the first Metal Gear Solid(only because i never got around to plaing it)da62087boiA remake of MGS1 has already been made.. it's called MGS: The Twin Snakes, and it's for GameCube. Fantastic game by the way.
-Ven-'s forum posts
Just for the record an Assassin is technically a serial killer, but they do kill for purpose. A serial killer in the traditional sense is someone who kills on a whim a fancy, like the VTech guy or jack the Ripper there is somewhat of a difference, copperheadfangLast time I checked, an angelic assassin stabbing someone is just as violent as a masked psycho stabbing someone. Killing is killing, my friend..
[QUOTE="copperheadfang"]Alright now.. look at God of War/GoW2. If you're saying that blood and nudity will automatically earn a game an AO rating, you're mistaken. The GoW's had violence and nudity a-plenty, and easily gained its M rating. Like I said, Manhunt 2 was developed around the utmost amount of violence, so it basically asked for it rating.[QUOTE="-Ven-"][QUOTE="Bolund"]There has to be Nudity its a Slasher Flick game everyone knows the first person to do it, gets thier head cut off, it has to be AO if they wont let Manhunt 2 slid. QuebecSuperstar
Okay, so the developers at Rockstar "basically asked" for an adult only rating, then how I ask you can a development team claiming to make a game where you 'play as a serial killer' not do the same thing?
Well, just like -Ven- wrote, Hitman and Assassin's Creed both have you play as a serial killer! And neither have suffered the "AO treatment". It's all in what they want to make out of the game. Not in the protagonist's background only.
THANK YOU!! Took the words right out of my mouth.[QUOTE="-Ven-"]The simple fact that Rockstar WANTED and INTENDED to make Manhunt 2 as violent and controversial as possible explains its AO rating. Thay basically asked for it.. and I understand completely. This game, on the other hand, if the development team doesn't have that same sinister intent, and makes a game with the same violence level as, lets say, Gears of War, it will land an M rating easy, regardless of "playing as a serial killer" Basically, what you're saying is this game and Manhunt 2 are one in the same, and that's completely inaccurate. We've seen basically nothing on this new game, so we can't judge it yet.
In games such as Hitman or even Assassin's Creed you play a serial killer of sorts, and those havn't had any trouble with controversy to the extent of an AO rating.
That's the way I see it too! The serial killer background isn't enough to give the game an AO rating. And personally, even though I love violent videogames, I frankly don't need the game to be Manhunt 2-esque. Just give me a thrilling, gory, 17+ violence and I'll be happy.
Exactly. Glad to see at least ONE person sees eye to eye..
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