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vacations + barbecue + drunk me

Hey everybody! I'm on vacation now!!

That gossip about Chase and Ed from last blog post was a lie!! I'm soooo relieved!

My lasst day of school was Monday and today we had a barbecue to celebrate! I just got back from it and I'm kinda drunk! I'm not exactly drunk but I have never drink that much before!

I got home with a lift and then:

Me: Hi Mom!

Mom: You drank, didn't you?

Me: Of course not, mom! I don't drink!

Mom: Of course you did, I can smell it and you're talking weird! What did you drink? Beer?

Me: I hate beer!

Mom: So what? Wine? Vodka?

Me: Just a glass of vodka. I'm weak for drinks! (actually I drank 5 glasses of vodka). Everybody drank! my friend always made a glass for her and me, it's her fault!

Damn it! Mother's always now everything! How can they??

It was really fun today! Not because I'm drunk, but just for being with my friends! Actually it was weird being drunk, everything was spinning and I talked without thinking! LOL

My mom is not mad with me! Well, let's wait until tomorrow!

I started watching Grey's Anatomy! I loved it! I'm still on season 1 so no spoilers!!

Right now I can't remember any more subjects to talk about! I think that's it!


Tagged (10 things weird about me) + Little GG gossip

I did a blog post yesterday, I was going to wait a little longer until next one but I was tagged! I'm so happy! Thanks alguna!

:shock: I saw a gossip telling that Chace Crawford (Nate) and Ed Westwick (Chuck) from Gossip Girl are in real life more than just friends :shock: I really hope it's a lie! They are too beautiful, women team can't lose these two! (especially Chace! lol). Honestly I'm not beliving, but who knows?!

Tomorrow I'll have a chemistry test! First the teacher got some easy questions for the test but some boys found the resolution, now I think the teacher will make everything harder! I'm not very confident, but I think I'll be okay! Ohh and I discovered an easy way to memorize the standard acids (like HNO3, H2CO3...) but it only works for portuguese speakers!

I'm with a back ache since yesterday...I guess it's because I sit in the wrong way and lack of exercises! I need a massage! lol

About the tagging....alguna actually told me to write 10 interesting things about me, but I just realised that know! Sorry, I wasn't paying attention when I read so I wrote 10 weird things about me! I'm a weird person, so there's a lot to write! here it comes

1. I kinda talk to myself (not out loud) in english - what's weird about it? my first language is portuguese

2. I'm afraid of people. I hate walking alone at any time of the day, I always feel like someone may be stocking me.

3. I hate small talk. I always get mad with my mom when she starts to tell our lives to balconists, for example, they don't wanna know why we're shopping, they just want us to give the money!

4. I love fire, to see things burning...i'm not a psycho, don't worry, but flames are beautiful!

5. I have tendency to not like people. I mean, I don't even know the person but I don't like her/him just for it's way to behave. I've been proved wrong many times.

6. I hate elavators! I avoid them a lot, stairs are always better, specially when I'm alone!

7. I'm not very girly...I like make-up but hate painting my fingernails, wearing high heels...

8. I'm not sentimental and i don't enjoy boys who love to express their feelings. That's one of the reasons why I broke up with my last boyfriend. Once, we went to the movies and he cried when the dog died! He didn't tried to hide or whatever, he was just touched! And the dog was a recurring role! (I'm not saying this is wrong, it's just not my type of man :P)

9. Nowadays I hate sports or any kind of physical activities althought I did ballet classes for 7 years and 1 year of street dance (the street dance thing was my rebellion against all the excess of dicipline ballet demands)

10.I love blog posting here because nobody really knows me, so I'm not trying to cause a good impression or caring what you're going to think about me! (think about good things please! lol)

Am I weird? totally! ;)

Nothing to do + survey

You know when you have a lot of things to do but you don't want to do anything? That's how I am right now! I have a lot, a lot of subjects to study, but I don't feel like doing it!! I feel bad because I'm not studying...but f*ck it! lol I know I'll regred later, but that's a problem for future amanda! lol again

I'm bored = survey

which one do u prefer more:
lollipops or gum? *** gum
america or britain? *** britain
strawberries or bananas? *** strawberries
spiderman or batman? *** spiderman
rocks or stones? *** what's the diference?
may or october? *** october, my birthday!
17 or 92? *** none! lol
scared or humiliated? *** scaredd
bunny or rabbit? *** bunny, idk
tropical or temperate? *** tropical for sure (i'm already freezing with this ridiculous tropical winter)
vamps or werewolves? *** vamps!!

just answer the questions...
what was the last book you've read? *** A cidade e as serras, only half of it
what was the last movie you watched? *** stardust, and i loved it
whens the last time you sang jingle bells? *** hmmm...i have no idea
what kind of music do you listen to? *** indie rock
if you got to be the age you are in any year what year would it be? *** idk...the age i'd be the happiest!
whats your name? *** amanda
do you like marshmellows? *** yeah
whats something that pisses you off? *** people who think they're the only one that exists!
do you have a cat? *** i'm a dog person
how many more days until school starts? *** my vacations haven't even started yet!
where are you? *** my room
do you have any current cuts or bruises? *** i have a bruise in my leg, but i have no idea where i got it!
whens the last time you went to the beach? *** january
who's the last friend you saw? *** actually it was a group of friends: karen, murilo, thais, tandgy and deraum
what was your first favourite band? *** my first? it was a singer called angelica
are you chewing gum right now? *** no

I found a Lost survey right now, but it's too long and I'd have to put one question by one...i'm too sleepy for that! good night people!

Best Festa Junina ever!

Hello, how are you doing??

So yesterday it was my 'Festa junina' that I talked about last blog post. I asked my english teacher and she said you guys don't have this kind of thing, but i could call it country party.

It was very very funny!! A couple of teachers danced with us too! We didn't have much time to pratice so everything was kinda improvised! It's easy to improvise in this type of dance because our gym class teacher tells us in the microphone what to do.

Like I told before, we have to wear costumes so everything gets ten times more funny! I'll show you some pictures!

some of us!

some of us! funny, isn't it?

this dance is typical of country parties, so as usual we had the groom and the bride. the whole dance is pretty much the celebration of a country marriage, the party celebrates the day of saint antonio, the saint that blesses marriages (catholic church thing)

the girl who played the bride isn't very popular (not the word i'm looking for)....actually she is kinda a whore...i'm not sure if this is the word too, she likes to hang out with a lot of boys!

so, there were no hat more perfect than this:

groom and bride

her bouquet was a cauliflower! lol

There is this part the teacher on the microphone says cheers for something and we are supposed to scream (not the word again) aproving it...she says cheers for a lot of things and we are like: yeahh!

then she said: cheers for clarice (our principal)

everybody: uuuuuuuhhhhhhh (i don't know if you understood, we disaproved! lol)

hahahaha it was awesome!

Weeks of hell!

How are you doing?? I hope good!!

So, I had physics test today...I thought I knew everything but turns out that I didn't!

After the test, most of us went to practice the dance we're gonna present at a tradicional party over her, called Festa Junina. It was funny, we never got it right!

Next couple of weeks will be pretty hard at school...check out my schedule of tests

  • 15/06 (yes, it's sunday) - 'Simulado' - big test, 90 questions of all subjects;
  • 17/06 - portuguese;
  • 19/06 - i don't know the name, the kind of class you write compositions but ther're theorical things too;
  • 20/06 - spanish in the morning, biology in the afternoon;
  • 22/06 - 'simulado' again
  • 24/06 - english
  • 25/06 - sociology in the morning, literature book in the afternoon
  • 27/06 - chimestry
  • after 30/06 = vacations!! (thank god!!)

Yes baby, I'm freaking out! I have no idea how am I suppose to do well in these! Maybe studying instead of writing in blog posts! lol

Seriously, I'm not going to study for the simulados (i'm convinced it's impossible studying for that) neither spanish and english....heyy i'm kinda studying for english right know...this makes me feel less guilty! lol

The tipical party I mentioned is friday (20)...and for cheer us up, we (all my class) are going to have a barbecue in 30/06!

Changing the subject, I'm addicted right now to a song by The Kooks called Gap...listen to it, is amazing!! I tried to play in on acoustic guitar but I suck....and I'm not making drama, I really suck! I heard they're [Kooks] coming to Brazil for some concerts...unfortunatelly is a little bit far from my town, I'll probably miss it!! =(

TV (afterall the site is tv.com) - I haven't been watching many shows....all of my favorites are on a break right now! I'm re-watching season 2 of the oc...the episode I watched today is the one after seth and summer got back together...so cute! I'm gonna try to watch 1.21 and 1.22 of greek this weekend...i'm sort of saving these episodes because after that i won't have anything new to watch! lol

PS: Sorry about the english...too many repeted words, not mentioning grammar rules, i really need to improve my vocabulary!

Saturday night, finally!

I'm angry! I was finishing to write the blog post and closed the page , pressing Crtl + something!! :evil:

Here it goes again!

Hey people, It's 2:45 am right know and I jsut got back from this annual fair (or festival, i'm not sure how to say this in english) we have in town. It lasts about two weeks, it's free and there are concerts everyday! The whole city goes there!

Today it was very fun. There were me, 2 girl-friends and 2 boy-friends (friends, not people that are dating). The boys went to the roller coaster (i'm not sure if that's the name again) and they held hands! Very gay!

But then I felt bad about something. My ex-boyfriends was there. He was drunk, went to this roller coaster and threw up. I didn't know what to do. I'm still feeling very bad about it. i think he was trying to prove a point, idk.

The concert was of a girl, Wanessa Camargo, that I think is very lame! We mocked her a lot. She forgot the lyrics when was covering a band!! By the way, she did a lot of covers! It was fun.

We stayed there for a little more and then went away. When we were trying to get to the parking lot, we saw a man lying in the stairs (there are a big roll of stairs). His eyes were kinda open, and didn't move. Somebody threw a can at him, but he was still paralised. I think he was dead. H really seemed dead. I hope he was just drunk. I think I won't be able to sleep, it's very very scary. I don't want to have nightmares!! lol

Long survey for bored people!


Today I was going to school on foot (my school stay 3km away) but fortunatelly my neighbor gave me a ride! The clas$es were very boring, most of the students didn't come because yesterday night we had a concert in town, Nx zero, kinda of an emo band, i don't like them so i didn't go!

It's getting late but I'm ot sleepy (which is bad considering tomorrow i have to go to school)

Wait, tomorrow is Saturday! Ohh that's right, it doesn't matter because I study at the only school in town that have clas$es on saturdays!!! I hope all my effort be worth and I get in a college next year.

I was really bored so I decided to take a survey! It's not one of the best I've seen but feel free to copy if you're bored too!

---------------LAST PERSON WHO--------------
x. Slept in your bed: me
x. Saw you cry: i don't remember...
x. Made you cry: the dentist!
x. You shared a drink with: my friends - barbara and isa
x. You went to the movies: ex-boyfriend
x. You went to the mall with: relatives - parents, sister and cousins!
x. Yelled at you: my sister
x. Sent you an email: youtube service!

-----------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------
x. Have you ever liked someone who hadn't like you?: who hasn't??
x. Said "I Love You" and meant it? thiago (not the ex-boyfriend, the one before lol)
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: no
x. Been to California: no
x. Been to Hawaii: no
x. Been to Mexico: no
x. Been to China: no
x. Been to Canada: no
x. Danced naked: no
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?: no (god, i'm so boring!)
x. Do you have a crush on someone: maybe...i'm not sure!
x. What book are you reading now: como e porque sou romancista - jose de alencar (for school)
x. Worst feeling in the world: when someone you know passes away
x. Future son's name: have never really thought about it...i like kyle (but i'l never put this name if my son be born in brazil!)
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
x. What's under your bed: an extra mattress ;D
x. Favorite sport to watch: i hate to watch sports, but i like world soccer cup!
x. Siblings: one sister - barbara
x. Location: ourinhos - sp - brazil
x. College plans: i still have my doubts but i'm thinking about eletrical engineering!
x. boyfriend/Girlfriend: i want to stay away from relationships for sometime!

------------------------EXTRA STUFF----------------------
x. Do you do drugs: no
x. Do you drink: on rare ocasions!
x. What are you most scared of: crowds and elevators! lol
x. Where do you want to get married: i don't want to get marry...or at least i don't think about it
x. Who do you really hate: people who think they're better then everyone
x. Been in Love: yes
x. Do you drive: yes but i don't have a license!
x. Do you have a job: no
x. Do you like being around people: not a lot!

x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: no...my boyfriends/friends were always nice!
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go for? sweet boys
x. Want someone you don't have right now: a super-smart brain!
x. Are you lonely right now: depends what you mean by lonely...
x. Song thats sticks in your head a lot: right now - look after you by the fray
x. Do you want to get married: i have already answered...but no!
x. Do you want kids: no! (i'm not saying never, but i don't dream about it!)

x. Room in house: mine
x. music: when you were young - the killers
x. Band(s): the killers, the kooks, arctic monkeys, oasis, maroon 5....
x. Color: black
x. Perfume or cologne?: egeo
x. Month: october
x. Stone: i'm not a fan of stones lol

--------------IN THE LAST WEEK, HAVE YOU---------------
x. Cried: no
x. Bought something: may i say food? =p
x. Gotten sick: i'm healthy!
x. Sang: in the shower!
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: no, thank you
x. Met someone new: yes
x. Missed someone: yes
x. Hugged someone: i think so...
x. Kissed someone: in the mouth? no =/

----------- I N F O R M A T I O N ------------
Name: Amanda
Status: single
Sex: female
Birthday: 01/10
Sign: libra...i don't know how to say this in english!
Hair color: light brown
Eye color: light brown
Height: 1.67 m

----------- F A S H I O N | S T U F F --------------
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: curitiba (not a store, a city!)
Favorite designer?: i don't know
What is your sexiest outfit?: a shorts and a black blouse...i don't know how to describe but it's simple and i look good lol
What is your most comfortable outfit?: the ones i only use at home!
What do you usually wear?: jeans, t-shirt and sneakers

-------------- S P E C I F I C S -------------------
What kind of shampoo do you use?: seda, natura...
What are you listening to right now: my sister talking....man, she talks a lot!
Who is the last person that called you? my friend isa
How many buddies are online right now?: i'm not on msn!

------------- F A V O R I T E S -----------------
Foods: chocolate
girls name: amanda ^^
Boys names: leo, kyle, brian, guilherme, bernardo
Subjects in school: physics
Animals: dogs!

---------------- H A V E | Y O U | E V E R -------------
Given anyone a bath? my sister and my dog!
Smoked?: no
Bungee jumped?: noooo
Made yourself throw up?: no....ew
Ever been in love?: yes (i think i've seen this question somewhere here!)
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: i tried, but i couldn't!
Cried when someone died? yeah =(
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Done something you regret?: yess

------------- fave ---------------------
Music: when you were young...i have told you this, this survey is repetitive!
Smell: chocolate!
Desktop picture: one of lost with the numbers (4 8 15 16 23 42)
DVD in player: idk...

--------------- A R E | Y O U ---------------------
Understanding: no
Open-minded: maybe...depends
Arrogant: a little lol0
Insecure: yes
Random: maybe
Hungry: yes
Smart: no
Organized: noo
Healthy: yes
Shy: yes
Difficult: yes
Bored easily: yeeeeeah
Obsessed: with somethings...
Angry: yeah
Sad: no
Happy: yes
Hyper: idk
Trusting: yes

--------- W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A --------
Kill?: wow...never thought about it....shooting?
Slap?: in the face!
Get really wasted with?: adam brody lol

------------------ R A N D O M ---------------------
In the morning I: don't like talking
All you need is: happiness
Love is: too complicated
I dream about: being successful
What do you notice first in the opposite sex you're into: if he's beautiful!

--------- W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ---------------
Coke or Pepsi: diet coke
Flowers or candy: candyyy
Tall or short: tall

-------------- D O | Y O U | E V E R -----------------
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: yess
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: sometimes things are eaiser for men, but if i were one of them, i'd be gay!
Wish you were younger: yes...i wanto to be a baby again!!
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes

----------------- N U M B E R --------------
Of times I have had my heart broken: 1
Of CD's I own: not many...
Of scars on my body: 2 (little small ones, less them 1cm, they're simetrical one of each arm and i have no idea where i got it!)

American TV summer schedule

I have just seen the summer (winter for me) schedule and it's terrible!! There's only one show I'm going to watch!

In July my vacations start and I won't have anything to do! It's probably good because I should study...but I won't stay 24/7 studying!!

Other bad thing is that in fall a lot of my favorite shows will be on and I won't have time to watch them all! I was counting, and I thing 10 shows will return in september or close...How am I going to download and watch 10 episodes per week with my ninja-test coming? (dude - Hurley thing - is the one that decides if I i'll go to college next year or not)

PS: I'm probably making some silly drama here but I don't care! lol

Gossip Girl = copy of The OC

I'm a huuuuge fan of The OC and I got really sad when it was cancelled. But then I heard that Josh Schwartz, the creator, was writting a new TV show...nice, the first show was awesome, the second should be even better! So, of course I started to watch. Unfortunately, criativity is not an easy to have. Gossip Girl is pretty much a copy of The OC!! Please fans don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I don't like it, i'm just saying is not original. I saw a site comparing the characters, and they are almost the same as well! I guess is the telespectadors fault (including me), we son't get tired of seeing the same things because we love it!

Here are some facts that I remembered. If you remember anything else, just let me know and I'll edit it!

Their dad is gay (Luke/Blair)

They were poor and entered to the high society, without denying where they came from (Ryan/Dan)

They were poor and entered to the high society, denying where they came from (Julie/Jenny)

Her friend bought a pregnancy test because thought she was pregnant (Summer/Blair)

The dad is a thief (Jimmy/Mr. Archibald)

The parent has problems with drugs/drinking and went to rehab (Kirsten/Mr. Archibald)

She seems to be a nice girl but killed/almost killed someone (Marissa/Serena)

They said 'I love you' and the other one said 'Okay'/'Thank You' (Marissa-Ryan/Dan-Serena)

They're all very very rich.

Result of Top 100

Some time ago I put a quiz of the top 100. I don't believe a lot of people from here voted but I think it's nice to put the results anyway! ;D

1. Lost
2. Heroes
3. The O.C.
4. House
5. Friends
6. Supernatural
7. Prison Break
8. Smallville
9. The Simpsons
10. One Tree Hill
11. Two And A Half Men
12. Gossip Girl
13. CSI
14. Grey's Anatomy
15. Dexter
16. 24 Horas
17. Desperate Housewives
18. Gilmore Girls
19. Queer as Folk
20. Veronica Mars
21. The Big Bang Theory
22. Cold Case
23. X-Files
24. C.S.I. Miami
25. My Wife and Kids
26. Sex And The City
27. E.R.
28. Buffy
29. South Park
30. Nip/Tuck
31. Chuck
32. Everwood
33. Everybody Hates Chris
34. C.S.I. New York
35. Dawson's Creek
36. Pushing Daises
37. Jericho /Monk
38. That 70's Show
39. Xena
40. Greek
41. Samantha Who?
42. Californication
43. Will And Grace
44. My Name Is Earl
45. Ugly Betty
46. Seinfeld
47. Alias
48. Without A Trace
49. Scrubs
50. Futurama
51. Ghost Whisperer
52. How I Met You Mother
53. Family Guy
54. Charmed
55. Roswell
56. The 4400
57. Criminal Minds
58. Bones
59. Psych
60. Brothers and Sisters
61. The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air
62. Felicity
63. Full House
64. MoonLight
65. The New Adventures Of Old Christine
66. The Sarah Connor Chronicles
67. Angel
68. SVU
69. MacGyver
70. Malcolm In The Middle
71. Kyle XY
72. The Office
73. The L Word
74. American Idol
75. Lois & Clark
76. Joey
77. Medium
78. Numb3rs
79. Punk'd
80. The Sopranos
81. Las Vegas / Skins
82. American Dad / Band of Brothers
83. Oz / Rome
84. Friday Night Lights
85. Weeds
86. Battlestar Galactica
87. Private Practice
88. Tru Calling
89. Six Feet Under
90. Men In Trees
91. NCIS
92. Dead Zone
93. Hannah Montana
94. 30 Rock
95. Boston Legal
96. Reaper
97. Dirt
98. RBD / Shark
99. Dirty Sexy Money
100. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

Total of votes: 120180