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*swahili16 Blog

Two more days till bones

I can't wait for bones. It seems like it's been a year since I watched it last. I was reading a summery in Tv week and it says that hodgians and Angela go on a date. And me being, i think, the only fan that is not all gung ho about the Hodgians and Angela relationship, I have to admit, this episode might creep me out a little.

Personaly I think the only reason that the writers are creating a Hodgians Angela relationship is to distract people from Booth and Brennan.

oh well, House is on tomorrow. It looks like it could be pretty good. The preview had a really fat guy , that they were trying to fit into an MRI machine, and I can just see house having a feild day with that one.

Nothing Much to say

 I'm board. I have been so busy this week with school I had to miss practice three times. Did any one see the last play of the Psu vs Purdue football game. It is possably the funniest thing I have ever scene in college football. Purdue had six seconds left on the clock so they kept lattteraling the ball. They fumbled the ball three times, but they kept picking it up a trying to score. Finaly, i think it was Jay alford intercepted it and he would of had a touchdown had he not gotten hit by his teammate. My dad and i were laughing so hard about it. That probably made my week.

Any way besides having a but load of H-work this week, out town had its trick or treat night on thursday. I had two of my friends over and we passed out candy. That was probably the high point of my week. having little kids run up to my door and ask for candy. Although it is always fun to think about the aftermath of a five year old eating a pound of candy.

Fox changing things up

House is getting moved back to 9 again, yeah. Not to mention Justice switched nights so Bones won't have to worry about getting bumped to friday come american Idol. Meaning american idol (or as i call it That Crap show I refuse to watch) won't be giving bones the kiss of death.

 This holloween is going to be awsome. usually our teachers give us a crap load of h-work so we can't go trick-or-treating, but this year there is a dance to keep us out of trouble, so I can have my creepist episodes buffy-thon.

  • Hush
  • Puppet Show
  • Nightmares
  • Fear Itself
  • Holloween

Most of them arn't scary, just the concept freaks me out. Hush and Puppet show the creepiest. Puppet show mainly because i am afraid of  the dummy things. Any Suggestions?

I know it's belated but MERRY MOLEDAY (the happiest day in chemistry class you will have all year)

This is Odd

According to my shows break down 41 percent of the shows I watch are animated. The only problem is my favorite shows are Buffy, Bones, Firefly, Angel, Tru Calling, Lost, House, and Roswell. So yeah, something is definitely screwy.

 Any way, like my banner, hush is one of my favorite episodes. I was thinking about trying to dress up like on of the gentlemen this year for Halloween, I'll let you know how that turns out. I just got to figure out how to get the levitating

Check out this awsome board You know you have a problem when you are excited by thing like this.

Bones Party

 I decided after the season finale of Bones last year that I was going to have a Bones party. It was just to get my friends caught up on what happened in the season before they started watching, but now it is turning into a real party.

 I was the first of my group to start watching Bones, then slowly each one of my friends started watching, and now we are all hooked. My friend Kayla and I have been planning the party out during our study halls. We have since noticed that almost everything we are doing is going to be Bone's themed.

 We decided that we are going to eat Chinese food, like Booth and Bones always seem to do. We are also going to get a bunch of Halloween cookies with skulls on them. Plus we have connections to Giant so we're going to get a Bone's themed cake. Kayla and I are going to Wal-Mart after Halloween to get a bunch of discount skulls, bones, and FBI stuff to decorate my basement. We are also going to get "Police Line Do Not Cross" tape. I am thinking about hanging a pic of cam on my dart board to incorporate in a  But anyway we are also going to have Hot blooded and Not listening while people come in. (Not listening from

 This party is going to be awesome...It also is making me think I need to get a life.


I just found out that Nathan Fillion is going to guest star on Lost. I can't  wait. This is two of my favorite shows comming together, what could be better.

On the Bones front however, I can't get over what the producers are doing. It seams like ever since the woman in Limbo aired they have been doing more and more to keep veiweres distracted, so that they arn't so worked up over Booth and Brennan.  They throw in someone or something to distract us. such as Hodigians and Angela, Cam, that evil person, and Booths son/ parker's mother. Not that I am complaining about Parker's Cameos, he's better then cam, but still. It almost seems like the producers are preparing us for a long wait on the Booth and Brennan fornt. I just hope they don't pull a X-files, and make us wait 7 years. Caus that gets old fast


Board again

 So the half day thing didn't go as I planed. On the way home it was poring down rain, and a black cat crossed my path. It wasn't a cat so much as a kitten and I spent about a half an hour trying to catch the thing. That didn't end well. I ended up soaked and the kitten was know where to be found. This bugs me know. There are no houses near our school so the cat had to be a stray. Not to mention it was thin. oh well I will catch it eventually.

 So there is nothing on really good tonight. I think I am going to watch NCIS, b/c my friend keeps talking about it and I really want to see what it is all about. I balme her for getting my hooked on Standoff. Which isn't a bad show. It's actually really good. Just not as good as bones. The only thing about standoff that is better then bones is NO CAM. I really don't like cam...can you tell?

Monday's are dull now

So now there is another dull day in the week. I don't have any homework, which is good, and I don't have an SAT class to attempt to stay awake through, but sci-fi isn't showing the usual Dark Angel rerun. I wasn't into Dark Angel until this summer when I got bored and decided to watch; now I am hooked. It's not nearly as bad as my Buffy addiction but still. I need a life.

 Tomorrow is going to be a great day. It's a half day  B/c are school is stupid and decided that besides the millions of standardized tests we do, we must also do random essays throughout the school year, some "poor" teacher is going to have to spend the other half of the day grading a ton of essays on the stupidest topics.  Our class' was something about a hurdle our generation must face. So I pretty much wrote obesity is bad a bunch of times. Yeah that is going to be a gem to read.


Blame Cam

All this time I have been so concerned with how much I hate Cam, that I forgot about Brennan's father. I just downloaded season premire of Bones, nad watched it. I completely forgot about the doulphin charm that her dad left at her mom's grave. I really want to find out what happened to him, even more than I would like to see harm come to cam. I think he is probably close, keeping an eye on brennan. I also want to find out what was in the presants she had never opened. I think that whatever is inside will have something to do with where her dad is. sort of like a clue that only russ and brennan will get.

Bring Back Bones

Lost was really good last night. I can't wait for next week. I think Lost is going to be awsome. And Bones needs to come back. I just want to see what they do with Cam.Do they kill her, inflict pain on her, or even better FIRE HER. In a way I think to her getting fired would be worse. Oh or even better she could end up being a murderer and then brennan would have every right to beat the snot out of her. I really want to see physical harm come to Cam, can you tell?

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