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-Silvertone- Blog


so i come home from an tiring day at school,and when i walk in the door,"your grandma is coming" says my mom. well g2g clean now....grr

I hate dumb people...

on the bus home today people were playing "stripes" where you look for construction stripes and the last person to yell "STRIPES!" has to take off a piece of clothes. mostly boys playing,not too pleasent. thankfully it ended before anyone got nude

16 days to guitar hero 3

ze cold! ze cold!

i love this weather! its like 50 degress outside and i love it. hopefully more to come. oh and the flu is gone and my finger is better

however this is bad in a way because even though my finger in fine ps2 for another 3 days to a week. oh well. 17 days to guitar hero

the flu.... what i have. things dont seem to be going my way recently health wise. on the upside...18 days till guitar hero 3.

columbus day!

thank god for an italian man who went lookin for india and found america. although,this only makes it harder to go back to school tomorrow but... This of course leaves me more time

ow! i needs a band-aid

my guitar string snapped and cut my finger open somehow. i bled alot,luckily none on my guitar.this is impairing my typing ability for greatly so,and i now regret typing this blog for i accidentaly typed with that finger,causing me great pain.

stupid ps2....

well the inevitable has happened. my game console has a damaged lens. it happens with everything! man its getting old.