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*michael_LB92 Blog

So, I'm back on YouTube.

I don't know what's gotten into me. I decided to get a haircut, but not without first making a really stupid video. So here the YouTube link is if you're interested.

Or just click HERE. (I'm tech-savvy-ish)

Sorry for the absence. I performed swimmingly for my final exams; I did way better than expected and ended up getting an overall score of 94.35 (out of 100, it's on a bellcurve, blah blah blah, complicated maths stuff).

Got into Media (Bachelor of Comm.) at RMIT.

I know, I know, Media isn't always the most useful degree, but it sounds a bit more directed and defined than Arts, so I'm going with it. I've deferred it for a year to go away to Ireland. I'm leaving in a month, where I'll visit my sister for two weeks in America then go there.

OK, sorry, trying to keep this succinct.

If you enjoy the video, please subscribe or leave me feedback. It's really just a silly last-minute thing I thought of today. :P (And just so people know, my hair is FINE now. It's cut properly, not like I did it in the video at all.)

(For Clare: WARNING, features ONE F-word.Please be warned.) :P


Hey everybody,

Just another quick update. Finished all my exams - they didn't feel super-good, but I'm always my harshest critic when it comes to things like this - so we'll see how it goes! I get all my results on the 13th of December which will be semi-indicative of the tertiary institution I will get into.

But yeah, I'm really not even bothered by it anymore. It's funny how not-as important it seems once it's finished. It was definitely important, but not as paramount as it once felt. :P

Anyway, I've started a new job for the summer, working at least 25 hrs a week, so I'm getting heaps of money. Yay! But when it ends, I'll go back to unemployment and probably enjoy that for a little while.

How is everyone else? Sorry I've been so absent.

Recently, I've been watching 'THE OFFICE' (US, of course, I have seen the British one though). I really love it. It's awesome. Steve Carrell can be quite annoying, but also hilarious.

Um, besides that, not much else is happening.


What is everyone else watching/doing?

De-Pressing BLOG


Not in a literal, insomniac, lethargic kinda way, just in a oh-god-let-this-year-end way. :P

I'm over the sentimental "aw, high school is ending!" stuff, and ready to just do my final exams and finish forever.

I swear, once I'm done, I will be on everyday doing nothing.

Hell, I might even contribute to the Trivia sections in TV shows and stuff!

Who knows what will become of me!?

But yeah. Meh. Blugh. Neng.

Random noises.

This is what is happening.

My mental acuity is actually dropping and my sanity has destroyed been.

But all is well.

How is everyone?

Normal blogs will be posted in 22 days, when my life is not a hyperbolic decay-ridden, crumbling mess of despair and Year-12 stress.

Burning Bridges


I apologise for my absence, but know that I have been really busy these past few months. My final year of schooling is actually ending very soon, and all the pressure is starting to become very... pressure-y. :D

Before you continue to read, know that this blog is all about me and how busy my life is. It's selfish and inconsiderate, I know, but right now everything is about me in my mind. :P

Due to the extreme (somewhat over-dramatic) stress levels of my everyday life now, I've actually started making weird lifestyle changes.

Basically, from now until midway November (when my exams finish), I won't be:

- going on Facebook
- going out drinking
- going out much at all

I've also quit my job at Blockbuster. I won't be leaving for a few weeks though. I plan on applying for a new job during exams, so I actually get it just after exams. Blockbuster was just not my thing. (I'd get called into shifts about an hour before, or else I wouldn't get any!) And I really just want a more consistent, enjoyable job (no micro-managing please).

So yeah, I actually feel like I'm turning into a hermit. The Facebook thing is already getting to me, but I've gone all out and changed the password (to some random letters and numbers), written it on a piece of paper and hidden it.

It's not that I want to do really, really well (well, I do want to), but more that I like to feel in control of things. And seeing as school is my number one priority right now, I'd like to feel as though I am on top of all my work.

As well as that, if I get a score at the end of the year which is not as great as I was hoping for, at least I know I did my best. If I just kept doing what I was doing, and went out drinking, Facebooking all day, etc., I'd always have that nagging feeling that I could've done better.

This way, no matter what, I know I put all in all I could.

So yeah. This is me now. School-freak. Stressed out 18 year old.

What's up with everyone else?

(That's right, I just made it a little less self-involved)

I was reading over my old blogs...

... and it is so interesting to see how I used to think. I'm, of course, very similar to how I used to be. But sometimes I read the things I used to say, and I just seem so different now. At least IMO. :P

Anyway, I decided to save all my old blogs into Word documents, should anything ever happen to and they all be lost! I didn't realise it at the time of publishing them, but it's sort of fun to read over journal entries when you're older... painful as they are sometimes to sit down and write!

Well, anyway, that was all I wanted to say. I hope everyone is well.

I'm in the middle of my most hectic term this year, so I don't have the most time for Just wanted to pop by and make sure everyone knows I'm alive. If you're on Facebook, you should be able to tell well and clear. :P I'm still constantly on there. Slightly more controlled time limits though.

Also, a confession:

I like Cougar Town and True Beauty.

Please don't shun me from your life. They make my Thursday nights. I love them. Not the most intelligent viewing, I admit, but I honestly don't have the time/effort to commit to good television.

Let me all know how you're doing?

Pepper is gross

I really don't like pepper. Just throwin' it out there.

Salt is awesome... but pepper is not.

And where have I disappeared off to?


I still troll around on this site from time to time and neglect to post anything. But midyear holidays have begun, and for the next two weeks I plan on actually becoming a potato.

I recently watched two seasons of Bones in five weeks (I have no idea how I managed that, having three of the busiest school weeks of my life, ever... and in a row, luckily enough.)

But now I am chillaxing, and letting my brain melt... and probably going to try and cram two seasons of Bones into the next two weeks. :D

I must admit, I like it. Not the greatest, most rivetting show, but the characters are likeable enough, and there is a great dynamic between them. I'm willing to overlook the somewhat exaggerated forensic technology in the show, just as you have to overlook all different sortsof "unrealisms" in each show.

So, if you're looking for something to watch, I'd definitely recommend it. However, it is in no sense a must-see show, and it really doesn't offer much originality. It's still good though. :D

Enough about Bones, though.

Everyone tell me a weird fact about themselves. Or something interesting. Anything. Just a fun fact I can take to the bank. GO, GO NOW!

Sex and the City 2

Firstly, sorry for the latest absence. The last two weeks have been hectic. But I won't bore you with that... I'm basically gonna talk about SEX AND THE CITY 2 in this blog.

I'll admit it, I am a huge fan of Sex and the City (the series). The first movie, IMO, was an alright addition to the show. It wasn't completely necessary, but it followed a nice pattern, added to the already-nice ending, and made sense. My greatest vice was really the lack of sex, or more specifically, the tabooness associated with sex.

What was so fresh and original and fun and PERTINENT to the show was stripped in the movie, that ultimately became, about relationships between characters, instead of sex. But that was excuseable, as the characters are mostly extremely likeable, and I suppose it appeals to a greater demographic if it less "risque".

But the second movie was, simply, atrocious. The wit is still there... sort of. Well, it is. But there is only so much wit can do with adirectionlessnarrative, inconsistent characters, and bucketloads of almost infomercial-esque product placement. Not to mention completely useless cameos from Liza Minelli and Miley Cyrus.Yay.Blurg.

I'm not saying the movie was completely horrible or unenjoyable, but I found myself BORED quite a few times. And I am a massive fan of the show. There were so many unnecessary scenes, such little character/story development, and a complete lack of what I really loved about the show - the dialogue between the women.

They obviously spoke to each other in the film, but it felt so soulless. And there was absolutely no taboo, or speak of sex.Frankly,all the characters were just whiney and annoying. And completely out of character (except Samantha, really).

I found myself rolling my eyes at Carrie's annoyingness with regards to Big. I understood Charlotte's parental issues, but really didn't care. Miranda was strangely optimistic, which was fun, but totally NOT Miranda (if you watched the actual series). And Samantha's "promiscuity" only gets sadder, with her being, like, 100.

In a way, it's great to see more Sex & The City. But when I see what it has become - this extreme form of product-placement, this shell of what it used to be, this mainstream and completely UNREALISTIC sattire - I wish it never continued after the first movie, or even the series finale (which in itself was perfect).

Perhaps a continuation with different characters would be a good idea.

But really, I think people need to accept that all good things must come to an end. Making more and more horrible continuations that mutate the original "masterpiece" (a bit of hyperbole, but the series was fantastic) is jut... upsetting. :P

So, please, Michael Patrick King, Sarah Jessica Parker, all those involved. Please.

Do not make more.


Okay, so I suppose the title is sorta hyperbolic. Guess I just wanted to grasp your attention - mwuahaha! Now to talk about boring things, like screwdrivers and accounting!!

But not really.

It's just come to my attention that so many shows are ending lately. Not particularly shows I watch, or even like, but shows that I know.

And I know it sounds strange, but it just feels unsettling for me, because I'm so used to television being the television I know. I'm just sensing a shift in TV that I'm not used to. I don't know. Maybe I'm just pretending I feel this shift? Does anyone else feel it?

If you're unaware of what I'm talking about, here are some recently cancelled show:

- Dollhouse
- Ghost Whisperer
- Cold Case
- Heroes
- Lost (well, ended)
- Smallville (ends next year)
- Ugly Betty
- Numb3rs
- 24
- Law & Order
- Nip/Tuck

It just feels weird that these shows are... done. And there will be new shows?

NEW ones!?

I'm actually happy Grey's Anatomy is still on air, just because if that got cancelled... I don't think I would know of any "popular" television programs still on air in the US.

Also, thankful for Brothers & Sisters (cause I like it) and Desperate Housewives (cause I li... don't like it... yeah... I mean, who likes Desperate Housewives? *cough*)

Do you feel television is changing dramatically?

Are you thankful for any programs still on the air?

Are you disappointed about any cancellations?

Post thoughts if you have any.

Facebook Diet

I'm currently on a Facebook diet after the sad realisation that I spent 6 hours on it recently... doing basically nothing. For no reason at all.

I had a tonne of homework, loads of stuff around the house I needed to do, and yet I spent 6 hours being completely unproductive. Well, not completely unproductive. I did socialise a little... but still. Face-to-face socialisation is much better than Facebook socialisation, IMO. :P

So, I'm currently cold turkeying it for 2 days. Just today and tomorrow.

Baby steps, right?

I'm hoping to make it a 10-minutes-out-of-my-day thing or one of those things I only spend hours on every few months (like The Sims).

Anyone else have this problem of Facebook-obsession?

To Tumblr or Not To Tumblr?

That is my question.

I like this idea of micro-blogging. But I'm hesitant cause no one will read anything I post, because, well, no one really uses it. No one I know, anyway.

Has anyone here used Tumblr?

Should I bother?

Are there any sites I should be on?

(I've got the Facebook and YouTube, obviously. Twitter and MySpace annoy the crap outta me. And then there's here,

Post me your suggestions - even if you've never heard of Tumblr. I wanna know how widespread this thing is. :D

P.S. I haven't gotten around to replying to many comments recently, but I do read them all, and I love hearing people's responses to my questions. I will definitely get around to responding to them all. :)