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*sexy_swimmer07 Blog

Walking Down Memory Lane Can Be Fun!

Oh wow, All right. It's been pretty much 3 years since I last was on this account. (Shouldn't they have terminated the thing by now?) So much has changed! The whole layout is new to me... it's white and not blue like last time that was the major shocker... the second one is that I still have friends on here that still go on their accounts! Talk about dedication!

Looking though all these old blog posts and reviews, the forum posts (Which are the best places to be on!) I really could not write to save my life! I guess I never found the spell checker on this thing. :P My whole account just screams young, innocent me. Boy have things changed. I wish we could change our user names... Sexy_swimmer07? Oh boy Lauren, you are one weird kid. For everyone that still remembers me and wants to give me a shout, DO IT!

All right well it's almost 2 in the morning (3 for the people still not used to daylight savings time yet). I'm gonna surf around here for a while before going to bed but I just wanted to post something since my old posts look boring and outdated... so does my about me section, eugh, such a pet peeve.. Gotta update this thing more often, meet new people, read new things.


Such and such...

Well, I'm finally in grade 11! YESSS! I'm so happy, senior here! I have the best semester in the whole world! I have: Spare, Drama, Photography, gym. Can you belive that! I get like no homework at all for the whole semester. Next Sem, well that's a different story but for now, it's just me and my camara and well gym clothes and scripts.

So last night I watched Nosferatu. It's such a crazy movie, I watched the oldest one from like 1922! much different affect from the other remakes. I actually half expected something scary jump outta the screen. Yeah I'm weird. anyway, it's a good movie.

Supernaturalsecond season is coming out in 3 days and I'm so excited! I mean I'm tres TRES excited! I could have a heart attack any second!:Pokay so I'm exzagerating just a bit but hey it could happen!

This weekend is rocking, getting to go to theJazz fest with my best friends and just having an all around good weekend, how yours is just the same! :D

I'm super SUPER sorry guys!

Holy crappolie! I'm soo sorry I haven't been on since..well sice the girlmore girls ended. It's been so hecktic and I just haven't been able to blog. Damn my scheduale. Sorry for all the spelling mistakes,that will happen cause I haven't been able to write or to remeber how to spell's the whole VK thing. The units (Parents but I call themunits.) wanted me to stop reading for 2 weeks and go toBritish Cloumbia and California with them. Well there plan didn't work cause for the2 weeks I was away I read 3 books and wrote to my best friendeveryday. Well I am now 16, it took awhile but Ifinally go to the big sweet 16. I didn't have a party like a normal kid, nope, I was in Cali with the units at the WBstudios, I got to go into Lorali's house and Sookies and I got to seeLukes dinner andthe soda shoppe and everythingelse in Stars Hollow. The only thing that sucked about it was the fact that they took down all the props like theStars Hollow sign and the Lukes sign. It was pretty bare only the stores and buildings were there. It was still nice being in on the Gilmore Girls lot.For the people that have VK now, I hope your summer is goinggood, asfor the people in school.. How's school?...well what elseam I suposted to say, "HAHA suckers your in school andI'm not", how fair is that? oh boy well I shall go, I'm going to go pick my best friend up from her house and were gunna chill, sweet the first time in 2 weeks, life is tres bein...

That's all folks!

That's it. One of the greatest shows on earth is over, done, finito! The girlmore girls is over....I still can't wrap my head around that fact. Why must it come to an end? Watching the last episode makes me think about all the good times I've had watching The gilmore girls. Well it maybe off the air, lost in the forgotten world of old tv shows, but to the deticated fans of the gilmore girls, it will never be forgotten.

 Gilmore girls 2000-2007

It's the end... Why?

Today I was watching Ellen and Lauren Graham was on. I just found out that The gilmore girls are over. and too top it off....THERE ARE ONLY 2 EPISODES LEFT! what the HelL is going on here. What am I going to watch on tuesday's! :cry: This is depressing me...

Happy Birthday Jensen!

WOO it's Jensen's birthday, he's now 29! poo I have to wait 4 years till it's legal. when I'm 20 he'll be 33. wow! oh well, I'll still like Jensen along with Johnny Depp who in 4 years will be 47. god that's the same age as my dad now.. wow! but he's so cute...but not the point. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENSEN!

Gezz I gotta stop drooling!


here are seven really random things about me...-

1.I'm addicted to Jensen Ackles (just ask my friends) favorite food is pasta!

3.I could never live without my dog

4.I wish I was prettier

5.I can cluck like a chicken

6.I eat mustard sandwiches

7. and finally.....I want to be an actress on the big screen when I'm older

Since I got tagged I can now tag other people. I tag-alibeth25, Kyle3931 and Xomks922ox. anyone else that wants to be tagged...I tag you too.

R.I.P clippy 1997-2007

So today I found out that microsoft desided to kill the beloved clippy the paperclip. Word will never be the same without him. He was only ten and everyone hated him, he was only a child! There were some funny times like when you're frustrated with homework and all he would do is talk and ask the same question over and over again and then you just get to mad you just have to stop and laugh. well that happend to me, maybe not you guys but he was my best friend when it came to homework! he would be up with you in the late hours when you had a project due the next day, he was there when you were bored and was chillin out playing with word. I remebered my friend's sister playing on the computer and she thought it was funny to write a random suicide note and it said "it looks like you're writing a suicide note, I can help you just tell me what you want to kill yourself with" then listed off some ways to kill herself she laughed so hard and so did I when I heard about it. So today we are mourning the loss of clippy, my he be remebered for his annoying nature and loyal friendship to all who need a friend to say up with them late into the night. Less We Forget.

anti-valentines day/snow day

So today of all days, the most "special" day for all couples*roll eyes* at school got canclled. somthing about snow...heheh..I mean poor little couples. oh well I personally happy not looking at all the lovey dovey couples. so for all who are single and hate this day, happy anti-valentines day to you all!   


SCHOOL SUCKS! I'm at school right now and all were doing in writing artist statments like come on, it's media arts for crying out loud! were saposted to like mutat a picture or somthing.

so last night I watched supernatural and it made me cry so much I was like " NO DON'T KILL HIM" the whole hour, my mom was getting pissed off and told me to shut up or she'll trun the tv off for the rest of the hour....good thing she didn't, it's the best show ever, sorry all javav junkies I still love the gilmore girls but like there are two hot guys in the show and at anytime they could possably take off their shirt, yo Jensen is mine, sorry girls I clamed him FIRST, hahaha probably not but I can dream. Well I should get back to my stupid artist statments. BLAH...