*otimeche / Member

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*otimeche Blog

What is happening with TV.com?

This last days the page is like crazy!!  It keeps changing my emblems of favorite shows...  

-Today I found this one... Cartoon Character - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them animation. for animation and I don't have anyone added to my favorites!.... 

-Yesterday they gave me the one for commedies and sci fi....

-And the 2 that should be here (drama and action) are no more since like 3 days ago....

-Well....     Autobot At least they keep giving me my right levels...now 14!! ~ I'm an autobot!~ 

That's all for now... I guess is a bug and it will be fix... Bye!

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to say HI to you all...    I hope life is treating you good, no not good AMAZING!

Today... Level 13 FINALLY!

Drama King - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% dramas. Swashbuckler - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them action/adventure.  Regal Beagle Contributite - This user has made at least 1 contribution. Side-kick'n Contributor - This user has made at least 50 contributions. This user participated in the 2006 Emmy Award Ceremony chat! This user participated in our third-season post-premiere Lost chat! This user has contributed over 500 message board posts. This user has written over 15 reviews.


Filling applications...

Why it's so hard to fill an application?  You know what's specially hard to me?... The "hobbies" part of it... how will people react to the fact that I'm a TV junkie??   I don't think a lot of people would understand how much time I spend in front of the TV watching my favorites shows, even doing my own reruns when they are on hiatus (yep! Bones pain in there!) or in a webpage dedicated to TV...   I don't know if they even know there's a webpage dedicated completely to TV.

But well, I guess in the end I'll put on the mix others "safe" hobbies as cooking or reading...

So, good bye for now and happy day to everyone!:lol:

TV weekend...

Today I'm level 11 and apparently it's going to be a very sleepy day... 

My plans for today??  just be in my bed watching TV (some sports and some reruns).  Maybe I'll watch my Bone's episodes and catch on my NCIS ones...

The bright side of the day? My sister is going to have a baby! so I'll be an aunt for the first time... yey!... but in the other hand I think it will be very expensive for me since I don't have the power for stop myself from buying all that little and beautiful baby things...  :D

So, bye everyone and I hope you are all having a great, GREAT weekend.

Drama King - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% dramas. Swashbuckler - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them action/adventure.   Red Shirted Lt. Contributite - This user has made at least 1 contribution. Side-kick'n Contributor - This user has made at least 50 contributions. This user participated in the 2006 Emmy Award Ceremony chat! This user participated in our third-season post-premiere Lost chat! This user has contributed over 500 message board posts. This user has written over 15 reviews.

Relax, relax, relax!

Finally I finished all my tests so now I can relax!!!!  Going back to my home so I have to get up too early (4am) to get to the airport.

Now I'm celebrating my two new icons...Holy Level 10 This user participated in our third-season post-premiere Lost chat! one for my new Holy level 10! and the last one for the Lost chat.

Hope you are all fine and thanks for the compliments on the Banner, as I told thanks to the people on livejournal who made all those beautiful icons.

Bye everyone... and good luck!


Yey! 500 board posts!

Finally, I new icon!!!      This user has contributed over 500 message board posts.  My own surfboard.

And hey! and from now new icons are getting harder and harder to win!

Nice to hear that you are all having a little fun in your weekend... maybe some more than other but still nice to can relax just for a while no?

Well people I see you later, now I'm going to pack since I have a early flight tomorrow.


Tired and Vacation ahead

Well, I'm tired right now, studying have been tuff and I hadn't sleep too much 'cause of it.  The good thing?  This is my last test and I'm going to stay a week in Miami doing some good shooping, a lot of shooping, that gives a girl a smile on her face! So I leave on Monday to USA.

I'm now level 9!  yep... I did it!!  Door Number 2

Hi to everybody and I'm truly hoping that you are all alright...


PS... what will I do to survive after next week's Bones??  Baseball hiatus is the worst thing!!!

credits for the banner to lj users tayler, canadiangil_86, esselle, crystalc & dana_crimson... they made the icons and I just put them together

A bore day ahead...

So, today I'm starting my new wave of studies for a long time I hope.  I have my last examan on September 27 so I'll have to put all my dedication to that since in this 16 days I have to study 4 years of university studies.

On TV.com Right now I'm Level 8, 8%... I guess I will stay like that for a long time until I'll finish studying.

Drama King - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% dramas. Swashbuckler - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% of them action/adventure.   Super-Friend Contributite - This user has made at least 1 contribution. Side-kick'n Contributor - This user has made at least 50 contributions. This user participated in the 2006 Emmy Award Ceremony chat! This user has written over 15 reviews. 

Good day to you all and thanks for the very kind messages

50 contributions and going up!

I finally reached 50 contributions!!  I know it doesn't seem a lot for many of you but I'm geting there!  For now I'm proud of showing a new emblem in my profile:           

 Side-kick'n Contributor - This user has made at least 50 contributions.   ...and hoping that with tomorrow's update I'll be finally a Level 8

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