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*tvlover89 Blog

You Woman are confusing!!!

I don't get them, I just don't get woman! They say one thing but mean another. They expect us to be mind readers, like for example, if you are in the car with your girlfriend and you ask her where she wants to eat at, she of course says "oh, I don't care where ever you want" you know what that really means? Apprently it means that you better remember, what resturents she likes, what kind of food she likes, what kind of food she dislikes. Grrr, so confusing. My girlfriend got pissed at me because last night she wanted to go out, we had plans and I had to cancal because my mom had to pick up an extra shift and I couldn't have just left my sibs alone. She is still Mad at me!  I mean, what was I suppose to do about it! I had no choice. ANyway, sorry, this kind of rant is ment to go on Myspace not SO on too Tv

Prison break last night was sick though! That converstion between Mahone and Kellerman was the most revealing of the whole season, Atleast now we know that Mohane isn't nuts and had some reason behind killing Tweener. That line "they all die", was awesome. anyway, thats all for now, I think I'm going go and swing at my punching bag for a lil bit. Nothing says anger management like beating the crap out of your punching bag---or playing Grand Theft Auto. lol

Can someone explain Tags to me

Okay, I've been a member on this site for like a year already and I'm still dumbstruck about how to use tags, I mean how do you close them, when I submit a quote I do this {but I surround the b with , its just they want let me do it on here}

b Cartman  b : screw you guys, I'm going home 

and they say its wrong, they say I don't close my tags, can someone please explain this to me. thanks.

Bad Idea!

Walk up to a grizzly bear and talk smack about its momma

Acne talk is great converstation at a party

putting a boy/girl higher on your Myspace top 8 then your girlfriend/boyfriend

Writting an e-mail while drunk

fixing the electric box---with no exprience in fixing electric box.

                          BAD IDEA

I don't know, I'm bored and felt like posting this.

Funny South Park games

Hey, I found this on Comedy,  The games are so funny and fun, usually games suck but I like those. I recommend The "Snake blast"  game, its the funnyist {is that even a word?}. heres my high scores just in case someone wants to try and beat it. BRING IT ON! lol.

Trap keeper: I could've only gotten to the second level, I suck.

Brown noise Poo blast: I got to New York.

Snake blast : High score:  64250

Volcano: Level 5.

Comedy Central: Games - South Park 10 Games - Info

Congrats KYLE3931

Hey, Congrats to Kyle3931, for playing my little trivia game and getting the higest score. 50 pts. Hey, you know what would be fun, if Kyle makes his own little Trivia game on his blog and then the winner from that one could make there own trivia game and we could start something like a chain reaction across haha, okay I know we all got better things to do. It was just an idea.

Tv Trivia! {come on Tv know it all's}

Okay, so I'm over here, sick of my homework and just sitting here cooking dinner which will take another half hour. and watching my sis while she does her hw, ao I decided to make a little tv trivia, so bring your game face on cause the winner will get.....a special dedication in a new blog entry. Those are fairly easy if you watch the show.  lol okay here we go, and no cheating! each question is worth 10 points, and the first three too leave the answers in the  comment box will be judged. {hehe, this is fun playing gamemaster}

In Veronica Mars, the episode  "my big fat greek rush week" what does veronica find in the locked room

On Prison Break, what did Tweener do that landed him in Prison?

On the new ABC show the "nine" why did Nick change his mind and  decide to take the award and give a speech about how "great" the police department is in the end?

In the Supernatural episode "blood lust" What caused Dean to punch Sam in the face

On south Park in the last episode "conspircy" why did the government say they wanted the world to think they ware behind 9/11

What did Shawn show Gus and his dad in the end of the Season Finale on the show PSYCH?

On prison Break, where is Heywire planning on going?

on My Name Is earl what does Joy do that lands her in jail?


    Who said that?

"Dead mans blood..B*tch!"---

"They just signed there death warrent, each and every one of them!"

"Who took a dookie in the urnal?"

"You think you the only ones who got problams? I'm sleeping with my partner, I could get fired for that"

"remember, when I dance, I don't dance for Joy, I dance for earl"

BONUS QUESTION {worth 100 points}

The actress who plays a reoccuring role as "mary cruz" on Prison Break is now also in a new Drama show, what is the show?

October stinks

Yeah, I said it, this month blows! First my grandma blows into town and I have to give up my room for her and now sleep downstairs, It was either my room, my brothers room or my sisters but I said whatever and gave up my room, my sister shouldn't have to sleep on the uncomfortable couch. And my brother is a guy, I know how we guys need our rooms so its whatever. Well, anyway, My grandma is mucha annoying, not to be mean, but dude, she is always following me around shoving food under my noise and trying to make me fatter I'm starting to think she is planning on eating me in the end of the month. She scares my friends away when they come over by talking to them in Italian, I know its crazy, she talks to people in Italian even though she perfectly knows they want understand a single word, heck I don't even understand half of what she is saying. Like we be in the store and she just say hi to a random person in Italian and that person would look all confused and scared and walk away quickly and its like she doesn't get it. When my girlfriend came over, My Grandma looked her up and down and then told us both what she thought about her {its just a good thing my girlfriend doesn't understand Italian}. She's always cleaning and she pretty much turned my room upside down by going through my stuff. GRRR. To add to that, my brother is still sick and I have too chase him around  to take his meds and I have to take him to the doctor again tomorrow and to add to my grief still hasn't fixed the Icon problem and all the good shows are off air because of the stupid baseball games.

I hate baseball!

No offanse to baseball fans, I mean I like baseball...playing it for the most part, but because of the damn World Series all the shows are going on break for a whole  month, which sucks, because didn't they come back from break just like two weeks ago? But now all the good shows are on break while the series is on including: Prison Break, Simpsons, War at home, Stand Off. I'm going go and check if supernatural is taking a break as well, god I hope not. anyway, I just felt like ranting.

Thank God its Friday

wow, this has been a very long week, but thank god its finally over, Friday night and a whole weekend to stay up late watching comedy centrals Secret stash or playing videogames, I'm currently trying to  beat the new Hitman game.

Hitman: Blood money.

 and the best part about the weekend, sleeping in! Stupid still want let me change my damn icon and its really pissing me off, I love cartman but I really want a Prison Break icon.

Fall is here and my life has gone out the window

Fall is here so that means alll the shows are back and new shows are airing which means my girlfriend is probably going dump me...don't worry it happends every year around this time. but I thought I make a list of things I BE watching this season I know its a bit late but I've been gone for a while so here goes


2.  Veronica Mars

3. My name is Earl

4. South Park

5. Simpsons

6. War At home

7. The office

8. Six degrees

9. Stand off

10. Till death

11. Happy Hour

12. Friday Night Lights

13 Everybody hates Chris

14. Medium

15 Ghost Wisper

16. Heros

17. Supernatural

!8 SNL {if the host is worth watching}s

19 Madd Tv

20. Mind Of mencia

and maybe, I watch Comedy Centrals new show Freak show but I think its going be more wrong and disterbing then Funny. Sometimes CC overdoes it with the disterbernly funny.

yeah, I know I'm a dork so what sue me.