[QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"]Nah its simple.
Epic got lazy because Blu Ray affords them more room.
So of course there going to be lazy about compression.
It has more to do with the space of BluRay then the lack of space on DVD 9.
In other wordsif there were no BR then Epic would just need to compress.
:lol: Here comes the denial.
Compression = killing graphics. Also, do you have any idea how much more processing power would be required to stream data off a dual layer disc then it would a single layered one? The 360 drive is not fast enough to spin and stream all that data at such a high pace, it is easier to store a game on a single disc on one layer if possible and it will stream without massive loading times. So even if they can fit it onto a single DVD9, it is going to have longer load times.
Whoa pedro.
The article says maybe and that they might have to ship with less maps.
Nothing set in stone yet, so put your fanboyism away there buddy.
Plus if... and thats a big if, I wanted to play it I would play it a PC where it belongs.
But with the Sony suck going on everywhere I guess you can gloat.
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