I can see it now. "I remember where I was when Kennedy was killed. I remember where I was when the Twin Towers fell. And most importantly, I remember where I was when Apple extended song previews on iTunes to 90 seconds." lol, with apple i wouldnt be surprised[QUOTE="blackngold29"]Well, we know that they're going to move song previews to 90 seconds, but I'm really hoping that's not the big announcement or I'll be disappointed. Especially since I already knew that.EolGul2
-Y2J-'s forum posts
becuase they are muslim countires e.g. islamic republics and what not the only one i can think of is turkey and its banned there.Many Muslim countries can't or don't want to even consider banning Sharia law.
The question is, why?
No muslims love al qaida , I assure you , half people in my country are muslims , and they hate them .FMAB_GTOall muslims should hate al qaeda, every other day they blow up mosques killing hundreds of muslims.
what is it?Travis_Odellaesthetic and kinect compatibilty. all the green is gone and is replaced with white and grey. looks way better and much quicker.
According to the Office for National Statistics, based on 2007 estimates, 69.0 percent of the 7.5 million inhabitants of London were White, with 57.7 percent White British, 2.4 percent White Irish and 8.9 percent classified as Other White. Some 13.3 percent are of South Asian descent, with Indians making up 6.6 percent of London's population, followed by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis at 2.4 percent and 2.3 percent respectively. 2.0 percent are categorised as "Other Asian". 10.6 percent of London's population are Black, with around 5.5 percent being Black African, 4.3 percent as Black Caribbean and 0.8 percent as "Other Black". 3.5 percent of Londoners are of mixed race; 1.5 percent are Chinese; and 2.0 percent belong to another ethnic group.[5] The non-white ethnic minority population of London in 2001 was just over 2 million or 29 per cent: an increase of 722,000 from 1991.[125]Similar thing is going in Britain. In fact, i think Brits are a minority in London currently.
I would not mind immigration if it were not for one thing, i don't like how immigrants can impose their culture. I am not saying i am against everything indian take-out restaraunt etc etc. But things such a sthe Muslim veil or, God forbid, Americanisms in the ENglish language, or others. I don't mind bringing a new flavour to the table. But it is when people want to bring their country with them, and not embrace the values and culture of the country they have decided to live in, that it annoys me.
People from the Middle East are guilty of this in my opinion. It is quite worrying how extremist individuals are currently in local government, although only councils, demonstrates the influence of immigrants. I also think that the government tries to maintain a ridiculous image of the PC state as if to claim a moral superiority. It's things like, jsut an example, when a Somali woman who has no right to be in this country, and should be evicted, is granted a council house, and £2,000 a week on benefits (3655$ (guess)) when other people who have every right to be in this country, get nothing.
If its one thing hte French got right, is the Burka ban. Not for the sake of being anti-muslim, but because immigrants are not embracing the culture and values of a society taht they have opted to live in. If they want to live in that particular community, they should appreciate their values and culture. That is not to say they have to severe ties to their origins though.
dont spread lies, people like you are the worst.
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