Gah! You just have to hate my blog titles by now! :P
After just4yoshi's immensely popular and intuitive "Friendship Blog", I was inspired to create my own "mini" version. However, I've decided to leave out ratings or favorites, although there is a meter I will include indicating how often I communicate with that specific friend (on a scale of one to four), and a "Special Trait" thingy. Simply enjoy and take a gander at what I have to say about you (in alphabetical order)...
benjones1blj- Ahhh!! Just who is that strange figure?! :shock: I guess we'll never know. benjones...leader of The Sonic the Hedgehog Union, and GameSpot member for several years. Ever since I personally knew him, we haven't talked to each other very much. Could it be real-life duties? Other cyber duties? Unbeknownst reasons for not participating like crazy on GS? Don't know. He's still one of my friends, though, so when he wants to talk, I'll listen. :)
Stats ~~~
Level: 24
GameSpot member since: 2003
Been friends with for: A month or so
Special Trait: Formulating great ideas - Hey, he created the first Sonic union, after all!
Communication: 1 - Few and far between. Itching for more conversations.
Dark_Mits - This GameSpot user chose to avoid making a blog, but his character more than makes up for that. I talk to him mainly through The NiGHTS Union, and occasionally via PM. He's been a big help at TNU, and no matter what, always a pleasure to speak with. :D Currently an officer at TNU and SonicSpot.
Stats ~~~
Level: 15
GameSpot member since: 2005
Been friends with for: Hmm...Two months or more, maybe?
Special Trait: Speed shoes - Always there to help. Anything Sonic Team? He's in!
Communication: 1 2 3 - Don't speak with him a lot, but when I do, it's a great experience.
DesertClawX2X - My very first cyber friend. Met him on Wikipedia, went on to e-mailing each other, and now, we know ourselves on GameSpot. I'm not quite sure if I was the only one who encouraged him to create an account here, but I'm glad he did, nonetheless. November 9th this year marks our first anniversary. Looking forward to a dozen more... ;)
Stats ~~~
Level: 14
GameSpot member since: 2007
Been friends with for: Almost a year, if you count our friendship outside of GameSpot borders. The first Internet friend I've ever had.
Special Trait: Loyalty - First and longest, he's not one to call it quits on a rascal like me. :P
Communication: 1 - He may be my first cyber friend, and still is a friend, but we don't talk to each other nearly as much as we used to.
DoctorEggman - If you happen to become registered friends with this man, consider yourself fortunate. With 182 users tracking him, only 20 are in his friends list. Like me, he's rather choosy about who becomes his true "friends". An insane union poster and an entertaining guy, it's difficult to find anything about him that's un-agreeable.
Stats ~~~
Level: 28
GameSpot member since: 2006
Been friends with for: Several months
Special Trait: GameSpot User Prodigy - He's been a member for around a year-and-a-half, and he possesses over 10,000 posts! Elect him for moderator already!
Communication: 1 2 3 - As busy as he is, I still manage to hold a conversation with him once in a while, and I talk with him in his blog. That's why he gets an extra number for stretching his abilities a little further.
GabuEx - This guy's a computer science student in British Columbia, and it shows from his intelligence and experience. Unlike some computer geeks (using that term in the friendly sense), he's caring and compassionate as well. Behold, all who witness his wisdom throughout the hills and unions! Some way or another, you'll learn something valuable from him!
Stats ~~~
Level: 17
GameSpot member since: 2006
Been friends with for: A month or so
Special Trait: Don't judge an avatar by its cover - Isn't that bird from a game? A game something like "Chocobo Tales"? Whatever the case, don't let it fool you. He's no chicken. More like a falcon. With talons open for snatchin' up news!
Communication: 1 2 3 - The NiGHTS Union = main source of contact. A great officer + great friend.
im_at_sonic - This friend is probably my newest one. Say hello to im_at_sonic, a new buddy and a new user on GS (created an account no more than two months ago). I haven't talked to him very often, but I'm hoping that'll change soon. Just get used to the feel of GameSpot's interface, dude. :)
Stats ~~~
Level: 7
GameSpot member since: 2007
Been friends with for: A few weeks
Special Trait: Since he's still sorta unfamiliar to me, I can't really pinpoint one of his traits, but I know that he has a lot. :)
Communication: 1 - You still there, dude?
just4yoshi a.k.a. The Ambassador - (Sorry, yoshi. Couldn't find your icon in the proper format.) The Ambassador. Endless ideas and creative thinking spring forth from him like Sonic's never-failing appetite for chili dogs. And his stories? Pft! Some of the most original stuff I've ever seen. Wise and full of advice, if you haven't met him today, then do so now.
Stats ~~~
Level: 23
GameSpot member since: 2003
Been friends with for: Several months
Special Trait: van Gogh with words - Paints beautiful pictures not with a brush, but with his adept ability to compose original literature.
Communication - 1 2 3 4 - Responds to newsletters, posts at TNU, and interacts with his fellow buddies on his blog, incluidng myself. How does he do it all?
Lord_Alan - (Once again, could not find correct format.) Sega Saturn maniac, and all-around gamer. If something's arguable, he'll be on the case stating his courageous opinion. He's also a President! (...of the Edinburgh University Gamesoc, that is.) A combination of old-school and new-gen gamer.
Stats ~~~
Level: 17
GameSpot member since: 2004
Been friends with for: One - two months
Special Trait - Good taste - Just look at his game collection. Especially the Saturn section!
Communication - 1 - Most of the time, I only speak with him at TNU, but even then, I'm not neccessarily speaking to him, which is mostly my fault.
Majura- His name's no spelling error. He's a GS dude with all rights secured. Currently "taking up drawing", he seems to be working on some new artworks (am I correct, Majura?). Undoubtedly a Nintendoholic, so if there are any Big-N franchises you like, chances are he's interested in 'em, too.
Stats ~~~
Level: 21
GameSpot member since: 2006
Been friends with for: 1 - 2 months
Special Trait: Stray ocarina - Hark! What's that noice! Why, it's Majura! The Robin Hood of GameSpot! From one union to the next, what a sweet song he strokes from his ocarina...
Communication - 1 2 - By now, you might have noticed that I communicate with a lot of my friends via The NiGHTS Union. No exception here. And what's so wrong with that?!
Musashi_Humar - For some reason, I'm his only friend here. Why?! He's a great individual and a whole-hearted NiGHTS lover. Most of his posts are at, you guessed it, TNU, and also the NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams forum. A rising "star" in the NiGHT...(Ha! Get it?)
Stats ~~~
Level: 8
GameSpot member since: 2006
Been friends with for: Around two months
Special Trait: NiGHTS dedication - Is NiGHTS the only reason why he comes to GS? If so, awesome!
Communication: 1 2 - Once again, mostly TNU chats.
SonicX18 - Known this Sonic freak for a while. Even though he has a Transformers profile theme right now, he's most definitely a True Blue. Also, even with 125+ friends, he still insists that we remain buddies. Now that's a good friend. :)
Stats ~~~
Level: 17
GameSpot member since: 2006
Been friends with for: Several, several months
Special Trait: Anything and everything Sonic-cool - Gotta go fast! Gotta go fast! Gotta go faster, faster, f-f-f-f-faster! Go-g-go-g-go-g-g-go-go! SonicX18!
Communication: 1 - Both of us are Sonic fanatics. Unfortunately, are love of Blue hasn't really tightened our bond.
stkr - Meet GameSpot's ultimate Photoshop artist. It's simple: He makes everything look good, be it visual art or an outlook on life. Ask him for a favor, and BAM! There it is. His blog entries are detailed and interesting. He could write a 1,500 word essay on fabric softener, and the reader would never lose interest. :P
Stats ~~~
Level: 27
GameSpot member since: 2006
Been friends with for: Several, several months
Special Trait: Beauty beyond art - Ultra friendly and sociable. Needless to say, his artwork isn't the only reason why folks become friends with him.
Communication: 1 2 3 4 - My blog, his blog, PM... Speedy responses to art requests, despite his busy life. Always takes the time to reply to comments.
Vodo-Baas - The truth: He's my real-life cousin. :shock: Yep, the only other family member that I know of who has an account on GameSpot. I've hardly ever spoken to him online, but sometimes, who needs online when you can see someone offline, right?
Stats ~~~
Level: 3
GameSpot member since: 2007
Been friends with since: On GameSpot = June 9th or 10th / Beyond GameSpot = Years... :P
Special Trait: Ooo, here it comes, Lance...Your special trait is...Being a good cousin. :lol: Knew that? Okay. How 'bout kickin' stormtroopers' butts!
Communication: 1 - Unlike most of us, he doesn't visit GS that much. C-could it b-be that he doesn' me? :cry: Joking.
waitaseck - Just wait a sec, will you? Me and Nightopian man have known each other for a very long time, and as a matter of fact, he might be my longest-lasting GS buddy. We have a lot in common: We like NiGHTS, Sonic, posting, union-tending, and the cute little creatures of Nightopia, Nightopians. (Yes! That's right! A Sonic Team original!) You traveled so far in one year... wait-a-decade before you leave, okay?
Stats ~~~
Level: 24
GameSpot member since: 2006
Been friends with for: Several, several months
Special trait: Unlimited flight ability - This power-up has caused waitaseck to traverse two dozen levels in only one year. Look at him go!
Communication: 1 2 - Has that power-up worn off on chats? Naw. He's just a very busy jester!
Phew! Well, I hope you enjoyed my longest blog entry ever! :D I apologize if I offended anyone. :oops: For those of you haven't yet, it would mean so much to me if you could comment/critique your part of the blog. Thanks!
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