the over-hyped flops are its time to see why the ps3 will be great may not be better then the 360 at the moment but it's gaining ground
1.great exclusives on the horizon:uncharted,haze,R&C,UT3,mgs4. plus it already has warhawk
2.increase in the quality of multiplats. they are onlyslightlyworse then 360s compared to some months ago when the 360s were fact the differences aren't noticable unless played side by side.this progress may lead to the ps3 games being superior in the near future asdevs continue to gain more understanding of the hardware's innovation:home,playstation eye,singstar(a game my girlfriend is actually looking forward to, its amazing).they take care of thier customers
so lems.for once in your SW posts don't hate and simply accept the ps3 is becoming agreatconsole.might not be better then the 360 right now but it is still an exciting console and worth the price.
1. Yeah like Lair
2. yeah because devs can't get better with the 360 hardware.
3. Home is not for gaming, eye toy 2, we will see. Sing star? who cares.
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