@FkzAz @dani3po @---Cipher--- @balrogbane and that is just your opinion.... My opinion is that Kevin is pretty fair in his review, even if he doesn't go into that much detail...
Besides, all reviews are all opinion... It's redundant to call a review an opinion.
@balrogbane I find it's better not to think of it as an ES game in MMO form, but an MMO set in the ES universe. Most complaints I've seen are that it isn't enough like other MMO's or that it isn't Skyrim. Judge it on its' own merits and it's decent (though not great imo).
@GT_APE Late reviews on MMO's is almost necessary. When a game can offer years of value, it's hard to make a judgement about it in 20 hours time. Also, most people can look at screenshots to see lighting/graphics....
He does go into a bit more detail on crafting in the written portion of the review. In the end, unless he's going to write a 50 page thesis on ESO, it's unreasonable to expect him to cover everything.
I wish I could disagree with Kevin for once here....but I can't. At best, I think you could argue for a 7/10. It's a decent game, it has a GREAT foundation (combat is really fun and class customization is great) but there are so many little things (guild functions are sparse, story is bland and I couldn't care less about npc's, the illusion of choice (I've yet to find an instance where my choice of who lives/dies matters for more than 2 seconds), and a litany of other small problems really detracts from that great foundation.
Once the "new" shine wears off, the game is pretty average and whether the sub fee is worth it or not is, imo, questionable. At the very least, I think this game should have been released in about 6 months...
Edit: Also, if you want it for the PvP (which PvP is pretty awesome), your forced to do the bland(imo) PvE content because you get almost no xp/gold from PvP. So take that into consideration too.
@chrisx2k3 True, but at some point the want for "profit" shouldn't come at the cost of everything else.
EA executives talked about how they could exploit someone in BF by adding in "buy ammo" microtransactions.
EA consistently buys up developers with great IP and then rushes and nickel and dimes those IP's.
EA added in microtransactions to a full priced game like Deadspace 3, to the detriment of the game.
EA was behind SimCity and didn't correct Maxis when we were told that the AODRM was there because our computers couldn't handle it.
EA was there when, just at the right moment, their executives sold off their shares before BF4's issues were revealed and the company's share price went down.
Profits, for any business, are the ultimate goal. No doubt about it. However, EA has made it the only goal at the expense of the consumer with bad business practices. EA is not a good company. EA is the perfect example of what is wrong with big businesses. Lying, cheating, exploiting, these aren't "good" qualities that can ever be attributed to a "good" company.
@ramze33 They aren't really a profit factory though. At least not going by their stock price. While most stocks have steadily increased back to where they were before the recession, EA has managed to consistently stay where it has been when it plummeted.
---Cipher---'s comments