Been adding the games of my gaming past and seems I got a few new badges to show off. Now, there is probably a "Super-1337-Gamer"-badge... I wonder who I have to beat to get that... Probably Greg.
Joined a few Unions today, nice way to spice everything up I guess. I'm now a proud member of The GameSpot Paid Subscribers Union, the Classic Adventure Gamers Union and the Headcarb Union. I also applied for the Old School Union since I'm...kinda old... at least older than most people here I guess... and I've been gaming since the 80's!
Now I have to play a few hands of hold'em to get into character, got a game with my friends tomorrow and I intend to steal every last penny of them... again.
Until next time.
-r4z0rbl4d3- Blog
1st blog
by -r4z0rbl4d3- on Comments
Well, I've been around for a while, even reached level 10 a few days ago, but I've never really... contributed with anything, except for the odd post or comment. Well, I don't think I have the answer to curing cancer and I'm pretty sure I can't walk on water but I do have opinions. And fingers. And a computer. So why the hell not? Everyone else spills their guts all over the place and why should I keep them on the inside and be a party-pooper? Who am I to just sit here passively, reading, watching and utterly CONSUMING what everyone else thinks, says and shows? NO! I will not stand IDELY BY while everyone SCREAMS out their ANGUISH, REEKING SARCASM on the WORLD, DISCUSSING the inner SANCTUM of GAMING! NO MORE! I MUST take a stand, put my FOOT down, lay the CARDS on the table, water the CACTUS, drive a hard BARGAIN, TOUCH someone, HONOR the DEAD, take my HAT off, take out thew TRASH... and... uhm... take the dog for a walk... and clean this place up... I... uhm... I'm not sure where I was going with this... Got stuff to do now... Cya.
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