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*orangeflake Blog


Well, this might be a weird topic, but I like to eat cookies and no, I'm not fat. lol. What, I'm trying to say is I want to know what others people favorite cookies are! Yes, I know I'm weird. So I like chocolate chip cookies, and snickerdoodles. I just love that name. "Snickerdoodles" Heehee. Your turn! What your favorite cookie/cookies?

Level 100?

Do you think it's possible to get to a level 100? And if it is how long do you think it would take? It seems like it would take a long time but I mean nothing's impossible.....except for maybe this that is.

Pictures on my file

I have a question. Well you see, if you look at my file you see a picture of a guy with black hair. He kinda freaks me out and I dont know how to get and different ones. I dont even know what thoses pictures mean! Does anyone know what to do? Please?


Well, I just wanted to know what sports everyone plays. And, yes, I know I am weird. Well, I'll start us off. "I like to play tennis and soccer." Okay that was a bit boring. Lets jazz it up a bit. "Hey You! Guess what?!? Yeah you heard me! I love to play tennis and soccer! Whoo!!!!" okay, much better. Your turn!


sorry i haven't been on for a while. I've been really busy. Please forgive me!!! I have way to much on my hands. I sooooooo need to chill. I need to hit the spa!!

Birthday Bash!

Well, tomorrow (January 14) is my birthday party! And what better to do than go ice skating!!! Whooo!!!!! Well, we went to Costco (Huge place with everything in it) and bought Candy, Candy, Candy! But, it wasnt for me unfortunatley...It was for Goodie bags! Each bag had 1 giant candy bar, 4 tootsie pops, 1 pack of bubblegum, and 1 froot roll up. You should have seen how much candy there was! It was heaven. Except for the part where you'll have to go to the denist of course! It's gonna be a blast! I just wish you all could come! If you want you can write about what you did for your birthday if you want!

My B-day!!!!

Okay guess what?!?!? My birthday is this month! Yay! My birthday is on January 22. But, I am going to have my party on January 14. And guess what I'm doing?!? If you get it right.... well, then I don't know what I'll do but please guess, guess, guess!!!! I can't wait! GUESS PLEASE!!! But, it isn't exactly really really exciting. It's just really fun. But kind of Childish in a way but thats okay! WE all have to have fun sometimes!

Time to waste some space!!!

Well, I was recently told that I can write anything on my blog so I decided to make one where my friends and I can write anything we want. So that means you guys can write about anything you want or just waste a ton of space! I tend to do that a lot. Are you up for the challenge.......1....2....3....GOOOOO!!!

That is one biiiiiiiig ball....

I just watched that big ball thing and it was humungo!!!! and it was very bright. And still huge. Just letting everyone know that these should be our new years resalutions 1. Eat more food (I mean who cares if we're fat? we can be as fat as we want!) 2. Sleep in more (we need our beauty sleep and we need to grow don't we) 3. Go on (we all need to know the tv reviews all the time)
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