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*tvlover89 Blog

Buffy...I hate to admit it, but PAPERCUT was so right.

okay, so my sisters a fan of the show and she has the Season 1 DVD, so I started watching it, thinking its going be lame but really what else is there to watch plus Papercut made such a big deal out of it. and Its a really good show I was surprised that seeing a chick kick some vampire ass could so entertaining but it was and now I must watch all the other seasons! Lol, I guess I owe a thank you to papercut

Lmao, My profile description

Okay, Okay, so I was really bored and I was just surfing where I saw my pittyful three sentence profile description and I thought "what the hell, Might as well talk more about me" so I did, I WROTE ALOT!! I think I could easily say I have down the first page to my autobiography. lol.

How much points does it take?

I'm trying to become editor for Kevin Dillon and I've been contributing like mad to his page and I'm only at 22 points? its kinda hard to add stuff to a persons page cause theres not much you can add, but does anyone know how many points you need to become editor?

Boring Summer

Great, summer vacation has just started and I'm already bored, its ironic when I'm in school I hate it, but when I have three full months to have fun I find myself bored out of my brains. Its all TV's fault, Theres nothing on! Everything's gone for the summer atleast I still have my Entourage and Kyle XY and yay, Carlos Mencia is coming back Sunday! July 9th oh remember Don't tell God! lol. Anyway I'm bored I think I go find a new banner for my profile.  

Myspace junkies?

I don't understand the big deal with Myspace? Why is everyone going crazy over it. I mean its a good site and all that, I have a myspace but I don't get why is everyone like in love with it so much. I don't know I just had to say something about it, I'm bored. :roll:

the CW will it crush? Will it burn? Will the next NBC?

I'm not old enough to have witnessed any forming of any tv networks, but it sounds like the merging of UPN and WB to form the CW seems a bit risky, is it possible that just like a show the network could get the plug pulled? How long will it survive? I hope it will come out on top. they have  a few good shows going for them like: Everybody hates chris, Veronica Mars and Supernatral but both networks had some REAL crap that they had and are carrying over to the new network  like WB had: One tree hill, smallvil, gilmore girls. and UPN had Girlfriends and top model. but they also have some new shows coming that look pretty good liike that tye diggs show "another day" so we find out in september.

Oh, intresting fact the CW stands for "cloud watchers" hmm...what does that say about the american tv audience?? lol

South Park is A good show

Can you believe that someone actulley said that South Park was a bad show because it had "foul Language" and "nudity" and that SPONGEBOB is better, I mean does anyone even understand what goes on in Spongbob, I think you have to be stoned to actulley understand it. The review made me so mad!!!! I mean..ERRGH, here go here and see what this reterd wrote for yourself

Taylor Hicks is the Idol

for all of you who didn't hear, Taylor Hicks is the new American Idol and I'm glad he is, he was my secend favrite after Chris. But because America voted him out, I'm glad Taylor come in first. His awesome! Yeah tylor.