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*swahili16 Blog

New Awsome Webstie

So Bones was AMAZING monday. but that is not why i am writing. I have discoverd the greatest website in possably all of creation, besides imdb. It is called and you can watch full eps of a ton of shows. it has kept me entertained for the last week. this site is so awsome everyone should check it out.

My theory

So this is my theory why Fox can't kill Bones. My friends think I have put way to much thought into this but I don't care. Okay so last seasson Fox tried to move Bones to Friday nights, and replace it with Justice. But, Justice sucked and got cancled after an insainly small number of episodes. Thus, bones got to keep its spot proving that it is awsome. This seasson, again Fox has some warped idea that they have to move Bones, one of their very few returning shows, to firday night. Thus killing the show and making fans everywhere mad. But no the writer's strike happens and kills yet another one of Fox's new shows and yes, yet again Bones is saved. The universe loves Bones, when will the executives at fox figure this out and stop trying to move it to death row?

Been Awhile

so it has been a while since i have posted anything. I was, here's a big suprise, board so i thought i would get on and post. oh and DOCTOR WHO COMES BACK APRIL 18TH i am so excited.


So I was board yesterday and I was playing on you tube and I relized somthing. The apartment that brennan lives in is 2B like BB maybe it means somthing, maybe it doesn't, I just thought it was cool. And it would be even cooler if it was foreshadowing.

Horray...No school

so just got home from a half day, we get a week off of school, and the only thing that sux is bones isn't on. But i ordered my Bones dvd's and i will get them on the 30th, so the oparty is a go.

Bones, cars, and fears

I got my Permit... yeah that was really all I had to say. So bones was awsome this week, a little anti climatic but still awsome. Next week looks really good to. I saw an interview with emily deshanel where she said she is afraid of being barried alive. If something doesn't happen between BB it is going to be really annoying. So I have set a date for my bones party, made the invetations, bought the decerations, and now all i have to do is buy the Dvd on Novemer 28.

How did that happen?

So I took this physics test friday that I thought I faild turned out I got an 84. I swear chem broke me. every time i thought somthing was easy in chem it ment i was doomed to fail.  And every time I thought that i failed somthing, I did, but not by a little I am talking 37s on tests. And i would still be above class average. I don't know how I got a b in that class, it must have been b/c the curve. HOUSE IS ON TONIGHT. And i am taking my permit test. I hope i pass.

Did anyone notice?

In bones last night the name of the hotel that breana swanson was staying at was the hyperion... like the name of the hotel that angel investigations was run out of. Just a fun fact I picked up.

Hey if you ever want to watch an ep again go to bones' my space. I am officaly addicted to that site now.

Oh and Booth totally choose bones over cam last night, in his own little way... CAM SUCKS

Ps. is it just me or does Alexis Densilof (wesley) look like Hugh Laurie (house)

Bones is on TONIGHT

I can't wait...I know I have said it before but this time I mean it even more. Although I am not a huge Hodgians and Angela fan I really want to see how the Date goes.

 Not to mention that House was awsome last night. Is it just me or did that idiot cop deserve to have a thermometer stuck up his butt.? If anyone's a bully its the stupid cop. Next week looks really good. I can't wait to see what he says about the fat guy and the MRI machine.

So my mom started tonights lost desert yesterday and it is pretty gross. she is making a pb pie but the oreo crust is rock solid. So my dad is making her go buy one. I guess pie crusts are to adanved for her cooking skills. Although she did manage to pull off oreo truffels last week.

I finaly finished my quote binder the final quote was...drum roll pease,

" dude she's in a comma who are you trying to impress"

-Dr. House

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