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*mcdempsey Blog

Social... live in closet quiz

So I should be doing my social essay outline... for my essay tomorrow. Because us Canadian's still have school. :D Anyways... To what extent does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all people?

Yeah, I'm a little confused too.

That's how lame social is. Anyways... so me and Jess(pirateJESS) were on msn the other day, having a blast, I might add. And because of that Japanese woman who lived in this guy's closet for a year, we decided that if someone ever lived in our closets, we'd like to test them before the do so. Because their are certain things that we just won't put up with. So... to find out if you can live in our closets for a year, answer the following:

1. Do you like babies feet? Or just babies in general?
2. Do you always feel the need to have a steady supply of milk in the fridge?
3. What kind of TV do you like?
4. Correctly answer this phrase. Oh My ______.
5. When is your ideal time to smell chocolate?
6. Aluminum or aluminium?
7. If you hear 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' on the radio, would you sing along with it?
8. What are your feelings towards Patrick Dempsey?
9. On msn, do you use msn slang? Do ya rite lyk dis?
10. Do you like accents?
11. Old J-mac or new version?
12. Have you ever been or are in a band?

Anyways, we had some pretty fun times. Because she says Aluminium. Notice the extra i? I love it! And jumper for sweater! Yay! Seriously, that's awesome.


J-Mac. 3 textbooks?

Hey all! Weekend!

So... you may not know this about me, but I have a weird sense of music. One day I can be listening to punk, the next day soft rock or something. It's pretty crazy. Anyways, so... I got into Jesse McCartney (yes, J-Mac... go ahead and shake your heads in disapproval) about 2 years ago.

And so his new CD came out May 20th... I didn't buy it. But totally not the point. I downloaded a whole bunch of the new songs... and... they're horrible! Like, I miss J-mac! Where did all the good music go? Anyways, it's all like gangst. And I only like 3 of the songs on his CD... and I'm listening to one of them... which inspired this post.

I'm very disappointed at his cd. Good thing I didn't buy it.

So... I had to bring home 3 textbooks this weekend. That's the most I've ever taken home at once. So, yes. I have a crap-load of homework. And my back really hurts. I put the two lightest in my backpack, and carried the last one.

You ever notice how my typing is all... perfect. Never more/less than three dots... Like that. Wow. And capitals and stuff. I don't even know why. I used to be all, yo wat up dawg ttyl. But... now I'm all... me-ish. It's like the black font thing too. It's weird. Like, even on msn... Hmm. Whatever. I like it.


Bio final! W.o.O.

Hola All!

I haven't been on in a while... and I haven't watched Bones like I said I would... So I feel kinda bad. I might do that right after this post...

Anyways, so my bio test that I was stessing out about? Ye! My 7 hours of studying paid off! I got 60/70... which is... 86% So go me! I really wanted like a 95, but... 86 is good, considering my last chapter test, which I retook, haven't got my mark back though. So thanks for all your support! Because I got 86! Woohoo! Still hate bio though...

So I went to go see The Wizard of Oz play yesterday... I didn't really wanna go but I needed to see a pro play for drama. And so it was really boring... Like, seriously, I didn't like the movie, why would I like the play? I mean, 1/2 of it is introducing the characters... and that drags on so long, you just want it to end. GRRR. Anyways, it sucked.

Mmm... yeah.


Grey's and freakin' Biology

I really have no idea what I should write... but watch this be some long thing :P

So I'm really mad right now... all these sites that I get my grey's clips are closing, and it's driving me nuts! I mean, a warning would be nice... It really shows me how much I just take them for granted... grrr. Seriously. I mean I have a lot... but what if one of my vids calls for one I don't have? Grr.

So grey's last night? Freakin' awesome. I'll keep this short(ish) but... Meredith and Derek... that end there... I didn't like it. Something was off. It just didn't seem right. I mean... it was all good until they kissed, then it just went... artificial... I don't know. And then he just leaves her there to wait for him to come back from breaking it off with Rose... I don't know, that didn't seem quite right. Like, he leaves her to wait for him... I don't know, it's kind of ironic in a way I can't explain... Anyways, I have to watch that scene again to make a final conclusion about it... but I don't think my opinion will change.

And why did everyone kiss at the end? I don't think Chief/adele should have kissed... too soon for her to take him back... And then Alex and Izzie. Grrr. I love them together, but that was a 'comfort kiss' that Izzie really really wanted. Not so much on Alex's part. And then Callie/Hahn... yeah, that was needed. We all saw it coming. Nothing to say about that.

Okay, so that soooo wasn't short.

And so I got 21.5/43(exactly 50%) on my last bio chapter test... Err... not good. I don't get why I don't get it. I mean, I have like a 90 in that class(thanks to physics and chem)... but Bio is bringing me down big time. I don't get it. Anyways, the Bio final is on Monday... so I'm studying like crap. And my science teacher is giving me the chance to re-write that chapter test... because he knows I can and should have done better. But he wants me to do it on the same day as the final... So... I guess it's kind of an advantage... but not really because if I screw up the final, I'll have no confidence when I do my chapter...


Yah... so I should go study... I've already spent an hour today, but when I took an easy practise test... I failed. I SERIOUSLY DON'T GET MY PROBLEM WITH IT.


May long, MOH again, finales.

Woohoo! It's May long weekend! I've been waiting for this for 6 weeks. 6 weeks of '5 days a week' of school. Finally a break. And next week is only 3 days. I get Monday and Friday off. The school people obviously know what Thursday means... Grey's finale. And it could be good or bad... So the day off is good.

Oh my Dempsey, I heard the best spoiler for Grey's today. I have NO idea how credible it was, but it was good... Like, really good. Like, Paddy in Made of Honor good.

Speaking of which... Made of Honor is finally uploaded onto the internet. And so yes, I watched it again. And it was just as good the 2nd time around! And the file I watched on the internet had Spanish subtitles. Haha, learning while watching Paddy. My favourite type of learning.

Anyways, Office finale! Umm... Not much to say. It was really good, really funny. I loved that Dwight said that Kevin was mentally challenged to the new girl. That was so funny. And I'm glad that Dwight and Angela hooked up at the end there... :D

Ghost Whisperer finale: Why would they leave us there? Just...ugh! And her dad? What's the deal? Errrrg! Anyways, can't wait for next season! :P

So my parents left for Vancouver today, until Thursday . It's my dad's 50th b-day, so my mom wanted to do something special. And my brother is camping... and my other brother is never home anyways... and my sister... well, she'll be busy on her computer, as usual. So... I was thinking Paddy marathon... but maybe not... Either way, I'm excited.


Medium Finale + Teeth + Vid

So... Medium finale yesterday. It was pretty good. I'm glad Joe got rid of that slim-ball. She was a creeper. I really hated her. She used him, and yet he still came out on top. haha, in your face. And so they finally both have jobs. Good riddance.

So I got these bars on my teeth today... like, on the inside. On just my front teeth. Anyways, it's metal and it hurts my tongue. A lot. When I first started talking with them in, I had a lisp... and my Spanish class friends were making fun of me. Well, more like with me. It was fun. But it hurts my tongue like crazy!

And so I finished a new vid. It's probably my favorite of all my vids. I thought I did a pretty good job. Here's the link if you're interested:

And just so you know, I didn't originally plan to make the beginning of the vid like the beginning of the show Lost... but... then I was messing with the text and it just sorta happened. And I had to keep it.


Medium, Office, Grey's

So I just caught up on my TV. *sigh of relief* Thank goodness for PVR(personal video recorder).

So Medium? I'm excited for the finale next week. I really wanted Allison and Joe to dig themselves out of last years finale this season, and yet, they haven't... Not really. Joe's job doesn't count.

And then... the office. Next week is gonna be awesome. I haven't read any spoilers, but I'm hoping Jim proposes.

And so Grey's last night? Umm... It was good. I mean, it was amazing except for the part where Derek's all, "I'm a whore, I slept with her." I really was hoping they wouldn't... ever. But I guess it's needed to let him realize that he wants Meredith, not Rose. And Meredith's therapist! Wow... Um, no other words. She really called her out on what Mer needs to hear. This is gonna be monumental. And I've heard that in the finale... Meredith and Derek... on his 'cliff'... drinking champagne. Hehehe...

Anyways, I've got Ghost Whisperer to watch later... I'm so glad the strike is over. TV is awesome.

So, new vid:

And yah,


Made of Honor... hehe

Yay! So yesterday I finally got to go see Made of Honor... Because I'm having a hard time finding it (for free) on the internet. It's like, come on, I can see Iron-man, but not Made of Honor? Lame.

But anyways, it was really funny. Patrick was really good in it. And at the very beginning, he was at a college halloween party, and he was dressed up as Bill Clinton. Seriously, that made my day. I'm not even sure if he was the one who actually did the voice while he was behind the mask, but it made me laugh. Oh, good ol' Patrick. And then when he was in Scotland and they made him wear a kilt... well, they did like, a low shot of him... and you could totally see up the kilt. I mean, he was wearing something under it... but I was shocked. Not that I can complain. Anyways, it was really funny. I'm not even sure if it was a good movie... my old movie critic self would know... but my Patrick lovin' self just absolutely loved it! Like, it was so funny! I know I've siad that a few times, but it was. Like, really funny.

Yah, anyways, I'll keep this post short. The shorter, the more likely someone is to read it ;)

And I made a new vid. It's awesome.. but I am yet to put it up on youtube because I can never get on the computer for long enough. Grr, brothers...


Happy Weekend Everyone!

Yay! So I woke up relieved that today was Friday... because finally the end of the week has come.

So Grey's last night? Totally awesome. It was so good to see Addie back. And what's with Erica/Callie? It's kind of funny. I for one am totally against it. It would make George the guy who... well, turned his wife into a lesbian. Not really a good feeling. And now that Gizzie is gone (sorry Gizzie fans) he's finally the lovable Georgie again! And Lexie wasn't as cool as she was last episode. I was kind of disappointed. But that's okay... Because near the end, even though Derek and Meredith referred to each other as Dr. Grey and Dr. Shepherd... when they shook hands... that was just perfect. He looks at their hands and lightly caresses hers before letting go. So cute. Gives me hope. Which I totally already had. But... it was a good step. Woot, go Mer/Der! And the elevator scene? Best 30 seconds of my life.

Oh my Dempsey... so the past few blog posts... I've totally forgot to change my banner. MY BAD! I'll try and remember this time!

So my brothers girlfriend has officially moved. Yay! So he's home, and she's 2 hours away. Can you say boo-yah? Except they're planning on going camping together for the May long weekend. But my parents are going away for my dad's 50th b-day. So... Part of me wants him gone... the other wants him home just so that they aren't in a small, private space together... Yes, I'm protective of him. Even if he's 6 years older. And if he were home, my other brother wouldn't have all his 'dawgs' over and stink up my house with their cologne and crap. And eat all our food! Ugh!

Anyways, Friday! I was suppose to go see Made of Honor... actually, it would be starting right about now... or those were my plans... But they got cancelled. And that's okay. It doesn't look that good, just funny. Well, Paddy looks good. And I'll probably end up just watching it on the internet anyways :P. 'Cause I'm a rebel like that ;P I know, I know. That's the exact reason their was the writers strike. But hey, if its uploaded, why not?

All for now, Kay


New Vid... Weekend

Woohoo! So after a lonngggg week, Friday afternoon finally arrived. And I couldn't be any happier. I finished my newest vid, so thats really good. I haven't made one in like... a month. But I found time and really wanted it done for the Saturday. It was pretty wicked.

Heres the link for those who care:

It's a Patrick Dempsey vid... I like it.

So, Saturday I had to wake up at... 4:30... I ended up sleeping through my alarm for a good 17 minutes before I heard it. So I got dressed and all that stuff, but I was shaking because I was so tired... I just didn't have the energy. So, I'm actually a very religious person... so... anyways, there was this religion-y thing-y going on in a city 2.5 hours away, and it started at 8... Lame, I know. So, my church 'dawgs' came and picked me up and we started our journey. And I tried to sleep... but I couldn't. I can't sleep in cars, I don't know why, but I can't. So, it was so cute because you would here these soft little snores from the backseat... I smiled. So, finally we arrived and all was good... And then on the ride back, we played a game called President. It's a card game... and I ended up being President like, the last few games we had, so HA! I'm still considered President. I was Janitor(the lowest) for most of the games though :P. And so, yeah. Errg. So I got home... slept for about a half hour because that's all I could manage. I don't know why I'm like, sleep challenged. So, then at 8 there was a dance... and I went to it... But I had to put in some eye drops so that I wouldn't want to fall asleep during it. And they were miracle workers! Except when I closed me eyes... they hurt. It's kind of funny. Yup, so I got home around midnight and then, boom! Church this morning... and I wasn't tired at all! I was so surprised! Yay me!

So... my 'boys'(Colorado Avalanche) lost again... so... They're down 2 games to none in a best of 7 series. And I really didn't think they'd win, but I didn't think they'd be THIS bad. Oh well, what can you do? And Grey's is back, so really, who cares?

Grey's was awesome! I'm so excited for this weeks!! There's a sneak peak to it, where Addison is saying hi to Meredith and Derek and so she hugs Meredith and calls them like... The happy couple... I can't wait to see how she finds out.

This Friday-> Made Of Honor! Woot!


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