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-ShadeZero- Blog

Journal Entry # 9


I just heard one of the members of Cal I a elite clan, known for ownage has been cought cheating. These guys play for grand prizes of hundred grand, and they have a cheater jeez...

this is just going to be a quick journal write up

Journal Entry # 8

Hey all

I just finished my homework, and now im just talking with my cousin and friends on MSN. You guys can add me if you want to chat and stuff. Anyways we are just talking about how flip_kc is going to buy a new computer and stuff with his money, and talking with my friends about our courses.

I just watched The Biggest Loser and man did those people ever lose a lot of fat. Now im watching commited another sitcom, its pretty funny its one of my fave new shows also 24 was great yesterday man suspence just keeps on rising and I cant wait till the next show.

Now im just sitting here thinking of what to do, maybe game it or just watch T.V. Im not sure....

well thats it for now

Thanks for reading people



Journal Entry # 7


Im very surprised of Resident Evil 4 got, awesome score. And if I remember correctly it would be coming out on the ps2 soon, so Im thinking of checking this game out.

We are expecting MORE snow tommorow, I hope theres a lot coming down because I don't want to go to school lol.

Journal Entry # 6


I really didn't do much today but, I had to play the ending of MGS3 yesterday for some of my brothers friends who are MGS fans. And they loved it. Now im just watching the NFL game between MIN vs GB and so far GB its getting owned, missed tackles, turnovers etc.....

Later on today Ill be joining my cousin on halo 2 for some sessions

well thats it for now



Journal Entry # 5


The other day I was at a computer cafe to LAN with some buddies. This was my first time playing Counter Strike Source, and all I have to say is this game is a big step up from the original. Game play is still the same but the physics and graphics got a major upgrade. It just makes Counter Strike even better.

I just played Counter Strike and Halo 2 both on the xbox with my cousin flip_kc, we had a couple good games but there is so much bad players out there, that make me mad anyways....

well thats it for now



Journal Entry # 4


Well today I got a half day in school. Well first of all we have a lot of snow and its like a bilzzard happening out side. All schools but mine and a couple others weren't closed for the day. So all day i had to sit in class with 3 students in almost all my classes. I only had that many because the road conditions were terrible here especaily where i live, on hills and stuff.

Other than that, Im thinking of gaming it on Halo 2 and MGS3.

well that its for now



Journal Entry # 3


Finally we have snow down here in B.C Canada. Its freakin cold but its all good.

At lunch time we had the biggest snow ball fight. It was us grade 11s VS every other grade. It was pretty fun until people getting hurt and getting in trouble.

Our school is raising money for the tsunami victims, and contributed $10 today and will be adding more as days go by. I encourage everyone to put at least something in. Any amount can make a difference.

well thats it for now



Journal Entry # 2


Well I just finished about 3 hours of homework consisting of Social Studies and English both very boring classes. Now Im hop onto XBL and play some halo 2 and maybe a bit of MGS.

The hockey game yesterday Canada VS Russia was awesome. Before the game the Russians were all cocky and saying they were going to beat us, but guess what they didn't. Canada Owned them in the first two periods, and if I Remember correctly the score was 6-2. At the end of the game some of the Russian players were CRYING LOL.

Well thats all for now



Journal Entry #1

Hey yall

Well for now on Im going to be trying to post a Journal Entry everyday. Well if my cuzin (flip_kc) can do it I can. Ill just be posting whats going on in my life and other things like gaming, movies, news etc.

Well today was the first day of school and man was it ever boring. It was really hard to get to sleep last night because im so used to staying up so late gaming it with my cousin.

School was the same as everyday, nothing new.

So far I've been playing Halo 2 , Splinter Cell PT and Metal Gear Solid 3.

well thats all for now



2005 is here

Now that 2005 is here, us gamers has a lot to look forward to. Great games to be release and introduced. And maybe detailed information on the next generation cosoles.