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*stoogefreaky Blog

Animal cruelty

You know those shows on Animal Planet about animal cruelty? Those cops, capturing the bad dog owners or horse owners, ect. It's sad to see dogs skin and bones and their living conditions. I thought I would never see something like this real life...

Maybe four nights ago, my dad couldn't sleep because of a dog crying all day. He sleeps during the day because he goes to work in the night and comes home at 6:30 AM. Well, yesterday he decided to check up on this dog which lived at this house right behind us. It was early in the morning and when he got there, he had to hit the fence just for this poor creature to notice him. My dad couldn't believe what he seen. I could remember this dog when it was a puppy. It had ran through our fence, breaking through, and started chasing my dog. My dog is a scarty cat, but that pup was a pitbull pup, strung all ready. My adrellein kicked in and I started running towards him. Poor pup ran back to his very own yard. He didn't know better. His owners seem to never pay any attention to him and he stayed outside most of the time.

Well, the dog poked his head up from this small dug out, something maybe the dog dugged for a small bed. He was literally a skeliten... and chained... with no food and water. My dad wanted to cry, so he called the cops who save animals but the one in Austin. They told my dad something like they couldn't help him because of location, but they gave him the Pflugerville number to call. So the entire time he was trying to call these cops and he was getting tired. He decided to try again tomorrow which was today.

I had checked on the dog and banged on the fence but I didn't see anything. They must have him inside the house I thought.

Today, my dad called them, then took my brother to school. While he was gone, I was still in bed. I hear loud banging noices at the door. I thought, the police, which it was. It was them, but I didn't answer it becuase I was not desent. I did get up and got changed, they were not there. My dad comes home and I look in the back and see him standing right next to a ladder. I wondered so I stepped out. He was waiting for the animal cruelty cop people. I told him that I think they came by, he did see cop cars on the next street, the right street where those bad animal owners lived. He looks at me and tells me, "I think the dog is dead." I got on the ladder and saw probably the head or back of the dog just laying there next to the house.

It was like the tv shows. The yard was terrible. It looked like no one lived at the house any more. The grass was tall at some places, and there was dirt places. Here in Texas it gets up in the 100s.

The cops come, a woman and a man. They couldn't get through their backyard because it was locked and they tried nocking but no one was home. So, as my dad and I watched through the back windows, the cops had to use our ladder to climb over our fence. The lady had a camera and she took pictures of the dog. She came back to the fence to climb back over. before that, she was shaking her head.

It was ironic to see Good Morning America talking about these fancy dog beds while the cops were in our backyard. It was like a scene in a movie. The camera taking both situations.

Now, my dad is depressed becuase of this, I can tell.

I sometimes want to cry. This dog was alive not that long ago. If only we knew sooner.

My Fork In The Road

Before the semester after Christmas, I have to:

1. Learn to drive and get my license.
2. Get a car of my own.
3. Get car insurence.
4. Get my own health insurence.
5. Get a job. (Probably where my aunt works)
6. And get myself register at Austin Community College!

Then next year I need to learn how to live on my own. See, I'm very close to my parents so going how of state right now is out of the question. I don't know how to live in this world by myself really.

Yesterday: Monday
Yesterday, my aunt was driving my cousin and I to her neighborhood. While getting there, we ran into these three men, playing their loaud music in their convertible car. It must of been some hip hop music but it was rattling their car, trying to look all cool. At the time we were listening to 80s dance music:lol: And we had our windows down. I told my aunt to turn up the music so that they could here us! Dude, it was so funny, we could of been killed because they looked like gang kids. Oh well, I'm still alive. We were just having a great time.

Once we got to the neighborhood, I took over and practice driving around. It went well. Later though, we had to take my cousin to Karate class, of course my aunt drove(I'm not ready for the real road yet) Leaving my cousin there, my aunt and I notice the parking lot we were in was pretty good to practice in. Well, lets just say I almost hit a car and my parking sucks.

Boy, was it hot! Its been in the 100s here in Texas and my aunts SUV doesn't have air condition. I kinda forgot about the heat when my aunt started talking to me. It... it was my turning point in life. There is no way I can repeat the words she spoke to me any better. I like to think last night I was sitting in a fork in a road in my mind.

First I'm angry, then I'm talking about cartoons.

I was writing a lovely blog when all of a sudden everything stopped working!!! I have no patients for stuff like this. I was listening to AOL Radio. I was on I don't know what happen. Had to reboot my computer. I hate when thoughs stupid windows pop up about sending the error. Like what is Microsoft going to do about it. I hate them right now.

Anyway, what I was saying before everything crashed: My brother is at school while I'm here writing this blog. ... I forgot what I was going to say or maybe I don't feel like writing right now. I'm so angry. When I began shutting down my computer, a end program came up. I was like what program! It was titled "HiddenFaxWindow" What the hell is that? I was about to just hold down the off/on button to turn it off.... I think I'm cooling off now.

Today is Friday and that means Cartoon Network time. I feel so old but I will never stop watching cartoons. I'm probably going to work for Cartoon Network someday. I love them so much! I love all Cartoon Network Studio cartoons! I watch them more than any other cartoon. Favorite is Foster's Home For Imanginary Friends. Second is The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. I'm not sure what's my third favorite. I do like other brand cartoons like WB and some anime but not as much as Cartoon Network!

But sence I'm into CN cartoons and not that much into anime, I can't really draw anime. Therefore, Extreme Astro Boyiee will look like CN style which should be interesting. The characters will have a thick line outside of them and will also be less detail. You know, like anyother American cartoon. I know there are Cartoon Network shows that are detail but ours will look like Grim style or Dexter, something like that.

Oh just to let you guys know, I don't really hang out on gamespot but I sometimes do on mp3. Of course I'm here on most of the time. Tv is what formed my life.


After watching Oprah today, I feel somewhat different. I learned that I was not the only one. You know what... starting today, I will face my fears!

Let me just tell everyone: Okay, to some it may shock you. Good thing no one here really knows what I look like. You all know I'm 19 years old and going on 20. Really, I feel like all this time I;ve been locked up in my room. Its not because of my parents but because of my choice to. I feel like its because of me my parents are depressed. I put everyone down really. They worry about me, well, I feel like they do. They don't think I can make it in the world. I agree with them. Kids in school know me as the quit one. I nevered talk and would get picked on because of that, in middle school that is. In high school, I felt they thought I was a freak, didn't had that many friends. It's so hard to meet new people. Okay, let me cut to the chase: I lack confidence and self-esteem. Not only that, I think I suffer from a social anxiety disorder. I take this seriously because of the huge dream I have. I brag alot about it but it's because I sometimes feel it's not going to come true. So, by talking about it, I feel better for some reason. Even though I have internet friends, in real life, I fear people. I stay in my room all day and not go anywhere, and I'm getting sick. I still don't know how to drive and I've never had a job. I can't do anything without my parents. How in earth am I going to make it in the real world? I was actually thinking about writing to Oprah, but I'm scared to. I don't want to be infront of all thoughs people, on tv.

Although, after watching todays episode, I saw this girl who seems to had suffer the same thing. Her dream came true. Maybe it is possible. I just don't know what to do now.

Wish to write more, but I got to go...

Extreme Astro Boyiee

Its 2:05PM as I'm writing this blog. I'm also listening to Far Away Trains Passing By; bet you guys don't know this album, produced by Ulrich Schnauss. At the sametime I'm chatting with my cousin Ashley on Yahoo IM. She's interfearing with this blog quality time here.

Well, yesterday, my brother showed me these funny MegaMan videos made by average people. Him and I are so jealus! Where do these people get the eqipment to do such a thing. Don't have the link to show ya'll. I am planning to make a Astro Boy video. It won't be that long, its only to match this Termenator music.

My brother and I are still working on the Extreme Astro Boyiee storyboard! Talk about taking too long! Its only a hobby, nothing serius. Just to let you guys know, my brother is called Megalon on the internet. So Megalon started coloring this banner we're going to have posted on the our site. The banner will be Extreme Astro Boyiee. He tells me that this is impossible! I'm like what?! He was coloring one frame and realized how long it was taking him. But see, he was coloring a shot of the storyboard which is, of course, hard to color. There's still hope on this crafty cartoon. The animation will be done on printing paper, a clean surface, making it easier to crop within the lines. We also realized how complex this is, but all this stress is fun. I tell Megalon that we should pretend its the real deal; everyone has there own jobs.

In the first episode, only Dr. Elefun(aka Dr. O'Shay) and Astro Boy will be in it. Second epi, Atles will be there. Our cartoon is based off of the 1980s series, the characters that is. The story from the comic isn't. Extreme Astro Boyiee is like the behind the scenes and its a comedy. It will not be based off of the tv show or any of the comics! In other words, Astro can not fly because he is only a actor. Dr. Bouyton(aka Dr. Tenma) and his son Toby are veggitarians while Elefun love Mexican food. Trust me, my brother and I think it's so funny! So funny and fit for Cartoon Network Studios, we're not even sure if we should post it on the net. What if someone steals it and becomes rich and famous. Oh well...

Who will be the voices you say?: So far I'm playing Astro. For the other characters, I don't know. But even if it doesn't sound good, it will still amaze you.


San Franciso, California... and stuff

Yesterday I started researching San Francisco, California. I never knew how cultural that place is. They have so many different towns including a Japanese town, which is awesome. Reason I'm serching this state and city is because of my story that I'm writing right now.

The main characters live in San Francisco right now. The location could always in up changing which could be a bad thing becuase of the outline. See, right now, the movie is on a outline form. On that outline I've wrote the entire movie, but now I'm revising it, filling in the gaps and adding new scenes. Well, I came to this one scene where I started asking myself questions because it seemed so unrealistic, in other words, generic. I then realized that one of the characters occupation just needed to be changed. There for, I had to change the entire intro. That means I'm still NOT  IN  TOKYO!!!! Am I ever going to Japan?! Man!!!

I still need to research schools, pizza restaurants, parks, The Golden Gate Bridge, living conditions, homes, and the international airport of San Francisco. This is big city! This hard work. If only I can get someone to do this for me.

I'm Just Saying:
Also, two days ago I just opened up a bank account. To me thats embarrassing because I'm like 19 and like I should of had one. Oh well...

My brother got two of these Gamecube games that contain all MegaMan games that were ever made on NES and Super Nintendo.

Its so hard for me to wake up early. I wake up like around 12 in the afternoon all lazy and stuff. Not good. I do plan to start waking up early once my brother goes back to school. I know what your saying, "What about you? Get a job!" Sorry, there's just no way right now. Maybe I'm giving a excuse. I do need to start working but where? I was thinking about working at Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. I never had a job before and now I know what your thinking. I'm like 19 and I should be job experience. Oh well. I got problems... Not going to get into that.

Had to drink coffee today because I just couldn't get out of my sleepy self.

My Life Is Changing!!!

I use to think about killing myself, but now, I'm slowly regaining my confidence  in life. Awhile ago, something happen and if it continues, I might be cured. Because of my aunt, I'm still alive. Dude, seriously, my aunt is my hero. It's sad that my parents aren't, but I still love them a lot. And without my brother, life would be boring. My brother tells me the same thing, "If you didn't excist, life would be boring." I guess I'm very important because my best friend Krystal tells me I was there when she needed me. I do get the feeling it was because of me that helped her pass IPC class. I'm glad.

I sort of feel like my dream will come true; it's just taking time to get to. Although, sometimes there are events that remind me of my problem, which make me feel like I'm hopeless. Their too stupid to talk about here. No one will understand me. My aunt doesn't really see who I am, but I like it how she treats me like I don't have any problems. It's like she's trying to get me to forget my problem by telling me that there's nothing wrong and that it's all in my head. I kept telling her that its a disorder but she kept telling me it's all in my head, over and over...

Well, I like to think that it is all in my head, then I feel like there's hope in my life. Because of this problem, I'm no where. I was kinda hoping I would be notice by now. I guess it's still to early; I'm only 19 going on 20 in October.

Okay, let me just remind you guys who I wish to be. It's very interesting how people react when I tell them I want to be a movie director. They go silent or tell me something negetive. It makes me feel like they don't believe in me. My friends say they believe in me but their my friends. You can say it but I will not feel it. So, I'm kinda just brealy holding on to my dream with no confidence what so ever. I wish I was tall and loud but I'm the opisite. I just can't see how I will work in Hollywood. Well, if I make it, I will be shocked and ask myself how in the world did I get here. But now, I wish also I was a producer and a screenwriter. There are days when I feel like teaching filmmaking, so I wish to teach to young kids film. I'm already planning out the agenda. The story that I'm writing right now has been in my mind since I was 14 years old, the age when I started thinking about becoming a movie director. I told everyone that it was going to be a book. Well, now that I feel somewhat different, I might go back into writing it into a script, which was what it was going to be in the first place. I don't know, I might continue writing it in book form. Of course, along the way I've thought of other movies, there on hold right now.

I predict that I will be known by the year 2012. I wish it were sooner though. My first movie will be weird and sick to some, but to me its just one of those psycho movies. Then my second movie will be even weirder and creepier. I also think it will have some CGI, just some. Then... hopefully I can go into more of my favorites. I have a story perfect for Pixar. This movie will make me famous just like that because of the characters I'm using. I think only one friend on the net knows who they are. I also wish to remake this movie that was made back in like the 70s. Can't give you the title. I have a movie for Cartoon Network if they decide to get into more in the film industry.

But most importantly, the story I'm writing right now is what will make me famous for. If you look at my profile, the banner kinda represents the story. Robots, that's all I can tell you. I've always been fasinated by them and now I think I've thought of the ultimate robot movie. ULTIMATE!!! I just have a feeling I will be as popular as George Lucas with his Star Wars. This movie might be three movies but could fit for six. I even have a perfect title for it which took years to make up. If my movie were to be stollen, then I will commet suicide. But this movie is so complex I don't think anyone will be able to handle it except maybe Steven Spielberg. Because of my movie, I continue to move forward. Who knows, I might be the next George Lucas. I wouldn't be shocked to hear that people camped out infront of a theatre to see my robot movie. I wish to get the title copyritten but I'm not sure if you can do that.

I really hope I'll get there. I still need to go to college and I was thinking The Art Institute Of Dallas. Maybe I can also do film-connections. I still have to fix some things in my life though inorder to proceed.