-Xodus- Blog
by -Xodus- on Comments
Ugh. Freelancer...
by -Xodus- on Comments
Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided!
by -Xodus- on Comments
Join Star Wars A Galaxy Divided today!
The galaxy continues to rebuild, to recover, after the vicious assaults that nearly ruined life as we knew it. As many rebuild what they have lost, and move on in their lives, the New Republic Archaeological Corps announces their recent discoveries. The ancient Star Maps rediscovered a few thousand years ago by Malak and Revan, are missing. Not only that, but the Coruscant Museum of Galactic Cultures, as well as the Hanna Institute of Antiquities have reported that they too have several items missing.
The New Republic finds themselves focusing on many paths all at once. While rebuilding relationships with key Republic worlds, rebuilding what they lost during what some call the Grey Wars, and forging new relationships, such as that with the Mandalorians and their new treaty, they also find the crime rates on many planet growing higher than they remember seeing in a long time.
While they seek to reform their ties to the New Jedi Order, the New Republic also puts together several key tasks forces in hopes of lowering the criminal presence within the New Republic borders. Yet the Jedi Order faces troubles of their own, despite moving to what they can hopefully call home. The rift within the Order deepens as several members of the Jedi Order search for the Jedi Separatists in hopes of reuniting the New Jedi Order.
And while the Jedi search, a New Sith Order, under the leadership of one called Dyne, rises on Korriban. After defeating the survivor from the Grey Alliance, Silas, the New Sith Order has moved in secret, taking Ziost for their organization, and waiting for the day where they can finally reveal themselves to the Jedi.
And that which was once the other half to the dark sided force users, the Remnant, remains within their own borders. Straying only once to battle the Republic for the planet of Mygeeto. That which was a way to keep their own borders more secure. However the Remnant made a move that they may one day come to regret. With their strike against the Republic, they pushed their long time enemies to do the unthinkable. The New Republic agreed to a treaty with the Mandalorians.
For years the mighty Mandalorian warriors sat back and dreamed of the day where they could continue the wars, started by their ancestors that had caused the galaxy to shake in fear. With the treaty they had forged with the New Republic, and the discovery of a lost treasure, that day may have very well come.
As the whispers of another Mandalorian War grows louder, and as the last of the Min Assassins try to find their place in the galaxy, the Galactic Crime Ring continues to flourish. Pirates, Assassins, Bounty Hunters, Mercs, and so forth, continue to bring in a huge profit. Breaking borders that some might thought to be difficult to break before seems to flow with much more ease. And now it seems that both criminals and Mandalorians alike are rising to new heights in this unstable galaxy.
So now many within the galaxy must decide on what direction they will take.
Will the Republic be able to gain the control they once had, or will the fall more than they already have?
Will the Remnant continue to hide within their borders, or is their silence just an eye of the storm?
Will the New Jedi Order find their lost ones, and reunite before the New Sith Order takes advantage of the split, or is there a force wars in the future?
And who should the galaxy truly fear? The Galactic Crime Ring, who seems to continue to grow, or the Mandalorians and their new and powerful weaponry?
What direction will you take?
Savior, conqueror, hero, villain, criminal... Or will you stand alone?
My Minicity.
by -Xodus- on Comments
I found this thing called My Minicity. You create a little city and it starts as nothing, but if you can get people to visit the link daily it'll grow and grow. You can name it what you want, as well as post bulletins. Its pretty fun, and I've created one.
Upper City, my city. Click here to visit, and raise it's population
Upper City, my city. Click here to visit, and raise it's industry.
Upper City, my city. Click her to visit, and improve it's transportation network.
Try to visit it daily, so that the population continues to go up!
The News Box #2
by -Xodus- on Comments
Okay, this is a really small post to finish off the weekend. Its about 8:35pm right now, and I just posted a review for the MMORPG called Voyage Century Online. I don't know if any of you play it, but I sure do. I love that game, which is why I gave it such a good review, but I was fair. Anyway, I've added a few people who reviewed the game and I posted this so they could see it.
My IGN: Durlak.
My Server: Columbus.
My Guild: RumRunners.
Okay, that's about it.
The News Box
by -Xodus- on Comments
This week has been quite fun I must say. A few good things and a few bad things have happened, and the best thing has been realised this week. Well, for all of you that watching On The Spot on Thursday, you saw that they did celebrate 11 years of Gerstmann. You might've also noticed that the host, Ryan Mac Donald, was pretty crushed that Jeff was gone. You could see it, but anyway they showed a tape, and it kind of made me sad. I'm going to miss Gertsmann. Let's have a moment of silence, shall we?
Okay, that's enough. Now a few bits of news. To begin with, I reached Level 12. I am now a Rad Racer so watch out because I might be radically racing around the forums of a Gamespot near you, or even the game forums. Fast as lightening, you don't know. Okay, along with that over the past week or two I've gotten a few new emblems.
Those ones right up there. On YouTube, I made an account name whcih is Ryyar, and I've got a few videos uploaded there. Mostly I'll be uploading videos there, but I will upload some of them here on Gamespot. Here's the link to my Gamespot Videos and one to my YouTube Channel. I hope you enjoy.
It seems there was never an XBL update for my KotOR II game, which seemed really odd...and what was odder, was there was apparently no XBL support at all. Spooky. Anyhow, I deleted both my games for KotOR I & II and started up the game and it was fine so that is very good news. In the darker news, my little puppy Emmy decided to chew up most of the 210-page guide I had printed. So, I am without a guide, but I can just have my laptop next to me so I can look at it when I need help, though I've played the game so much. Also, I will hopefully be getting KotOR I for Xbox and KotOR II for PC. I really really want to play the Gizka Team Mod.
Added on short notice: Penalty Chess: Man's worst creation ever?
KotOR III...
by -Xodus- on Comments
It sure as all hell better not be a **** MMO! I want my bloody original RPG for bloody christ's sake. I will be so mad if it is, because LucasArts and whatever other company that makes it will have lost all of my faith and respect. I mean, come on? Keep to what's best!
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