basically yeh, but instead of a few businesses you have lots of empire buildings and you get your cash directly, all the other conent is the same though and multiplayer as a bonus
Does anyone know where i can find an official compatability list for the dual shock 3 controller? i cant seem to find it on ps3's website
yeh, but xbox 360 cases have the Xbox live on the front, ps3 cases have it on the back with the little globe
its because it was released after a certain date in november, icant remeber the exact date, it will probably be in next years cataogrey
for being no. 1 you get alot of crap games, jus look at ps2 last gen, plenty good ones but the crappy ones were still there
just bought me a 40gb too, even i couldnt find any 60gb, i dont think they make em anyomre. anyway add me psn id : Lucky_Se7enty
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