I don't know if I'd call it rare, but it was cheap and they didn't have Soul Caliber or Shenmue. I will admit that the $10 for the Dreamcast were for the base unit that I found at a thrift store. I had to go somewhere else to buy the controller, VMU, rumble pack and the various cords.
Dreamcast - $10 Omikron(DC) - $14 Shadow of the Collosus - $10 God of War - $17 Maximo - $7 Devil May Cry - $10 Ninja Gaiden(Xbox) - $10 Knights of the Old Republic - $10 Chronicals of Riddick - $17 Killer 7 - $17 Mega Man X Collection(GC) - $17
Selling my SNES, Virtual Boy, PS1 and Dreamcast. This was all before I got it in me to actually start collecting this stuff. That and trading in 10 Xbox games so that I could pre-order Halo 2. I knew then that it was a mistake but I was a poor college kid who didn't want to be left out of the Halo 2 goodness. That was the point where I vowed to never trade in another game.
Name:Carl Location:Mississippi Height:~5'10 Hair Color:brown Hobbys: Playing games and listening to music Favorite Console:SNES (Eventhough I don't own it anymore) Favorite Game:Super Mario RPG Current Vehicle:'93 Nissian Pick-up Collection Size:251 Collection Pic:
This is an older pic. I've since gotten about 15 more games on that cramped little shelf.
optional stuff: pet peeves: Gamespot employees that spread misinformation IM/Chat SN: AIM - Powerguy1984 XBOX Live: Ducky D
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