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*misslee022884 Blog

Thanks for this Dean_Luva!

I stole your quiz... thanks ;)

When did you start watching Supernatural? I think my first episode was Dead in the Water, the repeat on Sunday night

What made you want to watch it? Jensen Ackles and I have always like ghostly stuff

Who is your favourite character? Dean, of course

What is your favourite episode/s? Faith, Asylum, Devils Trap and Home

What is your least favourite episode/s? Bugs and Route 666

Who was your least favourite character they ran into? Cassie and probably Sarah... don't know why

What is your favourite quote? Dean: I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot.

Sam: (after gluing Dean's hand to a beer bottle) Ohh, I did.

Evil Dean? or Evil Sam? Evil Dean

John or Sam? Sammy, he's a cutie pie

Demon or Meg? Meg, gotta love evil with a sense of humor

Huge freaky knife or shot gun? Shot gun, you have to get too close to cut someone :)

Jared Padalecki vs. Jensen Ackles

I never thought the day would come where I actually thought Jared Padalecki would actually be more likeable than Jensen Ackles. Let me clarify, after the Pilor of Supernatural and most of the first season I thought Sam's character was a little irritating, just because of his basic spoiled, ingrateful attitude. But as season 2 progresses I have found myself liking Sam a lot. Like I mentioned before I actually liked Sam more in the last episode. Interesting enough I'm still a huge Jensen/Dean fan, but I just find it interesting how the characters are evolving into such different people from the beginning and it's only been 1 season + 3 episodes of season 2. But do think we're going to see a little more Sam angst as we see him deal with his "calling". And of course Dean is an angst professional. I can't wait to see it progress. :D

R.I.P Bryan

I just wanted to add a blog in memory of a friend of mine who was killed last week while visiting his sister in Philadelphia. R.I.P Bryan Motley. :cry:

Tonights Episodes

I loved the episode of Supernatural, we saw a little of Dean's darkside, and it was so dark he turned on Sam for a minute there. I don't know what made me love this episode so much but I just felt involved in it. I got so mad when Dean hit Sam, I wanted to yell at him, honestly it's just them two why would he trust a stranger so quickly. But then I thought about what Dean told Gordon and I excused his behavior. Well done Kripke. ;) As for Smallville... shame on the writers for creating a man eating, plant monster who escaped from the Phantom Zone. Wow, :roll: this episode could've been so much better than it was, but it was completely lame. I loved the Green Arrow, and even dealt with Lana in this episode having sex *gag* with Lex. Basically, I thought this episode was garbage with the exception of the background stories.

Holy Level 10!

Can you see the light shining from the Heavens? Oh yes, I'm a Level 10. Don't know how I flew through Level 9 in a week, but whatever. I'm happy. Now I have to do my reading for Econ, so I'll have to bask in my own glory some other time. :)

My shows...

Last week was a good week for my tv shows... with the exception of "Lost" which may not be my show for much longer if it has any more episodes like that last one. But as for Prison Break, Supernatural and Smallville I must say that enjoyed all 3 a lot. "Sneeze" was a fun and witty episode it was one of the best new power introductions Smallville has ever had. Supernatural rarely lets me down and it definitely didn't let me down with "Everybody Loves a Clown." Sam looked cute, and of course my Dean was his usual handsome self... but as for the episode itself it was well done. Prison Break killed off a couple characters that I liked but the episode was also well done... I enjoyed the majority of my shows... save for Lost. 8)

Luck Number Slevin

I rented "Lucky Number Slevin" a few days back and I really, really enjoyed it. But it was on of those films where you're watching it like "Umm, ok?" until the last 20 minutes and then you're like "Ohh, ok!" I like Josh Hartnett and I thought his character was adorable. I must warn you, you have to pay attention throughout the movie or you may be left in the dark. But all and all I liked it. :)

The Departed

I saw "The Departed" last night. I have to say this movie really draws you in. I like Leonardo Dicaprio and of course the legendary Jack Nicholson, but this film was surprisingly and noticeably well portrayed by all actors involved. I won't spoil the movie for anyone but I must say I left the theater with some strong feelings... really strong. If you can handle violence, a lot of sexual discourse and inuendo, plus strong language, then by all means go see it! :D