*showpolish Blog
TV Quote of The week 3
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50 things i'm gonna miss about summer
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i no summer ended.. but whatever...
1. Watching Jay Leno and DAvid Lettermen every single night..
2. Typing and knowing that spelling does not count
3. Hanging out with my friends on a Thursday Night
4. The Pond
5. Wearing mesh shorts for three months straight
6. Given 3 months to finish a book
7. watching repeats of SVU at 12 & 1 in the morning
8. Steps Lacrosse
9. Beinging able to watch allday SVU marathons
10. Wandering around my house at 3 in the morning
11. Checking the internet on fanfiction updates at all times during the day
12. No Homework
13. Choosing when to wake up
14. Naps
15. Working for a tan all summer only to lose it in a week
16. Allday Movie Marathons
17. Daytime TV
18. Waering Shorts at Night
19. Staying up b/c i want to rather than b/c i'm not done with homework
20. Not worrying about gettin ready for glax cuz i got 9 months
21. Sunburn.. that's rite sunburn
22. Lack of Chaplips
23. Watching a whole season of a show in 1 day
24. Comtemplating Season Finale Cliff Hangers
25. Hype About new shows that u no will soon be canceled
26. Natural Blonde Hair
27. Sunglasses
28. Seeing the sunrise b/c i haven't gone to bed yet
29. Heat Waves
30. the Beach
31. Amusement Parks
32. Vacations
33. Going more than a day w/o showering
34. Sleeping w/o Sheets
35. Time to do what i want
36. Warm Rain
37. Ice Cream
38. Flip Flops
39. Having the time to make this colorful
40. Staying up for the sole purpose of staying up
41. Fantasizing about Elliot Stabler at every moment of every day
42. Swimming
43. The smell of Summer
44. Baseball Hats
45. Ice Pops
46. Rockiing out to summer tunes
47. Having the time to watch my video Ipod
48. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs
49. Family Renunions
50. Not Getting in Trouble for being a complete Wiseass...
Tv Quote of The Week 2
by *showpolish on Comments
Phoebe: Do you think that your favorite animal says alot about you?
Joey: No 'cuz goats can't talk...House Premiere Tonight
by *showpolish on Comments
i am soo pumped for the premeire to nite, i here it's gonna be the Sh*t only 2 1/2 more hours... can't wait.. since skool starts tomorrow, this is pretty much the last good thing of summer '06
*EDIT*~~~ Episode turned out to be kinda abummer.. to bad...
Banner Help!!!
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Law and Order: SVU season 7
by *showpolish on Comments
Svu is probably one of the greatest and most powerful shows on Tv right now with awesome writing and Emmy Nominated/Winning actors like Chris Meloni (mad sexy) and Mariska Hargitay...
Season 7 reenforced that idea. It started out strong with episode like Demons, 911, Ripped, and Raw. It faltered a little with one of the worst episodes of the series (Name) who's only contribution was getting to watch Chris Meloni for 45 minutes. Towards the end of the season, Fault became possibly the greatest episode of the season and series. It did not end as strong as it started but that fact can clearly be overlooked by the awesome-ness of those 5 episodes....
One of the few drawbacks was that since Mariska was pregnant we did not get to see as much of her, and when we did she was holding files. Another drawback was the breakup of the great e/o partnership, which was somewhat restored by the end.
Every year SVU gets better, and hopefully next year will follow...
Gilmore Girls Review of Season Six
by *showpolish on Comments
as the seasons of my favorite shows start up again i am feeling a little nostalgic... yea i can't spell....
Gilmore Girls Season 6: I thought going into this season that I could never really be disappointed with on of my favorite shows, but it turns out I was wrong. This season was disapointing in soo many ways. Let's just start off by saing, I am a hardcore luke/lorelai fan. I never thought that my feelings about them be perfect for each other would ever waver, but again I was wrong. The first few minutes of the season may have been the only shining point of the whole seaon, when he said yes to her proposel I was so happy. Then the next few episodes played and they postponed the wedding because of Rory. I never have really liked Rory but I understand her need to pospone til she and her best friend stop fighting.
Then Emily proved that she really is a jerk at heart and Rory came back and the wedding plans were back on. Just when we thought that everything was going to work out for our Star-Crossed Lovers, the writing took a turn for the worst. Luke had a kid, that doesn't even resemble Gilmore Girls writing, that was a twist that was incredibly unexpected in a bad way. April came and runed everything, the fact that she exists is horrible writing on the Gilmore staff, whom clearly ran out of ideas to keep our two favorite people apart.
Luke, in a very un-Luke-like fashion, complete ignores Lorelai to be with his kid. That fact alone ontradicts the first 5 season season where he proves he would do anything and overlook anyone just to be with Lorelai. Lorelai, out-of-characterly, let's this go. The strong-willed women we first met and fell in love with didn't ay anything at all. This upsets me to no end. They then postpone the wedding indefinitly, which not only does Luke except, but it is basically his idea.
Lorelai accepts him ignoring her, for the most part, and suffers in silence. She has enough tho, and sleeps with Chris. This action alone has me losing all respect i once had for Lorelai Gilmore. THat had to be the last nail in the Luke and Lorelai coffin, i don't care what Luke did to her mentally sleeping with Chris was unexceptable. The writers for next season are going to have a hard time reuniteing Luke and Lorelai, and if they do i doubt it will be realistic. I am, after six years, begining to lose faith in this show. I never thought it would happen but, the have torn apart Luke and Lorelai too many times. I will admit for the first time in six years i am officailly mad at Luke and Lorelai. i have lost respect for both. I no longer want to be Lorelai Gilmore, and i no longer want to find my Luke Danes in some small town.
I feel like Amy Sherman Pallidino was pissed that she didn't get her two-year contract and though the show away and disregarded the feelings of true fans that have stuck by her during both good and bad times. This will be the first and last time I truely let out all of my feelings about the worst season in Gilmore Girls History, don't try to fight me because this is how i feel. Thinking about it i have never written with such passion about anything... and on to the next show...
TV Quote of the Week
by *showpolish on Comments
this didn't actually happen this week but i'm watching it on dvd so...
Olivia: i always carry at least one pair of earings in my purse
Elliot: like you carry a purse
Olivia: that's cuz u carry it for me
by *showpolish on Comments
ok i'll admit i am a definite shipper....
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