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*sexy_swimmer07 Blog

Chilly weekend/chili weekend

So today at about 6 AM my heater for the house stopped working. On the coldest day in canada this year it had to stop. It was colder inside the house then it was outside. I spent all day on the couch in front of a fire watching the gilmore girls on DVD. Now normally I would love watching them but I was so bored I mean I'm freezig my butt off, annoyed, and did I mention FREEZING MY BUTT OFF.

So this weekend it's CHILI weekend. It's a tradition at my house to eat chili on sunday night, the night we in canda/US have been waiting for....THE SUPER BOWL! I bet the bears are gunna win it this year. I just have a feeling, maybe it's the numbness in the feet but I think they are. GO BEARS! The only problem is that we in canda don't get the US commercials, and that's like half the charm of the super bowl, so we have to look at these really stupid commercials that are bashing the librarls about what ever the isssue thanks to the stupid concrevitives, I mean there not even an election and there kicking the librals into the ground. err, well I must go, so for the people in canda and the US, have fun tommorrow and drink up my home slices!


blood and chocolate

so last night I went to see blood and chocolate, and  it was crazy amazing! the peole were amazing, especially hugh dancy, he hid his accent so well you would have thought he was american. The effects were great how they changed the people into wolves. I wouldn't recomend it for people who like woves because they do get hurt. so if you like them a lot don't watch it, but they really didn't get hurt during the filming. Romaina is so beautiful! I really loved this movie, it's a movie I would love to watch it over and over.

looking for spoilers

I'm looking for spoilers of life with derek season 3.....the search stoped when I exsaused all my ideas of where they could be, can anyone tell me where they would be. It would help greatly cause I just can't wait till febuary it seems like a long time from now.


BLAH! I have to go to school soon. Just wanted to drop in and rant about going to school early....who in there right mind would want to get up early and go to school, what's the fun in that! I'd rather be in bed! arg, ut's 7:30 in the morning and I would rather be hit by a car then go to school. well I should go, don't want to miss an exciting day of learning...BLAH X2 at least we can deside what courses to take in grade 11! woo! shoot I'm late must go talk to you's later.   

year 2007!

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! WOOOOOOOOO I'm so hyper! but FINALLY for canada and the US we are free from 2006! it feels good! well must go celibrate talk to you laters.


hey guys sorry I havn't been on in a while. I'm just so stressed. I have to do my community service hours and I have ROPPSAA for swimming which I'm not ready for cause my shoulder is ****ed and my school work is piling up and there's nothing I can do about it execpt for well doing the work. my drama class is stupid, we have the script that completly sucks, my friend is trying to redue the script but it's just the matter of can we practice when were going to preform on monday! we have no time......this sucks! well that pretty much what's happening this month what about you guys what are you guys doing this month....the last month of the year!    

200th blog/ somthing I had on my mind

It's my 200th post!! wooohoooo, it's not much but hey I'll take it.

Have you heard ' The black parade' by My Chemical Romance. OMG it's so good, I can't get enough of it. Though the dying guy in the video is kinda scary. Like Jigsaw from 'SAW' scary... kay not that scary but I think you get my point. Oh and the girl with the funky dress and the ww2 mask thingy yeah she's kinda scary but I think it's just the mask that freaks me out. I normaly don't listen to MCR, but today they were counting down till MCR comes to MUCH and I just had to get in the mood to listen to them... now I can't get the song out of my head, it's like the small world song but less annoying. so yeah that's basicly what I've done for the last 2 hours, course I should be doing homework but I can't remeber what I have to do. I've had McDonalds for the second time in a row for dinner, does that count as child neglect, oh well I guess getting fat is better than anything, yet in todays society, if you get fat you're sociteies outcast or so that's what holywood's trying to portray. It's really rediculous how skinny most actresses are, like nicole richie, have you seen her latley, good god she's just skin and bones like come on, she's so rich you think she could atleast afored a burger from any fast food resturant. you'd think they would be less attractive when there about 10 pounds but no everyone seems to like them and want to be them.  From my own personal experiance it's harder work being skinny and sad then normal and happy. But who desides what normal is? Is it you, or is it holywood. I say to hell with holywood's apperiances and just let loose, eat a burger, chocolate, ice cream, what ever you want, and who ever says that skinny is beautiful should seriously get a reality check, it may be beautiful but it's really the inside that count's, you could be skinny and have the most horrable personality or you could be the weight you are and have a great personality. and also who cares if you're overweight, just as long it dosn't get out of control. So just live you're life the way you want to and be happy!:D



This weekend is so boring! nothing is going on. I could go to somthings that are happening in the T.O but yeah like my rents would let me. I wanna go to a dance and well dance with like my friends but there probably all busy. poo:(. So I'm in my room listening to panic!at the disco which isn't half bad but I wanna chill with my friends. well halloween is comming! what are you all doing, going out, staying in, going to a party... ect. I'm just chilling at home not unless people ask me then I will franticly try to find a costume but till then I have another date with panic!at the disco in my room. what fun. well I must go, talk to you all later.