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For All You Ranger Fans! Check This Out!

This Friday Feb. 16, 2007 at 8:00 pm on Toon Disney, they are playing a "Behind the Scenes" Special of Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.

"For the first time in Power Ranger history" they are giving us a look at how they make the show, and they are showing us before it airs.  It is going to be awesome.

So all you Ranger fans of old who always wondered how they did what they did, this special should provide you with the answer and I know I can't wait.

This is awesome.  They are giving us something to feed on until the premiere February 26 at 8:00 pm. And I'm glad they're doing it!

Thanks for reading


PS-Ranger fans toon in or I'll have your balls.


Remember watch "CSI" tonight 9:00 pm on CBS.

We need to beat 'Grey's Anatomy'. (Believe me, I don't hate 'Grey's' because of their ratings battle with 'CSI', I hated the show WAY before then).

For all of you Grissom fans, he's retuning this episode, so tune in!

Please and Thanks


Giving Up My Babies :(

Now that I live with my father, I have to give away my two beautiful cats, Boq and Loki.

I know it sounds like a crazy 'I love my cat too much' thing, but they are like my children.

My parents are renting their house so they can't have pets. And I'm going to miss them terribly.

Someone in Texas actually wants to adopt them and I'm that they are going to a good home.

Today is a sad day :(


Degrassi - JT Killed

Basically, I haven't watched this show religiously for about 2 years.  But I happened to see the preview for tonights (U.S. - The N) episode, and I watched it, for the most part.

I missed the part where JT actually got stabbed, but I caught the part where the nurse came to talk the them.  Toby said he was JT's brother and the nurse broke the news.


I called for my little sister (who's been keeping up the on the show somewhat and has mildly filled me in over the past week).  I said, "They killed off JT!"  She said, "What!" and watched it for a moment.

They all cried, and some were seriously pissed.

Not only did he die, but he was murdered.  I really don't like the teen aspect of the show, now that I'm 20, but I want to see what happens next week.  Plus, I've always loved Marco.


I Can't Stand Rude Anti-Slash Fans

Just Mind You Own Business!!!!

They need to realize that there is subtex out there and they need to get off their high horses and realize it.

We see Nick and Greg in ways that you CAN'T see.

Another thing, we don't care if YOU don't see it because we do, you whiney, annoying, rude....

You need to understand that we are out there and we will be around as long as the show is still on, just like all of you Sara and Nick the other 'Not Gonna Happen' couples.

I rest my case.


Moved to Lincoln Park

Moved to my dad's house on Thursday.  So far I like it.  I don't plan on being here forever, but I wanted some place new and different.

I love living with my siblings now and since they are getting older, we get along better.

I'm trying to convert my sister into a PR fan, but I don't know if it will work.  I tried showing her Lightspeed Rescue, but she thought it was lame. Hey, it's was they're playing on PRG right now.

I should have showed her a season that isn't labled as featuring the worst Sentai footage ever.  I actually think that she will like MF if she gave it a chance.

I also let her watch QAF and BBM. She watched 110 and 122, the prom and hotel, um, yeah, bad me.  She is 16 though! At least I'm trying.

I should try and get my brothers to watch PR they were big fans when they were little, but I feel more comfortable showing my sister. She just understands me more. Oh well.

Thanks for reading


New Power Rangers Season!

I'm very excited about the new season of Power Rangers!

It's going to be called "Operation Overdrive".  Apparantly it's going to have all three word titles since the previous two seasons were similar. (S.P.D. with 1 word titles and Mystic Force with 2 word titles ).

The first two titles are going to be "Kick Into Overdrive" part 1 and 2. I'm very exctied for this new show. It's going to premiere February 26 on it's normal night of Monday at 8:00 p.m.

I've been a Power Ranger fan on and off for the past 13+ years of my life and this is the first time I going to watch it premiere. I love that I get to be a fan from the get go and as far as I can tell, it's going to be good.

The characters (Red-Mack, Black-Will, Blue-Dax, Yellow-Ronny, Pink-Rose) all look like they are going to be interesting and the idea of searching for ancient relics really appeals to me.

Again, I'm excited and I can't wait!

Thanks for reading


I HATE the Nicknames!

Ugh! I hate the lame nicknames I am seeing for the CSI couples!

GSR, Snickers, Sandle, YoBling, CatNip, and the others! I mean what are these! Whoever made them up should be ashamed.

Us Nick and Greg fans don't stoop so low.  We've already agreed that we aren't giving them a nickname, we do call them "The Love" and that's really cute, but anything more would make me feel dirty. I would have to wash myself.

"The Love" is the best couple on the show and I don't care who argues with me because I'm right! LOL. Us Nick and Greg fans are so observant, we notice everything. I mean everything! But we back them up, we know what we see.

They are the best and slash is the best! :D

Thanks for reading


Lance Bass

I may be one of the biggest dorks ever, but I was thrilled when Lance came out.  I seriously have always hoped that some day at least one person out of the Backstreet Boys or Nsync admitted he was gay Now, I’m not saying that more still can’t happen, but, as I said, I wanted at least one.

You see, statistically 10% of the population’s gay so 1 out of 10 people.  Therefore, one of the members out of 10. 

Again, I’m a dork.  Who hopes for that?  I’m just pro-gay and a slash lover, since I was 13.  It’s just what I love. 

So, my mom calls me and tells me that he came out.  I pretended to be about half as shocked as I really was.  I went over to my sister and whispered, “guess who’s gay She instantly thought I meant someone we knew, so she shrugged.  I whispered excitedly.  “Lance!”  My Lance, my favorite.  The one I loved from Nsync.

I was never happier.  Then I heard about Riechen and I think that they’re adorable!

I hope to see more of them in the future!


Nick and Greg Scenes On CSI

Time to rant about the lack of scenes between Nick and Greg on CSI. 

I am one of those Nick and Greg slash fans, but at least some have to agree that they used to have way more scenes together in the past seasons.  Especially when Greg was in the DNA lab.

If they take the scenes away from us Nick and Greg fans, they will lose us!  I'm not saying they should go at it on screen, but just a small friendly/flirty scene like they used to.

Although I did love that scene in "Post Mortem" when Nick testified on Greg's behalf.  And later when Nick and Warrick helped him by laying it out so the jury could understand the situation better.  Also, in "Burn Out" when Nick was looking at the crime scene and you see someone walk up to him and then they pan up his or her legs like it was some big mystery and it was Greg! Great stuff, but there needs to be more.

Thanks for reading
