So its bad points are simply the technical issues with the game?
I've found issues with the gameplay. Play Barbarian on inferno if you want to get an idea. It's not that the game is too hard that you die all the time, it's that instead of being creative in their gameplay design to allow the player better control and more intelligent abilities as well as more situational enemies and environments in inferno so that when the player dies, it's almost always their fault. What they've done on the other hand is employ a very simplistic and old style multiplyer to enemy health and damage and leave it at that.
This is the only real gripe I have with the game and I'd probably give it an 8.5 too.
I think because of its high status it's easier to look at Diablo 3 more closely, play it more extensively and notice and pick out all the bad points the game has, in order to give a more accurate review. This is something I've personally had a harder time doing with other games.
@squall_83 It's just people's way of venting frustrations that they have to be online to play a game they so desperately wanted to play. The only explination for such persistance amongst some of them.
@MXVIII The servers they use now are different from the ones they used a while back. Regardless, it's not necessarily specific to the server hardware. People like you don't seem to understand that.
The game hasn't been cracked. It doesn't need to be. It can be played by diverting the client to login to a server other than Blizzard's own and allow people to play an incredibly lag filled bugfest with irratic damage calculations and loot drops as well as server admins doing whatever they want.
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