My elite is only a couple months old and has already been back 2 da repair center oncePS3__360for what reason
-SAMCRO's forum posts
[QUOTE="PS3__360"]yeah,sony screwed up waitin to get it rite and let microsoft jump out da gate 1st even tho da 360 wasnt ready for distribution.ps3 will neva recover even tho its da better console.dam i luv blurayPS3nutHowever Microsoft didn't really take advantage of it's head start, instead they were plagued by hardware failures and Sony capitalized on that. The great game library for Sony is and will continue to build over time, but Microsoft will always be stuck with faulty hardware. That fact won't change, so when a gamer wants the best of both worlds, meaning a good, reliable console and a great library of games, with free online play then they'll realize Sony's PS3 is the thing to have. oh my god only the launch consoles were faulty hard ware. the new consoles they've shipped and new models like jasper have lower heat sink, modified pieces of hardware etc. your statment that microsoft will always have faulty hardware is redundant, and justplain wrong
the ps3 will not outsell the 360, at least unntil the next xbox is manufactured. and this is directed at you ps3 nut, go on wikipedia and find the total sales for the ps3, then find the 360 sales number. now you have the current number of xbox's sales. so in one year look at total ps3 sales and then look at the xbox 360 sales from the previous year this eliminates the 360 had a head start argument. if its even close or equal to the 360 number than you can start a credible " Ps3 will outsell the 360"
[QUOTE="-SAMCRO"]the only game on the ps3 comprable to gears and halo is mgs4lundy86_4
I don't know about that, whilst the TC is completely wrong, PS3 has some awesome games.
when i say comprable i dont mean its way better, im not a complete lem. i basically judged them by: gamers reaction, crtics reaction, and although unpopulor, the most important, sales. clearly the dominant game(s) for 360 are halo 3 and gears 1 or 2. and for ps3 thera are games i wish were on the 360 that are ps3 exclusive, really only mag and mgs4, if you go on ps3 nut's profile you''l see all his topics are about the superiority of the ps3. its infuriating to me to see such a subjective statement.
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