That has more to do with the mastering than the format itself. There are several examples of albums where the CD is ruined and the vinyl is great, due to poor and good masterings, respectively. Stadium Arcadium comes to mind... Stadium Arcadium was just all around bad...HUGE sellout
I'm proud to say that I finished my Godspeed You! Black Emperor collection today, finally getting Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven. :D I now have their discography on vinyl :D
It seems like a lot of the hardcore music lovers here still buy CDs, but what about vinyl? The sound quality is unbelievable compared to that of a CD, plus the artwork looks so much nicer. Does anyone else prefer to buy their music on vinyl?
Yes, I should also mention Im canadian and the only company that carries the iPhone is Rogers. Im with Bell Aliant on a 3 year contract, so Blackberries and Palm Pres are my only option.CoreyNT
Okay, then I'd either get the Pre or the Tour. I hate the Storm's "touch screen."
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