constantly changing on it - like an 80's disco thing and it was great... And what was even more great is the fact that the professors allowed alcohol :lol: Sounds insane, huh? But we're a pretty small school, we're used to chatting with them, fooling around and stuff so they trust us with alocohol... And we respected that - no one got drunk (or at least REALLY drunk :lol: ), so it was great... We also had time for shopping, a lot of malls, huge stores and stuff, but the problem is, I only bought stuff for my family :lol: I didn't find anything for me :lol: So that's kind of a bummer... XD


The trip back was just exhausting... Oh my God... With stops, it's like a 16-hour drive... And the bus wasn't really spectacular :lol: And the roads, OMG... :lol: But we had fun... But at the very end of the trip, when we were in Hungary, very close to Croatia, it looked as if someone dropped a bomb in the bus or the plague has spread among us :lol: Tons of garbage on the floor, people sleeping in these impossible positions because the darn bus was so uncomfortable and then you have these green lights they turn on during the night when people wanna sleep, so that made the situation extra freaky and weird :lol: And then we heard from the tour guide: "We're 5 minutes away from the Croatian border, have your passports ready", and it's like the bus suddenly came to life :lol: Everyone was like - omg, we're hooome! :lol: And when I came home I just threw myself on my sweet, comfortable bed :lol: Like I was in heaven... Because the hotel beds weren't that good, and it's not like we actually slept :lol: And yeah, we were in desperate need of a fresh, home-cooked meal - the food there was disgusting. It's like, they didn't even cook rice - they just put it in hot water so it's not cold and served it :lol: I was sooo awful...


And the next day I go online and the news couldn't be better: "NBC strikes a deal with DirecTV, Friday Night Lights renewed for a 3rd season" :) 8) And there's been so many news about TV shows since I came back, it's crazy... NBC announced its new fall schedule... It's okay, but none of these shows strike me as a potential new hit... Like, Knight Rider could be next year's Bionic Woman... My own worst enemy has a pretty bad time slot... Crusoe, like, WTF? At least my favorites are returning :D Battlestar Galactica started finally, and it's frakkin' AMAZING... That premiere was such a delight after the strike era... :D


Men in Trees is (unfortunately) being bumped to air during the summer, which means it's probably canceled... ABC is interested in Old Christine, which means if CBS cancels it, it might still return... Then, CBS is looking for a way to save Jericho... Totally weird :lol: Like, was there ever a show that got canceled THREE times?! :lol: Britney was on Mother - it was okay, I guess - good thing is, she didn't make a fool outta herself :lol: South Park is hilarious this season... The WGA strike spoof, the AIDS thing... Awesome... And yeah, Sarah Wayne Callies returning to Prison Break? Triple WTF :lol:

This week marks (at least for me) the official comeback of television... Tonight: Idol, Big Brother, Dancing with the stars, Hell's Kitchen, Beauty and the geek, Biggest Loser (REALITY, omg! :lol: ), NCIS, and finally, Boston Legal... Also returning this week: 30 Rock, The Office (! after 6 months!!), Scrubs, ER... It's gonna be great :D And yeah, I almost forgot: The official countdown begins! :D SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE RETURNS IN....... 43 DAYS! :D Can't friggin' wait!!

NP: Blake Lewis - Audio Day Dream... Gotta say, I'm digging his album... I don't usually listen to that kinda music, I usually listen to rock, but this album has some pretty good, catchy songs... And speaking of music - a new party this Friday! Can't wait :D

Czech Republic, here I come!

Tomorrow!! :D Actually two days from now - I'm leaving Tuesday 3 AM... First, we're visiting Budapest, and then we're off to Prague... I'm coming back on Friday or Saturday, depends on how fast the driver is :D And when I come back I'll share the details and catch up on TV shows and discuss those as well... We're gonna have a blast! :D

And yes, HAPPY EASTER! :D :D

Change is about to happen...

So, I'm back :D It hasn't even been like 24h since I posted my last post, but I just couldn't resist, since I was so, so happy about FNL being this close to getting renewed and Terminator's Thomas Dekker saying the show is probably returning :D Two big highlights of my week... Sound lame, huh? Weeeell, you don't go to my school :lol:

Geography tests, physics, math, chemistry, dumb books to read... It's really irritating... BUT! :D It's over... Kinda-sorta... I won't be going to school this Wednesday and Thursday, and then spring break starts the week after... Which is awesome, cause then, after Easter, I'm off to Prague... :D It's like, here! :lol: And we got this rule book about what we must and mustn't do while we're there, you know, with Czech Republic being a foreign country :D Practically what it says is that we aren't allowed to have sex :lol: That was so funny... And nothing about raping someone :lol: I guess the rule abou not having sex applies to that as well :lol: But definitely the funniest of them all was that we are not allowed to spread lies among students and cause panic by saying: The ship is sinking!/Fire!/Terrorists! :lol: Like, huh? :lol: "The ship is sinking!" example was written because we're going to Greece with a cruise ship next year 8) And don't think I'm super rich or something, you know with the destination being Greece and a cruise ship involved - it's not as expensive as you'd think :D Anyway, we've come to an agreement - one night we're gonna start screaming "The hotel is sinking" :lol:


This week's TV? Of course, the Terminator finale - awesome :D Lost? Not as good as the last two weeks, but still amazing... :) Idol - the guys were amazing, the girls... Meh, okay... I'm okay with the results, but I guess I was shocked Danny was voted off - in a good way :lol: Asia'h? In a bad way... What's Kristy Lee doing there, like for real? Whatever... This season's going to be SO unpredictable... They might not be the most talented group ever (even though they won't stop sayin' it), but they're all almost equally good... Like, last year you had Melinda, LaKisha, and Jordin as the front-runners (Blake kinda became popular towards the end), and you knew it's impossible for them not to make it all the way to the top four... This year, they're gonna vote out Kristy Lee, Chikezie, Amanda, and I don't know, maybe David Hernandez, and then what? Who's going next? You know what I'm saying? We can't say for sure who's gonna be in the top four, it's just so unpredictable... And that's why I like it this year :D


Okay, enough of Idol :lol: The Apprentice? Oma went Home-a :lol: Finally! :D And Survivor - the dumb fireman went home, also very pleased with that... So many blind siding this season, it's crazy :D Men in trees was really cute, and I also caught Oprah's big give... It's kind of an Extreme home makeover meets The Amazing Race type of reality, and so far it's okay... It's so obvious the couples are getting some help from the producers (can a normal person with a 9-5 job honestly put on a fashion show in 2-3 days?), but it's still kinda fun, and most important - for a good cause :)


Next week - Beauty and the geek!! South Park!! Yay! :D TV is coming back :D And speaking of good news, I heard that NBC is bringing back The Office next year... Think you already know that? Well, did you know they're bringing it back for 30 episodes?! Yes, THIRTY :lol: This March is the first big month this year for me... With the trip to Prague coming, and a looot of other stuff happening... It's crazy :D Not really the biggest fan of change, I like my own bed, my TV :lol: my computer, my family, friends and my dog :lol: But I guess every once in a while change is good :) And the weirdest thing is that the thing I'm looking forward to the most is the bus drive to Prague :lol: I loooove riding in a bus with a whole bunch of my friends singing, laughing, playing cards, just fooling around :) I'm leaving on the 24th... And I can't wait :)