[QUOTE="ArchaoN"]Their games simply don't appeal to gamers as much as other games that are released relatively at the same time. Examples: Killzone came out around the same time as SF4, RE5, Halo Wars (2 major franchises and a Halo game) Did Sony really think this game would thrive when being released alongside these other games? If so, they were wrong. LBP came out around the same time as Call of Duty WaW, Rock Band 2, Fable 2, Guitar Hero WT, and Gears 2. Again consumers only have so much money to spend on games and Sony's games just aren't high on the priority list apparently. Coincidentally, the same thing happened to BK: K&B. You have to position your products to be in the best spot to thrive...So far Sony is doing a poor job.ArchaoN
LBP and KZ2 are thriving.
How so? all the other games I mentioned are doing better except maybe Halo Wars with cost much less than KZ2's approx. $60 million budget.
You heard it here folks, if a game doesn't sell as much or more than Halo 3 than it is not a success.
Their games simply don't appeal to gamers as much as other games that are released relatively at the same time. Examples: Killzone came out around the same time as SF4, RE5, Halo Wars (2 major franchises and a Halo game) Did Sony really think this game would thrive when being released alongside these other games? If so, they were wrong. LBP came out around the same time as Call of Duty WaW, Rock Band 2, Fable 2, Guitar Hero WT, and Gears 2. Again consumers only have so much money to spend on games and Sony's games just aren't high on the priority list apparently. Coincidentally, the same thing happened to BK: K&B. You have to position your products to be in the best spot to thrive...So far Sony is doing a poor job.ArchaoN
I don't know what happened to Sony's marketing team but they're terrible. Back in the PS1 days, you had TV commercials with Crash Bandicoot making fun of Nintendo... at a Nintendo HQ.
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