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*sarabby_x3 Blog

why do you want a marshmellow?!

Haha just watched iScream on Halloween, episode from iCarly. On & by far, in my opinion, was the most hilarious episode yet, hahahahaha. "iWHAT?!" The old lady cracked me up. So did Sam and her violent acts on Freddie. IE: slamming Freddie into the door repeatedly. Gotta love that Seddie =)

Anyway, so I'm extremely bored. My day was pretty much worthless. What I did today? Ate. Computer. Ate. Video Games. Video Games. Video Games. Ate. iCarly. Lol. Yeah I am pathetic. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. Now, I am going to go on youtube. & watch videos of my favorite ships.

I HAVE a life. Really!

Lol. No seriously, I do. I was just a bum for the day.


I'll love you forever. (Wow, officially the oldest saying)



Just dance. Gunna be okay. Da-da-doo-doo Just dance. Spin that record babe. Da-da-doo-doo Just dance. Gunna be okay. Duh-duh-duh

Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-ju-ju-just dance.


I'm hype. Listening to that song ^^^. "Just Dance". I'm super stoked for school & I have no idea why. Actually no, I do =). Of course, I'm not for the getting up early/homework/work part. Whatever. Dying my hair in 2 days. Any suggestions? Oh wait, lmao you don't know what I look like. Oh well. I'm not posting a picture of myself on here =/

So. Suggestions?


Hi people. Another long, random blog for you all to read. So anyway I got my braces off!! Yay. So like I was soo happy when I got them off. They looked great and all. I knew I would have to wear a retainer but I didn't think about how uncomfortable it would be! Well, first it gave me these mad ulcers. So maybe that's why it hurts so bad but still, it's more uncomfortable than braces. Its just more attractive than them, lol.

Ah so I was at volunteer work yesterday & omg so many hott guys came in to where I was volunteering. It was crazy, I didn't even keep count. But yeah they were really hott.

Grr, I hate these retainers! They are hurting my tongue now. Life's great, isn't it? & another thing about them. Whenever I take the top one off it makes the roof of my mouth feel soo weird! Ugh I hate it.

I recently discovered that I have a phobia of bugs. If one lands on my leg, I die. Okay well, I kind of knew this already, that I am afraid of bugs. But I didn't really notice until the random thought popped into my head. Flies, nats, ants, lady bugs, basically any of the little ones are fine. Except when a fly comes into the house, I hate that. It then becomes a war between me and the fly until I win. Lmao.

Okay well I should probably end this stupid blog. I don't want to further torture those who are still reading this far, haha =P

Rant. Rant. Rant.

Man I'm pissed. Just took 30 minutes of my life and used it to take a survey. And now it won't let me post the whole thing along with my rant.

So to start off, I'm getting my braces off in a week. Yay! But I have to wear a retainer =(

It's okay though. So, I have a headache. And my room is a mess. I don't know what it is with me and most of the teenage population. We just can't keep our rooms clean. Who's with me? I mean I will clean my room and it will look and smell all nice(not that it doesn't already smell nice, I just spray some perfume when I'm done cleaning.) and I will feel good that my room's all clean. & I will be like in my head "Okay I will keep it clean this time." A week later..

It's back to a death trap. It will look like my room has been struck by an earthquake.

So, today was good. It was beautiful outside. I got some new clothes which is always a plus. I can never go to a mall without buying something, that is if I have money. Which I usually don't. So I look at the clothes. Want the clothes. But today, I got clothes! Yay. I could probably spend a whole day at the mall. It's my favorite place to be. If I have 1000 dollars and a ride to the mall then I'm set, lol. & I'm not just a Hollister/AE/A&F girl I like to experiment with different stores. Like Joyce Leslie & such.

Haha if anyone watches the The Secret Life, and yeah I am a Ben hater nothing wrong with it, well on their board someone posted a topic that said Leave Ben Alone. It kind of reminded me of that girl/guy on youtube that says LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! Hahahaha.

Okay sorry this is a really really really long rant. I have another rant I wanna get out but it will just have to wait for another time.


peoplezzz, read! =D

Okay I need to ask someone's opinion on something. PM me. It's kinda has to do with myspace. No, I am not asking you for an opinion of my profile, it's something way different.

My To-Do List.

I devised a to-do list! For, lol.

I want to finish all of these things by the end of the summer, basically. They are basically my goals. Alright here we go...

  • Become and editor of a show and a person. DONE(person)
  • Have a full conversation on PM with everyone on my friends list that I haven't yet(who's usually online too)
  • Get over 1,000 posts.
  • Go to a random board of a tv show with someone (or myself if you think this is a stupid idea) and start talking about the most random and funny stuff and have one of the people call me or the person i'm with a mental case.
  • Start a thread on the Gilmore Girls board about the show's ending. (I know it won't be that popular =/)
  • Get over 10 comments on a blog post. DONE.
  • Try to erase some of the GG stuff on my profile since most of it is Gilmore Girls. (IE: My blog header, icon..)DONE.

Yeah you can tell I have a life, :P.

Comments please! (:

Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.

I miss a lot of things.

I wish everything was the same, I want to go back two years.

When everything was right. I didn't have to deal with the bulls**t I have to deal with now.

People changed, things changed, even I changed. The hardest part is the people you lost along the way. & how because you're so afraid of what people will think of you that you're scared to be yourself.

It often feels like you became a completely different person. I grew, & so did my worries. I just miss people, things, and the life I had.

Okay I just needed to get that out. I know I'm going to regret writing this because it sounds SO stupid. But when I have feelings I just need to let them out. I've been bottling my feelings in for too long. I guess letting it out on here is a start. Let me know if you know where I am coming from.

gilmore girls

i miss that showw!!! i've been watching the whole series over again and now i'm in season 2. anywaaay, there was this thing with ausiello or whatever and it was like this fake thing..idk. but anyway kelly bisshop was in it and she said us fans deserve to hear those final words. & we do. oh and by the way for those people that absolutely HATE chris..does anyone know that fanfic where babette accidently kills chris...i think. like with a shovel. it was hilarious when i was a chris hater. now he's alright. i tolerate him. okay i'm rambling and i'm really bored and excelerated at the same time.



wow i'm hyper. comment.

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