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-amanda- Blog

Comments on all the shows I'm watching + updates

I haven't been here much recently...it's time for an update!

This week I'm school free!! As we, high school seniors, have been studied a lot (or at least that was what we were suppose to be doing), they give us a week brake to relax! The problem is we shouldn't be relaxing because our test to get in a university is in less than a month. All the teachers are complaning about this week off, the principal don't like it either, but this is a tradicional 'event', even if they didn't give us the brake, we wouldn't go to school anyways! I'm not studying, I'm relaxing, but I'm feeling guilty about it! =/

Tomorrow I'm going to the party my classmates are doing to raise funds for our graduation party. It will be in a danceclub of my city. I think it will be fun because all my friends are going!! I hope everything works out and we win lots of money!! Still to raise money, I have to sell pizzas! That's right, pizzas! The brothers of my classmate have a pizza "store" and they let us win part of the profit, so each one of us have to sell 5 pizzas! I hate selling things, I don't have the balls to go and beg someone: "Could you please give me money??". I hate this kind of stuff and so does my parents! Well, anyone wants some pizza??

TV time: may contain spoilers

I started watching Fringe and I really love it!!! I've heard it doesn't have good audience tough, I hope they don't cancel it!! Seriously people, watch Fringe, it's really great!!

I'm so happy My Name Is Earl is funny again!! Season 3 was awful, but now it's better!!

How I Met Your Mother is just my favorite show!! Episodes 1 and 4 of this season were really really good!! 2 and 3 were ok! The last one (epi 4) was brilliant!! Awesome Barney is back, the old man trick is really good, I wonder if it actually works with dumb 22 year old! hahahah

Private Practice is okay...I like Charlotte/Cooper relationship , I don't like Naomi, I hate Addison alone, I hate they took Dell off (wtf???), and I think season 1 was better!

Grey's Anatomy is better than season 4! I'm glad we are over the George/Izzie thing!! I'm glad to see the re-start of Izzie/Alex. Finally Meredith stopped suffering, yay!!. I don't like the lesbian part (that's because I don't like neither Callie nor Han), Cristina is very funny, The Nazi is not nazi anymore (which is bad), and Sloan lost his point in the show without Addison!

House is awesome as always! The last episode was the best of the season so far!! I'm sooo glad Wilson is back!! House is really a freak, uhn?? i wonder if Chase and Cameron will get back to their old roles, I miss them!!

Heroes is not like season 1 anymore, but I still like it! The revelation of this last episode was amazing, can't wait to see the next one!! I don't like good Sylar. Common, he is the badass villain!! He is evil!! They are messing up with the tradicional superhero history...is like making the joker friends with batman!! This is stupid!

Prison Break is much better now than season 4. I love the cards storyline, I love Sara is back, I love the new Mahone (now the Joker/Batman metaphor doesn't apply heheheh), I love to hate T-Bag, but they can't kill Michael when the show end! This would be terrible, I know it's cheesy but I like happy ending!!

Dexter!! This new season is amazing!! Dexter made a mistake and now he has to deal with it without killing Miguel Prado! (but I guess he will end up killing him anyways!). Rita is pregnant, that's so cute! And now Dexter will be a father! Good he assumed the child, otherwise I'd kill him myself! I think he's gonna be the best father ever!

Supernatural is very very good!! i knew it had to be a good side, if they claim the devil exist, so ther must be a God!! Now an angel to hepl them...nice!! The episodes are becoming better and better!! I have to watch Supernatural always in the right day because I have a friend that loves this show too but when he watches the episode before me he starts telling me stuff and I hate it!!

Gossip Girl was never my favorite show, i just watch because...I don't know, once I start to watch something I don't stop (unless it's really terrible). This show is okay, the boys are gorgeous (heheheh), and it's fun to watch. I love Blair and her behavior (sometimes she is annoying tough), I don't like Dan and Serena together...the couples for me are Serena/Nate and Chuck/Blair. I haven't watched the last episode yet but I will soon!

I also started to watch The Sopranos (brazilian tv is reprising), it's a good show, I won't comment much because I'm only in the firsts episodes and people may give some spoiler unintentionally!

That's it for today! Thanks for reading!!

I've just killed my acoustic guitar! EDIT: My grief is gone!!

I'm soo sad!

I have just murdered my first instrument, that taught me the first chords and rythms. It has been in my family for years and years and I left him to death. Let me explain better.

My grandmother used to be an acoustic guitar teacher, so she had many guitars. She gave my mother this one, a Giannini series Trovador. That means the guitar had about 30 years.

I don't have a proper place to leave my guitar, and my grandma said it can't stay on the floor so I left it above the shelf, touching the wardrobe...I can't explain, what I want to say is that the guitar was kinda far from the floor.

A few months ago my sister dropped it and injured it. I got very mad. This time, when I closed the wardrobe's door, the guitar felt and hit the floor. It was letal, it's broken where you adjust the strings.

I'm ashamed to say I cried!I'm not the type of girl that cries for anything, i actually think crying is very lame! It was old and wasn't working very well but I had affection for my guitar! My mother didn't even cared, she said we'll go out later to buy another one.

The last song I played was Viva la vida (Coldplay), which is kinda ironic, considering it means 'live the life' in spanish.

This is my condolences to my guitar, you were very heplful, thank you!

RIP Amanda's guitar 1978 - 2008

EDIT: My grief is gone!!

I won a new acoustic guitar!! And it's so amazing!!

It's all black, electro-acoustic and comes with an eletronic affinador on it!! I didn't even know that existed! I'm even playing better!!

Of course now I also bought a proper support, no problems with fallings now!!

The old guitar was good while it lasted!

Gonna play now!

PS: as I'm talking about music, you must here The Killers' new songs 'Human' and 'Spaceman', specially the SNL performance, it's awesome! you can see the videos here: http://theaudioperv.com/2008/10/05/the-killers-played-on-snl-videos-on-104/

Idon't feel like being here anymore!

I've noticed that I often get very very addcited to one website and then I just drop it. It happened to me me with orkut, myspace, thecrims and a bunch of other sites I can't even remember! I thought it would never happen with tv.com! But now it's happening again!!

I used to do blog posts almost daily, to read blog posts everyday, to make reviews everytime I watched an episode and always submmiting quotes and trivias. I checked my profile at lunch time and spend hours here at night.

After the layout change, i don't feel like doing this anymore! I barely check in here, always hoping the old layout is back! I feel like I'm in another site, not the one I was used to!!

The blackout day was useless, apparently. Maybe we should do a blackout week, they have to feel we are not here anymore and their sponsors must feel like they're gonna start to lose money!

I won't drop the site completely, let me know when new revolutions against the new layout come!

It's my birthday! + top 5 changes

Yayy! It's my birthday today!! I'm 17 now! Isn't that great?

I finally picked my gift...it's a perfume called Carpe Diem and I loved it!

I don't really like giving parties, I have a problem with being the center of the attentions, and I get too worried if eberybody have everything they need, I can't really enjoy it! My godfather insisted on making a dinner at my house, it's just a family thing, but I didn't actually wanted it. But you know, I have to be polite and accept!

I think the coolest thing of birthday days, besides gifts, is everybody coming to say Happy Birthday to you. I like this part!! I was afraid nobody would remember or nobody would say anything...I actually dreamt I went to school and nobody gave a crap about my birthday! hahaha

But when I get to school today 22 people came to congrat me...yeah, I counted it out! Also I got many scraps on orkut (it's kinda like myspace)!

Also I just went to get my cake, it's from one of the best cookers of my city...it's filled with chocolate mousse and nuts...I haven't eaten yet though!

Now, top 5 changes on the website I hated and I really want them to vanish:

1- The number of tracked blogs that appears on the profiles is too little! I prefered like it was before!

2- The layout collors...too bright!

3- What's up with that thing we can't put paragraphs or bolds or smiles on comments? Common!

4- I want my emblems back! I think about 4 are missing, I care the most about the editor's emblem!

5- The way the blogs stay on the profile...I prefer the old fashioned one! You know, no 'read more' just a list of all the things that I've done!

That's it guys! Thanks for everybody that has already whished me Happy Birthday! Right now I'm struggling between studying or watching tv series...guess who will win? lol

Let's go dark everybody!!

Tomorrow is the blackout day. i decided I'll support the idea and I really hope it works out!! Considering the only profit of this website comes with advertasing, they do need lots of views to win lots of money! We actually have a chance to be successful!

Oct 1 we'll come back and tell 5 fives we hate about the new layout! It's all already in my mind! ;D

Also, Oct 1 is my 17 birthday! Don't forget to say congrats for me! LOL...I haven't decided my gift yet. Don't think I'm so rich and spoiled that I have everything I want. I'm definelly neither rich nor have everything...maybe spoiled! hahahah...I want many things but most of them money can't buy. Sounds cheesy, I know, but it's true!! But I'll pick a gift, don't worry! hahahahah

Completely useless blog post, I know. Probably won't even have many views because of the blackout and time zones differences! Anyways, just wanted to let you know I'm in!

Chit chat + new layout poll + what about the boycott?

I haven't been here much lately for two reasons: the new layout makes me feel like I'm a whole different site and I'm afraid of spoilers!!

I've been very busy with school things so I didn't had the chance to watch all my tv shows that are returning now...this site is very dangerous when you don't wanna see spoilers!

Last night I could watch 1 episode so I thought: I'm gonna watch Prison Break because Daniel (a friend of mine) always likes to tell me spoilers when I haven't seen the episode yet...I watched PB and it was awesome btw. Today I went to school and when I met Tandgy (another friend of mine) he started to tell me things about Heroes!! I haven't seen Heroes!! Fortunatelly he didn't tell big secrets but still...I should have watched Heroes, I didn't talk with Daniel today! - I think this piece is kinda confusing...in short, I hate spoilers!! lol

Thanks alguna for the tv.com poll about the new layout! I was very happy to see that 84% of the users want the new layout back!! I hope they attend us! Here's the link if you haven't voted yet:


How's the boycott going?? It's still gonna be on Sept. 30??

Ohh my birthday is coming! I haven't decided what my gift will be (actually I have chose many things but my parents wont buy them all!)...my options are: Nike or Adidas sneakers (they are expensive here!) or a acoustic guitar (though I'm a very very bad player) and all of The Killers' CDs (though I can't find the first one on sale!). Of course there were many more things in my 'list' but they are too expensive, no way I'll have them!

Talking about The Killers, have you heart their new single 'Human'? At first I only kinda liked it, now I'm in love! It take some time to grow in you but it's awesome!! You can hear in their website: thekillersmusic.com

Awesomeness reminded me of HIMYM! This show is sooo great! The new season os just de - wait for it - lightful! Delightful! I won't put any spoilers, don't worry! If you don't watch HIMYM, you should start, it's really really good! Watching the pilot is not enough, you take some time until you get addicted!

Boogieman with a teleprompter...clas.sic!

Emmy Awards...you let me down!

Today I had a test in the afternoon, finished at 6.30, went to grandma's house and came quickly home just to watch emmy's!! 5 wasted hours!

Red carpet was kinda cool...though I didn't know most of those people! I liked some dresses but mostly not!! I loved Rachel Griffin's and the Old Cristine's (cant remember her name)...Claire frim heroes (cant spell her name) was soo much better than last year!

Emmy's let me down since the first announcement. I can''t belive Neil Patrick Hariss lost!! He deserved it soooo bad!! Michael Emerson lost too. Unfair, I've never seen a better supporting actor than him. There were some people I was hopping to win that lost, but I could take it. Like best supporting actress...I would be happy if 3 out of 5 win but who won? One of the other two!!

Then Charlie Sheen lost for Alec Baldwin and Louise Parker for Tina Fey. That's when I started to get pissed off. Then Hugh Laurie lost. That's when start to get angry . Then Two and a Half losts for 30 Rock.

30 rock?? seiously²² whats so funny on this show that i can't see?? why so many prizes in one single night?? what's so special about tina fey?? I question the honesty of emmy awards...who are the people that choose the winners anyways??

For best drama series...here were my 3 favorites - House, Lost and !Dexter. And the winner is...Mad Men!

Common!! I think I bring bad luck!! I can't criticise Mad Men because i've never seen it but I doubt it's better than Lost or House! I have some toughts but I won't share because will certainly offend many people in this site, so let's just keep it to myself! LOL

Right now I'm very very mad. I feel like I passed the last 5 hours begin fooled. Okay, I might be over reacting!! But common, my shows/artists lost to the same series!! it wasn't very random! Believing the academy is honest, I think the members aren't anylising every piece of each show, just the whole thing. it's not because I love one show I say all of it is the best!

Well, at least I'm happy Pie-Latte (Pushing Daisies) won and even more hppy for House's Head. That was the best episode of the show!!

I'm too nervous to sleep but I gotta go! It's 00:30 and I half to get up in exactly 6 hours! Copying everything I wrote now...

Ohh, almost forgot. This question is to everyone who is an editor. Do you guys have your editor's emblems?? After the layout changes mine are gone! Do you think the staff decided not to put them anymore??

I give up!!

You won tv.com bug!

I had done this great blog post with pictures of tv stars when they were younger, and it took me some time to copy the pics, put on facebook and put here (btw this site is very slow!!)

When I press submit that - you must be logged in to post - showed up and all my 'work' is gone!

I hated this changes!! I'm pissed off now!!

I want old tv.com back!!

As I expected a hated the new site!! I'm completely lost!!

I can't do blog posts (I'm doing this one through gamespot), some of my emblems (I thin 4 of them) are missing, my profile image is larger than usual (I'm gonna change it now) and the site seems slower to me!

Also that favorite rank isn't very accurate. I put 10 in more than 1 tv series, they put number 1 in alphabetical order. I think Dexter is 10 but it's not my favorite! I'd say my favorite is How I Met Your Mother but D comes first than H, so tha rank is totally messed up!

I want the old tv.com back, they should let us choose, like hotmail does.

Did you guys like the new look?

Come here new emblem!

Heey, how are you doing?? Finally a not useless blog: The point of this one is to get my new emblem! lol

Today I woke up at 6:30am (yes, it's saturday) and went to school. Mom let me go driving (she was sitting right next to me, of course), I was pretty good. I didn't have to face many cars, I mean who is awake before 7am in a saturday? One of our teachers wasn't feeling well so we could go home earlier, at 10:50am. At 2pm I got back to school to do a 90-questions test about all subjects. I sucked! I only knew for sure english!(the text was pretty easy). I finished it around 7pm, came home, ate a sandwich, took a shower and went to the comedy play I said before.

The play was great!! It was really funny. The only problem is I'm myope (idk if that's the word, I can't see in far distances) and I hate wearing glasses!! It's not very bad, I only can't read and identify people there are far. As I never go out with my glasses, I completely forgot to take them to the play. Before they play begin they showed some slides, it was pretty much written jokes. Everybody was laughing but me! Grrr! And I also couldn't see many expressions on the actors! I hate having vision problems!!

Today I also found out episode 1 from season 3 of Dexter is already available on internet. I think happened like last season, the episode was released on internet illegally. I guess I'm not gonna watch only because I'll have to wait like a month to watch the next episode! If I watch today, when 3x02 come sout I'll have forgotten what happened on 3x01!

Tomorrow (yeah, sunday) I'll have to wake up at 8:30am to do another test, this one is only physics! It's dissertative, so I have to present the resolution, i can't just 'guess'! I know I complain a lot about school (mainly), thanks for reading anyway, but I'm right, it's too f*cking hard! (only when you want to go to a uni and it's studying in a private school, public education suck, is too easy). I'm telling you, I'll go nuts (or maybe I'm already am! lol)

I just went outside because my dog was barking and I found out why...there's a little frog there! It's kinda cute (as long it is far away from me). This is not the first time one of this shows up here, that's because behind my house there's a forest (not exactly a forest, it's a plantation of trees, they will cut them all in 3 years I think) and like 300 meters from here there's a very very small lake.