I got a cute puppy today. My mom bought her for our whole family and surprised me with her when she picked me and my friends Brittney and Mckenzie up from the mall. My friends Brittney and Mckenzie came over to my house with me after my mom picked us up. When we got to my house and went inside ( my mom went inside first and told me and my friends to not go in the kitchen for 5 minutes ) My friends and I went upstairs to my room and I put my shopping bags on my bed and afterward we went back downstairs and when we got back downstairs my mom called me and my friends to the kitchen and that is when my parents surprised me with the puppy. She is a golden retriever and she is really cute. She is a girl, and she is a month old. I decided to name her Jasmine, because I thought that would be a pretty name for her. We all thought of names and everyone liked my name idea best. My sisters and brothers think she is cute too. It was really cute, Jasmine was playing with me and my friends earlier, and she saw our cat ( we have a cat and another dog also) Jasmine followed our cat ( our cats name is Angel ) and followed Angel where ever she went like they were playing follow the leader or something with eachother. It was cute. Jasmine also kept looking out the window at the snow outside as if she were trying to figure out what it was, it was funny. My friends and I had fun playing with her earlier.
Does anyone have a cat or dog? Whats something cute or funny your cat or dog did before?
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