LOL I'm into the quiet type boys. The loud ones are so annnooooying:roll: My last bf drank a lot and always be drunk and it would really make me mad:( He abused his mother too, but didn't abuse me for some reason. Maybe it was because I threw my body at him so easily. It was like it was a game to him, and here I was being nailed like Jesus without a purpose in life. Eventually I moved in with him and things had gotten worse. He would be drunk everyday and masturbate with different household products daily. I would always have to go out and buy some new toilet paper because of this among other things. Eventually we were evicted for being too loud during sex because he would make animal noises whilst commencing what he called Operation Hair Whore Delta, he wasn't a bright one. One day he drowned in his vomit and I was free. I need some nice quiet boys to talk too. I'm just a lonely girl.:(esb1118
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