Today was quite a good day for me, let me explain why. Today is the traditional annual HCYO (Hampshire County Youth Orchestra) New Year concert at the Anvil theatre in Basingstoke, which features the HCYWO (Wind Orchestra) and HCYSO (String Orchestra, in which I play the violin). This year, as we often do, we shared our concert with the HCYB (Hampshire County Youth Band) and WAYO (Winchester and Area Youth Orchestra). That enough acronyms for you?
The point is this: we totally rocked! This year was better than any other as the finale piece, featuring every single musician was the last movement of Mahler's 3rd Symphony. For those of you not familiar with this work, it's an intense, romantic piece with superb harmonic progressions and an excellent recapitulation (ending). I thoroughly recommend that you listen to it if it's your kind of thing. Mahler did, however, suffer from what I call "Beethoven Syndrome"- he doesn't know when to stop!!! In the first violin part, this movement of the symphony ends with TWENTY-FOUR BARS (at the tempo of the piece, it lasts around 45 seconds to a minute) on a single note with constant tremolo fortissimo (scrubbing the bow back and forth as hard and fast as you can). This clearly left my right wrist in a bit of a state after having rehearsed it twice and then performed it. Luckily, though, it was worth it, as the audience loved the performance, two thirds of them even giving it a standing ovation!
This week I also finished a second Halo Music Video and got through the last of my exams! I was lucky in the English, a really great question came up that was the angle on the book we had been studying, so that wasn't too bad. Now, though, we've started on the next module already, and I need to get down to writing this essay on Arthur Miller (or more accurately, one of his plays). I'm just glad I can use my computer and not my wrist...
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