Hey, I'm new here, but I could use some friends. I thought maybe we can use this topic to post our similarities and then add each other. For instance, I love sports, music, gaming, and many other things. So if anyone lieks similar stuff as I, ten go ahead and add me, I'll comment on your blogs or anything else, just hoping this way we could know each other a bit better:)Moe414
What a coincidence. I hate sports, music, gaming, and many other things. I am now subtracting you.
He is hot fella with gorgeous blue eyes , an Im 110% straight woman lover ....those Thai ladyboys in Pattaya, were just a drunk one nite thing , we all do dont we fellas ..?
love the Jesus pic he kinda looks a lil *paedo priest* in that pic though..;)
I have no idea what you just said, but I believe you insulted Buddy Christ.
Just because you thing somebody is attractive, doesn't mean you are attracted to them. Plus it doesn't make you gay Having sex with men exculsively makes you gayBoba_Fett_3710
Only if you are the receiver. If you're pitching and you don't make eye contact, it's straight.
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