...On second thought, your video may have been too effective, you should probably go back and make it worse. ;)OMG....I can't believe that you would honestly think that kids would grow up to be homicidel killers just from video games. And as far as the kid punching the other kid in the face.....come on, that wouldn't happen. Obviously the kid was just being a jerk, cause he got schooled in a video game. The car racing games don't cause kids to get into fatal accidents. Drugs and alcohol do that enough.
I don't feel that video games are deminishing our youths minds, but at what point do u draw the line and stop blaming the games itself and just go for the parents who let there children act like this or let alone buy those types of games. I'm goin to be a father soon myself, and I'll know what games he'll be playing and what kinds of movies and shows he'll be watching. So stop blaming the entertainment and start taking responsibility for ur own actions people. Life is not going to be one big farris wheel ride, so suck it up and quite crying about entertainment and enjoy it. Don't pick apart every little flaw that life throws at you, just take it for what it is.
-Foobar-'s forum posts
Get Gears 2 if you want a fast-paced shooter with good multiplayer.
Get Fallout 3 if you want a single-player RPG with a huge open world.
I haven't played Gears 2 but I can tell you that Fallout 3 is amazing, it's easily one of the best games I've played from this generation. If you have any interest in open-world RPG's I'd recommend Fallout 3.
The funniest thing about that video is nothing is more degenerative and destructive than pointless blaming. How about having an open forum to discuss actual reasons why you feel a certain way and actually being constructive? Because otherwise you are just part of the problem.Walker34
The point of the video is to point out the absurdity of blaming video games for real-life violence and show how easy it is to do it. The maker of the video does not agree with what the video is saying.
I think its very well done, the beginning section with the baby is particularly effective. The whole thing strikes a frightening tone that should make video games seem like something that parents should fear. Its true that the video quality of the gaming shots could be better but I'm guessing that that's not the point of the assignment.
Heh, sorry, didn't read your response until after I posted.
How about some Bioshock 2 info then?
Gameplay: Halo 3
Graphics: Gears of War
Story: Bioshock
Value: The Orange Box
Multiplayer: Left 4 dead local, COD online
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