@Zevvion @DiscGuru101 Maybe that's because PSN has been, uhm...fuckin' free until now? They can't afford to employ as many people to keep an eye on it as MS can, 'cause they don't have millions of users paying them 50 bucks per year.
@kamicolo The PS4 is better, because it's the reason Microsoft's evil got the wind taken out of its sails.
The PS4 is better because it's a 100 bucks cheaper (though, I guess if you want to use a gimmick device to flail in front of your TV, hey, have at it)
The PS4 is better because it doesn't constantly surveil you.
And the other more subjective arguments, like the exclusives, the interface, compatibility with the Vita, the availability of old PS1 (and hopefully extensive support for PS2 and PS3 games) and what have you.
@Metronoid You're an idiot. Playstation's had a camera way before the Kinect, starting with the EyeToy in 2003 and the Playstation Eye in 2007. Besides, the necessity of a Kinect is subjective. Most sensible people realize how it's better to sit down and enjoy a game for its actual content, instead of flailing about like an idiot, not to mention Kinect has facilitated a new stream of shovelware that are only meant to show off the Kinect as a gimmick. Kinect may be a more advanced device than the Playstation Eye, but I honestly couldn't give less of a shit. I don't want to use the Kinect, nor the Playstation Eye. I want to enjoy rich experiences with my ass firmly planted on something soft, and being forced to pay 500 bucks (way, way more in Europe) for an XBone just because of the Kinect 2, which I'd never, ever care for in the least bit, is stupid, greedy and infringes upon privacy to a degree I'd rather obstruct, instead of paying a 100 extra useless bucks on top of for.
Also, Sony did Remote Play before the Wii U. Again, the tip of idiocy. And what, they can't continue with Remote Play beyond PS1 games and a scarce few random games just because extensive compatibility of all games would "copy" the Wii U? Get sensible, idiot.
@DanteReal69 @patrick31180 If you're someone with so much money then go do something productive instead of being a douchebag in the comments section here hahahahahahahahahahaa lol
How does it happen that one of the world's biggest electronics companies "promises" that they'll bring new software to their Playstation Vita, and there are still stretches of time bordering on months without any big releases?
-Beatz-'s comments