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George and Izzie

If you are a Gizzie fan reading, keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion.

George and Izzie, a couple?

Please excuse me while I puke.

Alright, all better. How did this happen? My opinion: They need to become just George and just Izzie. Best friends who turned into lovers? Okay, I don't even want to start my rant about why I don't think they should be together, so let me just skim through to my solution. Starting with George. He is so innocent and cute. I would really like something between him and Lexie Grey to spark. I mean, he had a thing for the other Grey, why not this one? This one is very like him. She's nice, young, fresh, respectful, innocent, cute. Just… Lexie-like. I like her. She's kind of like Izzie in a way. But George and Lexie don't have that Izzie/George kind of friendship, so I wouldn't think it would be as… awkward…as Gizzie is, if they did get together. If George can love Izzie, he can love Lexie. Plus it would help Meredith open up to her. Lexie and George are such a nice couple. Couldn't you just picture it? I mean, let's think about this. Okay, first, Lexie came in the last episode of season 3, all nice and she introduced herself to George. Gave him a smile and left. Sure, we all hated her, but then she ended up being innocent in the Derek/Lexie trial. She was respectful enough to George to keep his secret until he was ready to share. But then theirs the Alex situation. I think we can all call that an honest mistake. She's having daddy and half-sister issues. I think she's entitled to a few mistakes. She tried to feel better. Obviously didn't work because Alex is Alex. She got over him and then was invited to Meredith's house on evening. And so she dances. She dances with Meredith and Cristina while George dances with Izzie. The next morning she awakes in George's room. Breakfast is served. George tries to warn her that Meredith can't cook to save her life, but, being the nice sister she is, insists on eating it. Then she got an allergic reaction… So George helped her out. I mean, George is there for her, and she's there for George. And they aren't (as my dad would say) buddy-buddies? If I were George, she'd be my friend. Like, Lexie is already trying to make an effort to become friends with him. They should become more than friends though. They would make a good couple. I could totally see this happening. It could or it couldn't happen, but I'm pulling for Lexie/George.

Over to Izzie now. Izzie, Izzie, Izzie. I have two solutions for you, baby. But first, break up with George. You're not meant to be. And Shonda, who at the beginning of the 4th season said she would pop the Gizzie balloon, has not followed through yet. Like, Hurry Shonda! There is only so much Gizzie I can handle. Alright, back to just Izzie. She deserves more than George. Alex was a great guy for her. She really brought the best out of him. He's been there for her. Alex was the one who held her as she cried; mourning the loss of Denny (may he rest in peace). Alex can put a smile on her face anyday. And remember when Izzie was crying in her room and Alex came in with a box of Kleenex. I was happy. Everyone I know liked Alex and Izzie as a couple. Why did they break up? Shonda and her love for drama. I guess I can't really blame her. I mean, I'm pretty sure that the day Meredith and Derek get married will be the day that the show ends. And oh my gosh. Even in a just George and just Izzie blog I write about Meredith and Derek. Isn't it amazing? The wonders of life. Back to Izzie. Okay, so recently, I've had to live on fanfaction to keep my spirits up. Grey's has been so depressingly sad! Ugh! So anyways, I keep crossing Izzie and Mark stories. Or at least, they've been together in my Mer/Der stuff… But the point is, I wouldn't mind them together either. It's weird. I would rather see her with Mark than with George. That will probably never happen though. Erica Hahn has Mark wrapped around her finger, and I respect that couple as well. So I think Alex needs to do something to show Izzie how much he cares. Because he does. So pull up your pants and do something Alex!

So George and Izzie both have dependable (in my opinion) outs. They can both leave this relationship guilt free and become friends again. Put it in the past. Forgive and Forget… and by forgive, I mean Izzie, forgive George for making you think you love him. And George, forgive Izzie for sleeping with you when not only you were drunk, but married. Okay… maybe they don't need to forgive at all. But they do need to end. Fast. Seriously. George can have Lexie. I still can't get over how great that would be if they would be together. It would so cute… And Izzie, take Alex back. Come on. You know you want to. Just do it already. Or if Hahn magically dies or you want to do something to make her mad, go out with Mark. Maybe you'll find yourself liking him better than you'd think.

Derek and Mark... What?

Derek and Mark Friendship Thingy or Whatever

Once upon a time there were two good friends, Derek and Mark. They grew up together and then Derek got married. 11 years later of this continuous friendship, Mark did something unforgivable: He sleep with Derek's wife. Derek then flew to Seattle and his wife chased after him. They tried to make things work and he was trying his best to forgive her. It seemed too hard to do, so he divorced her. Mark then soon came to Seattle to win Derek's ex-wife back. They tried but Derek's ex wasn't into it. She then left Seattle. Mark stayed behind and finally got a chance to talk to Derek. Mark told him that he actually came to Seattle to rekindle their old friendship. Derek believed him and they became friends again. And they lived Happily Ever After.

Okay, I know it's just a show but that can't really happen. Not really. I don't understand how Derek can immediately forgive Mark for something that he couldn't forgive him for 3 seasons. Mark lied; he didn't come to Seattle for Derek. He came for Addison, and we all know it. He was willing to go 60 days without sex just to be with her. He was in love with her. Mark didn't come for Derek. Maybe a little, but it was mostly Addison.

Don't get me wrong, I love that Derek and Mark are friends again; I just don't get how Derek can forgive him. They are such fun friends to watch but seriously? We all hoped they could become friends again but this all happened so fast. Like seriously. And so Derek started taking relationship advice from the manwhore extraordinaire. Wrong choice Der. In the first episode of season 4, Mark is talking to Derek about Meredith and Derek, having not yet forgiven Mark, yells at him saying he doesn't know Meredith: she has a right to be dark and twisty. Then later Derek suddenly forgives him and they go out for drinks and stuff. Weird. Mark tries talking to him about Meredith some more, explaining that she's not ready for what Derek wants from her. This causes Derek to think. He then tells Meredith that he'll wait until she's ready, but he's still going to date to keep his options open. Then later Derek meets a scrub nurse, Rose, that has a thing for him. They bond a bit and then they kiss. All of this oblivious to Meredith. So just a week earlier he had been sticking up for Meredith in a scrub room with Mark, and now he had pretty much moved on from her. That freakin' Mark should not be giving advice to anyone. Ever. I mean he pretty much encouraged him to look around for a new gal. He's Mark Sloan. How dumb can Derek be? Maybe when Derek realizes that he's being an idiot (with the help of Cristina or Bailey, I'm sure) he'll yell at Mark and 'break up' so they can slowly become friends again. The right way. They went way too fast this season. 5 words made Derek decide that he liked Mark again: "I came her for you." Okay, not only is that a lie, but Derek is an idiot to fall for it! Ugh, I can't stress that anymore! Seriously. For a brain surgeon, he sure is brainless.

I was so confused when I saw Derek and Mark talking and chilling this season. It didn't add up to me. If someone screwed my husband, I'd probably go out and kill the chick! I don't care if I've been distant from my husband, we had vows! To make it worse, in Derek's case, it was his best friend who did that to him. If my best friend did that and then followed me to my new home I'd do everything Derek did to Mark when he came after the bomb scare in season 2. I would be so mad. Think about it. Put yourself in Derek's shoes. You come home one day and find your spouse and your best friend in bed. How do you get an image like that out of your head? So you move. And then they follow you. How could you call a truce? I couldn't. Sure, maybe that's because I'm stubborn. But really think about it. It's unforgivable. Or if it is forgivable, it calls for a long needed talk. It calls for an explanation. Derek and Mark barely had one. Is that because they're men? Maybe. Probably. Men are stupid. They really need someone to watch out for them. Which is probably why they get married…

So Derek and Mark are the Cristina and Meredith of men on Grey's but that doesn't excuse the fact that Mark screwed Derek's wife and Derek caught them in bed together. That would haunt me for the rest of my life. And who knows, maybe it wasn't the first time it had happened. Addison said it was, but we don't know for sure. After Derek left they lived together for a while. So they obviously had an attraction towards one another. I think they had probably been having an affair for a while before Derek caught them.

They have a seriously awesome friendship, but I don't like the fact that they can become happy with just a few words. It's took Meredith forever to realize she wanted Derek again, so what is Shonda up to here?

To hate or not to hate, that is the question.

Rose. An object, a thing. A name... A four letter word. You know what else is a four letter word? Hate. And then theirs words such as Like, Love, Okay, Fine, Hope, Need, Easy. All these words. Rose. Can I say I hate her? Maybe.

I heard that the actress who plays Rose, Lauren Stamile, is actually a Mer/Der fan. I bet she's partially hates herself. I mean, you're breaking up an amazing couple. But then again... you get to screw up your kisses with Patrick Dempsey so you have to shoot them over and over and over and over get the point. I'm pretty jealous of her... I can't say I hate her. Not really. I hate the idea of her. I hate the idea that she, as Rose, is kissing Derek. If it was just flirting, maybe a hug or two, everything would be fine. Okay, not fine, but I'd survive. Even if Derek does basically break up with Meredith and go ask Rose on a date. I'd be okay with that. But Rose is kissing Derek. Not good. It seems as though he's moving on. Without the kiss, there is still hope for those Mer/Der crazy fans like me. Okay, maybe I'm just saying that because that kiss was the most grotesque thing I've EVER seen. Pretty much. Basically. But Rose needs to stop. If Shonda still wants her Mer/Der fans to keep watching the show, Rose needs to stop.

But do I hate her? Technically... no. Rose is... Rose. She can only do so much. There are two people in a relationship. She is only one. Derek on the other hand... I don't even want to get started on his problems. Too bad I have this perfect cookie cutter image of Derek that makes him impossible to hate, even while he's not with Meredith. It's pretty rediculous. But I can't help it! They don't call him McDreamy for nothing! He, the smart dummy he is, even predicted that he would move on. "But what if while I'm waiting (for Meredith) I meet someone who is ready to give me what I want from (her)." He didn't know what he would do then... Now he does. Rose made that clear...

Rose. I don't quite hate her. Even if she is stalker-ish. She's Rose! I want to say she's harmless, but she's pretty in love with Dr. Shepherd. She knows so much about him, hence the stalker-ness. But what I want to know is why doesn't she know he's in so love with Meredith? It could be that she does know but wants, no, hopes he can move on with her. Rose. There is that four letter word again. She is so caught up with Derek, that she hasn't even thought to see what this is actually doing to him. Or Meredith. I mean, come on, for a stalker, you're doing a bad job. You'd have to know that this would break Meredith. Is she that cold blooded? And why did she freak out when the computer went all psycho in surgery. Okay, sure, it's a life and death situation, but you forgot to press the RESTART button? Come on chick! Put it into gear! And stop shaking! You're in a operation room for Brain Surgery, why are you so jumpy? You've been in, oh, how many with Derek? 37 was it? Who knows for sure? Oh, that's right, Rose does because her whole life is focused on Dr. Shepherd.

Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose.
She has ruined the name. What was Shonda thinking when she introduced her? Okay, maybe if she lets up, she can be okay. Like Lexie. And Addison. Everyone hated them at the beginning, but then grew to like them. We can like Rose. For sure. We just can't like her with Derek. Mark maybe. Mark definitly. That would a good couple. Except for yet another snag: She broke up with her fiance because he wasn't ready. Funny eh? Thats just what Derek wants from Meredith. Her to be ready. But Mark could never be with her. His character in not capable of stopping from his manwhore ways. Maybe in 5 years he'll be ready, but not now. It's a shame, really. Rose needs a man. Desperately. Someone to give her pleasure. But I refuse to watch Derek help her there. No. Never. Derek and Meredith. Yup. Meredith and Derek. Merek. Deredith. Together. Definitly.

It seems that I hate her. But really, I'm just blabbing about her flaws and my thoughts. I don't hate her. Not yet at least. I wanted to hate her. I did hate her, but then I realized maybe I shouldn't. She's just being herself. Stalker, weirdo, bad scrub nurse, Derek addict, self. If I were a scrub nurse for him, I would probably do the same. Which makes me a bad person, doesn't it?

Tell me your opinions. Agree? Disagree? With what? I want to hear. I want a good argument.

My Opinions on the upcoming Jan. 10/08 Grey's.

Okay, finally after what seems like FOREVER, Grey's is returning... for one episode! That's right, one episode of pure pain! (Or so the spoilers say). I, being a 100% Mer/Der fan, can't even decide if I want to watch this episode. I mean, come on! Sure, it's good drama, but seriously? Meredith and Derek... after everything they've been through together? The chase, the wife, the being called a whore, the exam room sex, the consequences, Burke and Cristina troubles, chief problems, death, and a non-wedding. They should be together. Everyone knows it! It will happen, that's for sure, but why not now? I mean, what's in the way? Everything has been sorted. All their is, is just a stalking nurse who can be told off, no problem. This is just stupid unnessesary drama that is killing just a little bit of every Mer/Der fan inside. This upcoming episode ends with Derek being a total tool. I would watch it no problem if I knew their was more to watch. But this is the last episode until what? April did they say? Doesn't matter, the point is this stupid strike is making fans like me go AWOL. If the writers think I can handle this as my season finale, they obviously didn't see me after the season 3 finale. Sure, maybe I just had a bad week, but I believe it was that stupid depression caused from that stupid Meredith because of that hypocrite Derek. Speaking of Derek, why is he being a freakin' weirdo right now? Sure, he's old and just wants to settle down but... I mean, come on, you don't say things like "I wanna marry you" and stuff and then end off (that amazingly awsome speech) saying "But what if I do meet someone who is ready to give me what I want from you?". Well then DOCTOR SHEPHERD, you obviously don't care about her as much as you say... AND YOU ACTUALLY DO. The stupid scrub nurse is brainwashing him. He is seriously getting on my nerves. He doesn't deserve Meredith... unfortunately I can't live life unless they are together... Which sucks for me.

And how many times did I use the word stupid?

Back to the episode. Bailey's son comes in and, from the sneek peak on youtube, when she tries to get in on his surgery to hold his hand, Cristina comes in and says, "Yo, I'll hold it." Okay, she doesn't say those exact words because... have we ever heard Cristina say yo? But come on, it's Cristina. She was all rebelish, smart, obnoxious, stubborn, and... everything Cristina-y at the beginning of the series. But then she met Burke. And he changed her. He changed her so she would be fit to be his wife. It happened very slowly, but in the end, he did change her. Which is the reason he left her at the altar in the season 3 finale. And now, Burke is gone and she's still changing. How? What?...What? This may just be that she can't change back to her old self as fast as she wants to, or maybe she is slowly still changing. She did have a good original Cristina moment back in Episode 4.03 Let the Truth Sting, which was cut short by her telling Meredith that she is 'dealing' with the Burke problem. I'm not gonna lie, I miss the Cristina who drinks every night at Joe's and picks up a guy to sleep with. Sure it's more Meredith's 'thing' but it seems like a very Cristina-y thing to do... Maybe not a season 3 or 4 Cristina thing, but definitly before she met Burke. Burke ruined Cristina. Preston Burke ruined Cristina Yang. Their's no denying it. I miss Cristina. Everyone has a soft side, but hers is showing way to often now-a-days.

Thus leaves the question, will I even bother to watch this episode? I don't know if I want to be left wondering what's going to happen next with Meredith, Derek, Rose, Bailey, her husband, her son, everything. But I may just watch it because I love the show. I've seen every episode thus far, why stop now? It wouldn't be like I'd never see it. I'd definitly just wait until more came. So I haven't decided yet. Watch a great show and see how it ends up, or forget it, go for walk and see you next season McDreamy!

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