still surprised about the mumbai terrorism. how they jsut walked through the busiest city in india and took over multiple hotels, and a synagogue. and they say pakistan's intelligence agency is bad
its funny, but whenever something bad hapens in india, they always blame it on pakistan. i'm a british pakistani and i know how bad it is there. its a hellhole, corruption is through the roof and no one cares about anyone else. i read on some other forums on cnn, where the terrorist group that did the attack yesterday already gave a warning in september or october. this is really the fault of the indian intelligence. they always look for a scapegoat, and as pakistan is so messed up its easy to blame it on them.
also the guy who said nuke pk. as soon as india launch them, pk will fire they's back.
my 360 just rrod for the 2nd time. had installed the NXE for a couple of hours until it would freeze on the dashboard with the screen going all funny with pink lines. restarted it a couple of times and was working fine until i was in a gta4 lobby for cops n crroks and it did this again, but this time the 3 lights came on. nearly an eact year when it last rrod on my birthday.
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